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Earlier this week, Fusion Credit Union CEO, Ron Hedley announced that he’ll be retiring on June 1st, 2020.

Over his career of more than 40 years, Hedley has achieved a lot. He has overseen two significant amalgamations, Dauphin Plains, Ethelbert, and Roblin credit unions into Catalyst Credit Union in 2013, and the Catalyst and Vanguard credit unions merger into Fusion in 2018.

In the less than two years of Fusion, Hedley has brought the credit unions some big awards, most recently the recognition of being one of Manitoba’s top 100 places to work, and before that, receiving a national marketing award.

Throughout the years, Hedley has done things for the community. In 2005 he established the student-run Clipper Credit Union at the DRCSS, in 2006 Hedley crafted a long-term naming rights agreement for Credit Union Place in Dauphin, spearheaded a conference titled A New Journey: Connecting Aboriginal and Credit Union Communities in 2007, and most recently in 2019, he introduced the Full Circle Fund to support community groups and projects.

Hedley also leaves behind a legacy of initiatives promoting sustainability. Those initiatives include special loans for solar panel projects, providing critical support for the construction and promotion of Dauphin’s first ‘net zero’ home, incorporating sustainability into the credit union’s corporate strategic plan, the purchase of a hybrid car for use in the community, and supporting and encouraging thousands of ‘acts of green’ performed by employees every year.

Hedley’s career with credit unions started in 1976 when he started working at Rossburn Credit Union, he became General Manager of Strathclair Credit Union in 1990, moved to Dauphin Plains in 2000, was named CEO of Catalyst Credit Union in 2013, and stepped into his current role as CEO of Fusion Credit Union in 2018.

The search for his successor will begin in the new year.