Dr. Brent Roussin has announced that additional public health orders are being implemented for unvaccinated Manitobans.
He says gathering sizes will be reduced when unvaccinated people are present.
“This includes limiting households to guests from one other household for private indoor gatherings when an unvaccinated person who’s eligible (For the vaccine) is present on that property. This even applies if the unvaccinated person lives at that location.”
When it comes to outdoor gatherings on private property, gathering sizes will be limited to 10 when any unvaccinated people who are eligible for the vaccine are present.
Indoor public gatherings are being reduced to 25 people or 25 percent capacity, whichever is lower when any unvaccinated people who are eligible for the vaccine are present.
Outdoor public gatherings are being reduced to 50 people, regardless of immunization status.
The COVID-19 response level on the province’s Pandemic Response System is being raised to restricted orange from caution yellow to reflect the increased severity of the risk.
Roussin says the move to the restricted orange level won't affect schools.
The new orders will come into effect on Tuesday, Oct. 5th at 12:01 a.m.
There is an additional one-week grace period for weddings and funerals already scheduled.