The Manitoba NDP party has announced Darcy Scheller as the MLA candidate in the Dauphin constituency. Her family has been living in the Parkland for over 30 years and she shares what she loves about being here.
“This community is very diverse, the business amenities are forever evolving to the needs of the community, and you can go shopping, get out and about and it feels like a city but 5 minutes away is quading, fishing, and hiking. It’s just an amazing place to live, there’s so many things I love about it.”
Scheller is the business development manager for a food service grocery wholesaler company, and in her off time she looks more towards relaxation than fun. She says her husband would call her a workaholic.
Scheller has 4 key issues she’d like to focus on.
“Of course, education and health care are very important, no matter where you live in Manitoba, affordable living is something that’s always talked about, it’s very important for our seniors as well as our young families, and of course jobs, working with outlying communities, and of course Dauphin to bring in some new industry into our community and create some more sustainability for young families here at home.”
This isn’t the first time she’s ran in the provincial election, she ran with the NDP last provincial election as well.