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The first floating inflatable waterpark in Manitoba is coming to Minnedosa.

Splish Splash Water Park is in the works to open the 100 people floating inflatable waterpark on Minnedosa Lake.

They are hoping to open the waterpark this year in late June. Gerry Champagne, owner of Calgary’s Splish Splash Water Park, approached Travel Manitoba to find a suitable community in the province.

Minnedosa’s Economic Development Officer, Chantelle Parrott jumped at the idea because similar attractions elsewhere have proven immensely popular and successful at bringing in tourist numbers.

The Town of Minnedosa authorized access to the beach, while the federal Department of Oceans and Fisheries completed an environmental assessment prior to authorizing the project. Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation have granted the final approval for the business to place the structure in the water this June.

The waterpark will be open daily from June to Labour Day with regular hours.