Assiniboine Community College’s Alumni Association announced the recipients of this year’s Parkland Region Alumni Awards.
This year’s recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award is Jamie Harvey. The award honours alumni of the college in the Parkland Region who have distinguished themselves in both their chosen profession and the community.
The Excellence in Teaching Award honours a faculty member for extraordinary contributions to teaching and the student experience. The award will be shared by two recipients from the same program, Cheryl Sorenson-Voigt and Melanie Hawranik-Sobering. They are both instructors in the Practical Nursing program at Assiniboine’s Parkland campus and have been nominated by their students for the award.
The Alumni Association is recognizing Joan Clarkson for her work serving the college community. Clarkson will be honoured with the newly established Excellence in Education Award. It recognizes a non-teaching staff member who has exhibited devotion to the college community and furthering opportunities of students.
The awards are being presented at the annual Parkland Region Alumni Celebration in Dauphin on April 11.