Dauphin has made it onto Expedia’s ‘Canadians Choose the Best Places to Visit in 2019' list.
Some of the highlights they say about Dauphin include Countryfest, Manitoba Mudrun, and the Vermillion River Walking Trail.
“Manitoba is the province to watch in 2019, given how many times it showed up in our poll of top recommended cities. Dauphin was mentioned by name--which makes complete sense when you look at popular 2019 events, like Dauphin's Countryfest and Manitoba Mudrun. It more than earns a spot on our top 2019 cities list..” commented Jennifer Cuellar author of the article.
To make the list, Expedia asked 1,000 Canadians where they would recommend travellers visit this year.
A lot of people recommended travelling within Canada itself, and Manitoba showed up more than it ever has before.
The other Manitoba town on the list was Brandon.
For the full list click here.