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Dauphin's new economic development manager says he's ready to hit the ground running.

Martijn Van Luijn was hired a few weeks ago, and says there are a number of challenges to economic development, but that the key to success is forming lasting partnerships.

"There is so much that we can do and I won't be able to do it all at once," said Van Lujin. "I'm an excited member of this community. I know there will be obstacles and mountains to climb but we're uniquely positioned to do all of that."

Van Luijn has been an active member of the community for 20 years and considers Dauphin a first-class destination for tourists. Among his other duties, he will be encouraging local entrepreneurs to start their new business in Parkland.

City Manager Sharla Griffiths says Martijn was the most qualified applicant, and everyone at city hall is thrilled to have him back on the team.

Van Luijn already has a number of connections in the local business community.