Premier Brian Pallister says his government will take on a “bolder” approach in the New Year.
In his year-end press conference, Pallister promised that he can continue to cut taxes, keep costs for civil services down, and move towards a balanced budget, despite fears of a potentially costly spring flood due to high water this fall.
The Premier added that he will follow through on promises made during the election like the elimination sales tax on home insurance, salon services, and other items.
Pallister continued to say that cost-control measures, including the public-sector wage freeze announced in 2017, introduced by his government, have allowed the province to save more money.
He added that, with some potential federal help, the province will be able to pay for any possible new flood-protection measures needed in the spring.
Pallister went on to say that the advertisements he has been running in Quebec, targeting civil servants in the province, are gaining some interest. The ads criticize Quebec’s highly scrutinized ban on religious apparel for public sector employees.