FS (1) Motomaster Hydra Edge Tour tire, size 225/65R17, with less than 2000kms - $40
LF Anything with advertising on it: Old dealership, gas station, general store signs, neon signs, etc.
LF Old Marx’s brand tin toys
LF Old motorcycles or parts from the 60s or older
LF 2 or 3 barn kittens or younger farm cats, either fixed or at least somewhat tame to be able to catch
Call/text 204-572-0214
FS (5) new pairs of cowboy boots, different brands, size 10EE - $75 each
Contact Jeff at 638-7302
LF Washer and dryer
LF Refrigerator
FS 2014 Polaris Sportsman 850XP ATV - $7500
FS 2012 Dodge Journey RT SUV - $12,500
FS 2015 Polaris Scrambler 1000 XP - $10,500
Call/text 204-648-6637
LF Recliner or couch
Call/text 431-345-0790
FS (470) large round alfalfa grass hay mix bales in Ste. Rose
Call/text 431-739-5817 (leave a message)
FS 33lb. bags of black oil sunflowers - $25/bag
Call/text 204-648-7105
FS Electric motors, ½HP to 7HP: Baldor and other types - prices vary
FS Diesel fuel tank or gasoline tanks, some with 2 compartment and 2 oval tanks
FS Treated lumber, 2x8x12, brown treated lumber fir
LF C-band dish parts, any size, in good shape
FS Red Rose tea cards, 70 years old, come with album - $40
FS Farm implement trailer, heavy duty use, with extendable frame - $2000
FS Bell Express View satellite dish, Shaw cable - $25/piece
LF A rocking chair or a glider
FS Wine-making supplies, bottles, hoses, etc. - BO
LF 3, 5, or 10-gallon fish aquarium
FS Utility trailer, 14’ long x 82” wide
FS 2011 Dodge Journey, safetied; pretty much rebuilt - $10,500
FS Set of (4) GMC rims and tires, size 275/65/20 - $400
Call/text 204-232-2471 (Laurier)
FS Tires, size 225/75/15 on rims, 6-hole pattern, off a Dodge truck
FS Other parts
Contact Dwayne at 204-767-2365
FS Snow shoes - BO
FS Ford 9N tractor with brand new tires, all original, runs perfect
FS Ford 8N tractor
LF Similar tractors, 8N and 9N for parts, or little Fergusons for parts
LF 2 or 3 bedroom mobile home in newer shape
LF 8x8 or 8x10 garden shed
LF 20’ Sea Can storage unit
LF Trailer tires, size 7.5 x 15, with 6-hole rims preferably
FS Yellow 2000 Skidoo MXZX Rotex 440
FS 2008 Red Polaris 600, 2up seat
LF Kubota garden tractor, B7100 or B6100, running or not
LF Late-70s to early 80s High Times magazine; had a Harley hat with lots of zippers
LF Mini cassette records and full size records
LF Blue Jays rings and NHL rings from beer cases