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The provincial government has announced that people who are eligible for the bivalent COVID-19 vaccine can start booking appointments today at 9 a.m.

According to the province, appointments will be available beginning September 14th and the online vaccine finder map will be updated this week with all of the locations where the bivalent vaccine is available.

The Manitoba government says that the bivalent vaccine has been developed to provide protection against two strains of COVID-19: the original strain of the virus and the omicron variant.

They also say that Manitoba received its first shipment of 27,650 doses of vaccine last week and will begin filling orders and shipping the vaccine to locations across the province as quickly as possible and that a second shipment of 77,600 doses will be delivered from the federal government this week.

The province adds that they expect to be able to expand eligibility for the bivalent vaccine to all Manitobans aged 18 and older in the coming weeks, based on vaccine shipments from the federal government and initial uptake among eligible groups.

Anyone interested in receiving a dose of the bivalent vaccine can make an appointment by using the online booking tool, by contacting the vaccine call centre at 1-844-626-8222 or by contacting medical clinics and pharmacies directly.