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Dauphin Recreation Services has now closed seven public parks in Dauphin.

They include:

  • Vermillion Park Playground
  • Kerr Avenue Playground (East end of Kerr Avenue)
  • Kirby Park (Corner of Kirby Avenue W. and Hedderly Street)
  • Kinette Park (Corner of 5th Avenue S.W. and 2nd Street S.W.
  • McDonald's Playground (Parkland Recreation Complex 200 1st Street S.E.)
  • Park Crescent Playground
  • West End Playground (Corner of Railway Avenue and William Street)

The use of these playgrounds is prohibited until further notice, as they are considered "high-touch" areas.

To limit the spread of COVID-19, public health officials encourage a two-metre distance in public.

Dauphin Recreation Services are encouraging parents to use open, large spaces like fields and parks.