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The time is approaching to hand in your nomination forms for municipal elections taking place all across the Parkland. 

In the RM of Lakeshore, there are currently three people registered for a council position with six or seven people interested in running for a seat on the eight-person board.

Donna Ainscough, the Senior Election Official for the RM, says those interested can attend an information session tonight to help them learn what’s required of someone on council.

“We’re holding a candidate information session in two locations in the RM of Lakeshore, one in Ochre River and one in Rorketon. They are both being held at 7 pm at our municipal offices. It’s just a session to get information out to people considering running for council and what would be expected of them as a council member and things that might have changed for people that might have sat on council in the past.”

Some of the topics covered at the meetings include roles and responsivities of candidates and elected officials, eligibility requirements, campaign and election finances, and general campaign rules and candidate duties.

“We want to get the word out there and the more people that are interested in running, that’s great! We would certainly encourage everyone.” Ainscough continues, “If they want some more information to certainly come into our offices and ask the questions and we’d be happy to answer them.”

You have until the 18th to hand in your nomination papers.