Dauphin constituency (46 out of 46 polls reporting)
Ron Kostyshyn (NDP) 4810
Gord Wood (PC) 4467
Swan River constituency (42 out of 45 polls reporting)
Rick Wowchuk (PC) 5214
Andy Maxwell (NDP) 2522
Don McKenna (Keystone) 413
Riding Mountain (50 of 53 polls reporting)
Greg Nesbitt (PC) 4787
Wayne Chacun (NDP) 2378
Eileen Smerchanski (LIB) 331
Agassiz (34 of 35 polls reporting)
Jodie Byram (PC) 4403
Danica Wiggins (NDP) 1516
Mark Wilson (KEY) 698
Richard Davies (LIB) 305