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Dauphinites have an opportunity to watch drive-in movies for free this weekend.

The RM of Dauphin is hosting free drive-in movies this Saturday at the Selo site, south of the city.

The gates, and concessions open at 1:00 p.m.

The first movie, The Boss Baby: Family Business, begins at 2:00 p.m.

Concessions reopen at 5:00 p.m., with the next movie, Cruella at 6:00 p.m.

The last movie of the night, F9: the Fast Saga is at 9:00 p.m.

Nicole Chychota, CAO of the RM of Dauphin says they had support to put on this event.

“We were approached by a company called EventPro that was successful in securing money from the province of Manitoba to support the Place Brand communities, which Dauphin is one of, to put on drive-in movies for their communities.”

Nicole is encouraging people who attend to bring non-perishable food items to donate to the Dauphin Food Bank.

“The Travel Manitoba money really just set the stage of what we were doing, and from there it was up to us to decide what we wanted to do, and how big we wanted to make it. We were fortunate enough to get some great sponsors on board, Dauphin Co-op and Fusion Credit Union were two of them, and this allowed us to make it big enough that we felt it would be a good opportunity for us to encourage people to bring items for the food bank.”

Nicole says they will be able to accommodate 500 people or around 200 cars for each movie.

Attendees will need to wear masks inside of Selo Hall, but proof of vaccination isn’t required.