As part of the recent amendments to the Agricultural Crown Lands Leases and Permits Regulations, public auctions for certain areas of agricultural crown lands will start in Brandon on Wednesday, November 27th. There are 2 auctions in Dauphin on Friday, November 29th.
The auctions in Dauphin will get underway at 10 am and 2 pm, and both will be at the provincial building at 27 - 2nd Avenue Southwest.
There are lots of acreages that will be available around our area in the RMs of Dauphin, Alonsa, Lakeshore, Mossey River, Grandview, Gilbert Plains, Roblin, and Riding Mountain West.
Other public auctions will happen on November 28th in Minnedosa, December 3rd in Swan River, December 5th in Ashern, and December 6th in Dugald.
Further information about dates and times can be found here. You can also view a list of available lands.