Today marks the first day Canadian businesses can apply for the federal wage subsidy program.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says nearly 10,000 businesses applied for the 75% wage subsidy in just the first few hours.
But will this federal program be able to meet the needs of Parkland businesses? Executive Director of the Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce Stephen Chychota says we’ll have to wait and see.
“It’s kind of early to gauge and figure out what supports are really needed. It will still take some time to figure out where government has to step in and make some supports. Maybe some other organizations, including the chamber, have to get creative to see where we can help out local businesses.”
Chychota says some local employers have been forced to drastically scale-down business in order to carry on during the COVID crisis. If federal assistance can help save some of their employees, he says that’s a good thing.
There are several provincial support measures in place for Manitoba businesses. The province recently announced a new call-centre to help Manitoba businesses get connected with the support programs available to them.
Locally, the Dauphin & District Chamber of Commerce continues to help local businesses; listening to their concerns and providing resources to help navigate the support programs available to them.
Although their office is closed, Chychota says local businesses can contact the Dauphin Chamber on Facebook, Twitter, or by email at