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Many municipalities in the Parkland are making adjustments to limit the spread of COVID-19 in Manitoba.

Today, officials in Mossey River Municipality have announced some changes to day to day operations starting Wednesday, March 18.

  • Mossey River Municipal Office (130 Second Street) will be closed to the general public. Payments can be made by regular mail or electronically through the Credit Union and Scotiabank. Communication with municipal staff can occur by email or phone.
  • Both the Winnipegosis and Fork River Public Works shops will be closed to the general public. Utility services (water and sewer), snow removal and commercial garbage pick- up will operate as usual.
  • OSS garbage and recycle pick-up will continue as per their regular schedule.
  • Both the Winnipegosis and Fork River landfill sites will operate as usual, using social distancing practices.
  • Both the Winnipegosis and Fork River Fire Departments will be closed to the general public. Fire services will operate as usual, using social distancing practices.
  • The Bulk Water Station will operate as usual, using social distancing practices.
  • Recreation Facilities will be closed until further notice (Skating Rink, Curling Rink) 
  • There have been no changes to the response of emergency services. In the event of an emergency, call 911.

Mossey River Municipality will continue to review and update this plan as new information becomes available.

As a reminder, you can reach Health Links-Info Santé at 1 (204) 788-8200 or Toll-Free 1 (888) 315-9257.

The latest COVID-19 information from the Manitoba Government here.

The new online assessment tool can be found here

Mossey River COVID