Jeff Garnett, who is working on the idea, had a presentation that he showed at last night's public forum that shows towns like Selkirk (which has a close population to Dauphin) and Thompson here in Manitoba that have transit buses.
Garnett says if they can do it, so can we?
"I think they saw a need, and they found a solution to that need and that's what i'm doing here. There's been a need and a want for it, and i'm trying to find a solution."
Garnett has found a 20 person bus that has a wheelchair ramp that he could get for $20,000 dollars. He has also made two bus routes and has come up with bus fares being adults $4, seniors and students $3, and kids 10 and under would be free.
Three candidates came to the forum to show their support of Garnett's initiative.
Dauphin's NDP candidate, Darcy Scheller says her party has a core infrastructure plan that goes into 2022 and will put money out that will go towards roads, water, and transportation.
"When you look at a project like this, this is something that NDP party could potentially get behind. You know, there is funding for these type of things. So you know, this is a great thing that Jeff has brought up here for Dauphin and moving froward i'm hoping him and I could work together."
Dauphin's Progressive Conservative candidate, Brad Michaleski says that he supports the idea.
"I talked to the fella, and I encouraged him to pursue this business plan and to go forward with it. I thought that was an exciting initiative that he was following up on."
And Dauphin's Green Party candidate, Kate Storey says that her party is completely behind transit.
"It's high time that Dauphin had a bus service. This has been a need for some time. So i'm very happy that an entrepreneurial guy has stepped forward to get this going."
Garnett, says that he thinks that the bus could be funded through corporate funding, advertising, and grants.
He will also be meeting with City Council again in April. As well with the Kinsmen Club and Rotary club to talk about grant funding.