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It’s The Parkland’s Favourite Time Of The Day!
Call in Weekday Mornings at 11:10! 204.638.7878
Email Up To 3 Items Per Week!

FS Implement trailer with extendable frame, heavy duty - $2000
LF 7” square chimney brush
LF (5) 16” F-150 Ford 4x4 rims
638-4150 or 647-0569

LF Tires, size 225/75R15

LF An older acreage tractor

FS Wharfedale Titan Pro speakers, used for Karaoke gigs, along with a 200watt Yamaha amp
FS Professional sound system and cords and microphones

FS 24’ real cattle trailer with new paint
FS Silver Lake post pounder, trailer type

LOST Pair of navy blue plastic frame prescription glasses in a black RayBans case on Saturday night; lost on Main Street

FS Small square wheat straw bales near Dauphin

GA 6-7 month old German Shepherd crossed with Pitbull puppies
Call/text 204-572-0722 or 204-647-0581

FS Portable rechargeable blood pressure machine - $40
Call/text 204-621-7171 (leave a message)

FS ¼ and ½ air impact and chisel, brand new - $75

LF Old dealership, gas station, general store signs, neon signs, etc.; anything with advertising on it, any shape or size, located in the Dauphin area – have cash in hand
LF Old Marx’s brand tin toys
LF Old motorcycles or parts from the 60s or older

FS (470) large round alfalfa grass hay mix bales, located in Ste. Rose
Call/text 431-739-5817 (leave a message)

FS (2) homemade ice chisels, different sizes - $100 each
FS 2” water pump, 5HP, never used
FS Diesel pump and meter and nozzle - reasonable offers only
FS Pink insulation, 6x24x48, silver board, heat tape, various lengths

LF Older 80s-90s Ford F250, or old 300 six Ford 4x4, preferably manual transmission, must be half decent shape for the road/not need much fixing
Call/text 204-648-5608

FS Hand tools, air tools, yard tools, shops tools - call for details

FS 2014 Dodge ¾ ton, 4x4, with 6.7L diesel Cummings engine, automatic transmission, and 8’ box, parts or whole

FS 1997 Arctic Cat snowmobile 600 Triple - $1600 OBO
FS Set of (4) Firestone tires, size 225/60R16 - $500

FS TaylorMade R11 driver, men’s left-handed - $125 OBO

FS Ford 9N tractor, with 3pt hitch, new rubber, front and back tubes and tires, repainted, original restored, runs perfect and starts good
FS Ford 8N tractor with 12volt system, good shape, not painted

LF 10 or 12’ aluminum boat, with 9.9 motor and trailer

LF Small creep feeder, 60 bushels or so, with sides

FS VHS tapes - $2 or $3
FS Parts for a Eureka vacuum - $25
FS CD/DVD player - $15 OBO

FS Black leather lockable travel case - $80
FS Adjustable 5th wheel hitch, 2 and 5/16th ball

FS (5) winter tires, size 225/75R15 - $1000 OBO


FS - For Sale     LF - Looking For     GA - Giving Away