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Approaching the anniversary of cannabis legalization in Canada, Manitoba RCMP say they are starting to see more Criminal Code investigations related to driving while high. They add it’s still too early to determine what is behind the jump.

From the time cannabis was legalized on October 17th, 2018 to Wednesday, there have been 329 pot-related charges laid by RCMP in Manitoba. 224 of those charges were for unlawful transportation of cannabis in a vehicle, with another 19 charges laid for consuming cannabis in a vehicle.

56 charges were given for cannabis-related offences under the Liquor, Gaming, and Cannabis Control Act, and 30 were cannabis-related Criminal Code investigations for impaired driving, there are several more charges waiting on toxicology results.

Even as the number of cannabis-related charges is on the rise, the numbers still pale in comparison to alcohol-related offences.

Over the past year, 444 charges for unlawful transportation of liquor in a vehicle were given out in Manitoba, and 224 charges were laid for other liquor-related provincial offences, including public consumption.

1,403 other people were charged with alcohol-related driving infractions.

As of the end of August, 584 cannabis offences were received by the courts. Some of the cases seen dealt with unauthorized sales or possessions, supplying cannabis to a young person or smoking it in a public place or provincial park.

Compared to the rest of the country, Manitoba was responsible for very few of the cannabis-related offences given out in 2018. The 2019 numbers are not available yet.

Only 660 of the 34,441 cannabis-related violations were in Manitoba. Most of those charges were for possession, with 26,194 charges laid federally versus only 439 in Manitoba.