Many businesses and facilities are able to reopen to 25 percent capacity today.
This comes as the province announced on Wednesday that Manitoba will move ahead with the first milestone of its ‘4-3-2 One Great Summer’ Reopening Path a week early.
The changes include:
· outdoor gathering sizes on private property to double to 10 persons and to allow outdoor visitors to briefly access homes for essential activities
· public outdoor gathering sizes to increase to 25 people
· retail businesses to open with increased capacity at 25 percent to a limit of 250 people, with no restrictions on the number of household members, permitted to shop together
· personal service businesses like hair salons to reopen at 50 percent capacity, on an appointment basis only
· restaurants and bars to reopen at 25 percent capacity for indoors and 50 percent for outdoor dining
· indoor faith-based services and organized community gatherings to resume at 25 percent capacity to a limit of 25 persons with masks worn at all times
· outdoor faith-based and organized community gatherings to resume for up to 50 people, provided distance can be maintained between households. Drive-in services continue to be permitted
· outdoor weddings and funerals may take place with up to 25 participants, in addition to photographer and officiants Indoor weddings and funerals remain limited to 10 people
· indoor dance, music, theatre, and other organized sports and recreation activities may reopen at 25 percent capacity to a limit of five persons, with no tournaments allowed
· outdoor dance, music and theatre classes, and other organized recreation activities may reopen for groups of up to 25 people, with no tournaments allowed
· swimming and wading pools, both indoor and outdoor, may reopen at 25 percent capacity
· gyms and fitness facilities may reopen for individual and group fitness classes at 25 percent capacity with three meters distance maintained between patrons
· summer day camps may reopen to a maximum of 20 participants in groups
On Friday it was also announced that Manitoba would move to orange from red on the restart Manitoba Pandemic Response System today.
These orders are set to expire at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 2nd, or sooner if the province hits the next milestone in the Reopening Path.