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Manitobans will have free access to provincial parks and fishing without a license this weekend.  

This event has been happening in the province annually since 1992, every June 12th and 13th. Climate Minister Sarah Guillemard encouraged people to get out and explore this weekend:

 “There is no better way to enjoy a Manitoba weekend than in a provincial park.”

 “We all need to find ways to embrace nature while at the same time remembering to follow all the latest public health guidelines.” said Guillemard.  

Those who do take advantage of fishing without a licence this weekend will be able to keep the conservation licence limit, which varies based on species.

All other rules and regulations still apply. For more information and to see the full list of the regulations, visit here.

Access to provincial parks will also be free starting Friday, June 11th running through Sunday, June 13th. Regular camping fees will still apply if visitors plan on staying the night.