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Two new cases of COVID-19 were announced by public health officials as of 9:30 this morning. The two bring the total number of lab-confirmed positive and probable cases in the province to 292. 

Just one individual is currently hospitalized while no individuals are in intensive care. 

There are 18 active cases while 267 people have recovered. Seven people have died from the virus in Manitoba.

Since early February, 37,272 have been tested in Manitoba.

Gathering sizes:

As of today, they've increased. No more than 25 people are allowed to gather indoors while the number outside has increased to 50 and social distancing measures must still be in place.

In addition, players, coaches, managers, training staff and medical personnel employed by or affiliated with a professional sports team may attend the team's facilities for the purposes of training and practicing, provided that no members of the public are permitted to enter those facilities.

The province is reminding everyone that people without symptoms should not seek out testing at this time. 

For up-to-date information on testing criteria and community screening sites, visit locations. Additionally, a full of Manitoba government COVID-19 measures is here.