Accessibility Tools

 The Dauphin Public Library recently unveiled a fresh new website.

With the update, the library can advertise their services more than in the past.

Jean-Louis Guillas, Director of the Dauphin Public Library, thinks it’s much more dynamic and features a similar format to other library websites from other communities. Making it more user-friendly.

“It’s been a project that’s been overdue for us. We got a small grant from the province that allowed us to make this change and have a much more functional website in terms of having the ability to advertise our events in it. That was a big change for us. Much more user-friendly than our old website. We can do the changes ourselves rather than relying on a specialist to do things for us.”

Guillas gives an example of how the new website can show off their products.

“For example, we do have service called Canopy which is a streaming video service. We had a soft launch adding that service in January, but not a lot of people knew about it unless we captured them in the library to tell them about it. The website has an easy link to that service, and it allows us to sell that a little bit more.”

One service they plan to have in the future is the ability to suggest a book or magazine that the library can buy.