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As the snow starts melting in Dauphin, there is a chance you’ll come across a disposed of needle on the ground.

The City of Dauphin and Prairie Mountain Health have a reminder for what you should do if you come across a needle on the ground.

Dauphin’s Deputy City Manager Renee Sigurdon says if you find a needle on public property you should give the city a call.

If you are going to dispose of the needle yourself, use tongs or pliers to pick up the plastic end of the needle, pointing the tip away from your body.

Then put the needle in a sturdy plastic container, and close it securely with tape.

Needles in a secured plastic container can be disposed at any Prairie Mountain Health Facility/Public Health Office.

PMH says if you are poked by a needle, to allow yourself to bleed and do not squeeze the wound so your body can flush away any harmful germs.

Immediately wash your hands with soap and water and get to an emergency room as soon as possible.

When in doubt, you can also call Health Links at 1-888-315-9257.

Needle Safe Handling