The Dauphin R.I.D.E. Program recently wrapped up another year, and once again it was successful.
47 volunteers worked 670 hours over 134 shifts to make sure Dauphinites got home safe and sound.
357 total passengers used the R.I.D.E. Program which translates to an average of 51 passengers per night, up from 2018’s average of 49.
Total numbers were down compared to last year however, due to there being fewer weekends in December.
Trips were also down, but loads were heavier, possibly because of groups carpooling more.
Sho-Sho Shuttleworth-Lafontaine says the number of people participating in or using the Dauphin R.I.D.E. Program proves that the program is in demand and beneficial to our community.
She adds that they like to think it is due to the ongoing community support, awareness and promotion of the program.
The R.I.D.E. Program thanks all of their valued sponsors, supporters and volunteers.