A 36-year-old Brandon man wanted in connection to a shooting in western Manitoba is now in police custody.
Police had been on the hunt for the suspect since last week after a 45-year-old man was checked in to Brandon Hospital with gunshot injuries.
The victim had been shot outside of Cornwallis, and then the 36-year-old man drove the victim to the hospital and dropped him off.
The victim remains in hospital in stable condition.
Michael Peters turned himself in to police on Wednesday and has since been charged with Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm, Careless Use of a Firearm, and Discharge Firearm with Intent.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Almost a month after two young B.C. men were found dead from an apparent suicide in Gilliam, the father of one of them has seen a part of a video that his son recorded before apparently taking his own life.
Lawyer Sarah Leamon confirmed that her and Alan Schmegelsky were able to view a 30-second clip yesterday, which is described as Bryer's last "will and testament".
The two were able to watch the video after signing a non-disclosure agreement with police. That means they are unable to discuss contents of the video and if it was part of a longer recording.
The bodies of Bryer and Kam McLeod were found on August 7, three days after Schmegelsky turned 19. There has been no indication on an exact date when they died by apparent suicide by gunfire.
Bryer and Kam were the subjects of a national manhunt after they were suspected of killing American Chynna Deese, Australian Lucas Fowler and UBC lecturer Leonard Dyck. They were charged with second-degree murder in the killing of Dyck.
Alan's Lawyer, Sarah says police may release portions of the video to the public at a future date.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
The Dauphin and District Community Foundation is having a second intake of applications for the community grant program.
They have just under 40 thousand dollars available this time.
Kit Daley says there isn’t a set number of applicants accepted, they will look through all the applicants and choose the applications that are most needed and will benefit the community the most.
Applicants must be organizations that are registered charities or qualified donees, which are affiliated or partnered with, for example, the city or RM of Dauphin. If you have any questions about if you qualify, give Kit Daley a call at 638-4598.
To register, go to the Dauphin and District Community Foundation’s website and fill out the website form, or print it off and bring it to their office.
The deadline to enter is September 30th.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
At the start of the 2025 model year, nearly all new vehicles sold will come with an electronic alert that will remind people not to leave their kids behind in the car.
Twenty automakers, amounting to 98% of new vehicles sold, have agreed to install the alerts in an effort to stop heatstroke deaths.
This year alone, 39 children have died in the U.S after being left alone in cars during hot weather. A record number of 54 children were killed last year due to heatstroke after being left in a car.
The vehicles would give drivers both visual and audible alerts to check their back seats every time they turn off their ignition.
The automakers that have signed on have said that by coming to a voluntary agreement, the process of getting the alerts installed will be quicker than a government resolution. A government resolution would take four to eight years.
The only car manufacturer that did not agree to put in the alerts was Tesla.
Several manufacturers are already implementing similar features. GM has a reminder in all of its four-door sedans, trucks, and SUV’s starting with the 2019 model year. The alert only sounds if the rear doors were opened before the trip. Hyundai has pledged to make a similar system standard on its catalogue of vehicles by 2022.
An advocacy group called Kids and Cars says that an alert every time a vehicle is turned off wouldn’t address one-third of hot car deaths, in which children get into a car on their own and become trapped. They add that for the system to be effective it will need to be able to detect the presence of a passenger in the back seat, not just suggest there might be one.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
The second day of CKDM’s MLA Q&A saw the three Dauphin MLA candidates continue to talk about the issues facing Parkland residents.
The question asked this time is, what needs to be done to address crime and justice?
This is NDP Candidate, Darcy Scheller's answer.
“I’m not an expert at it. We have authorities, law enforcement here in place, that I want to work carefully with to make sure that as a community we’re helping them. There is crime watch and block watch and those types of things, but I really think that just working together as a community, taking care of each other, and making sure our law enforcement are being respected and being able to do their job.”
Liberal Candidate Cathy Scofield-Singh has her input.
“That is a multi-tiered process because you have to find out, what are the primary causes of that crime? Is it because of the drug addictions going on out there? Is it because of poverty? Is it because kids are bored and there’s nothing for them to do? We need to find out what are the root causes of crime and then we can address it. We know that addiction is a huge issue and that it’s intertwined with mental health. The people out there who are dealing with drug addictions often times are masking their mental health issues. So, when we look at what is triggering people to become involved with addictions, we need to look at what the rationale is behind that. Is it because they have ADHD and they’re trying to calm themselves down? Is it because they have anxiety and they need to calm themselves down so they take some drugs out there to calm themselves down? Is it because my friend next door is doing the same thing and we have nothing else to do? We need to address that as well. So, dealing with crime is a multi-pronged approach, because we need to figure out what are the root causes, and then help address those causes.”
And finally PC candidate Brad Michaleski shares his thoughts.
“One of the biggest things again is, probably a higher level of law enforcement is a part of that solution. But again, another part of the solution is creating a job environment and educational environment for the kids and for people so they see a future. It’s not something you can directly say turn a switch and all of a sudden everything’s going to get better. I think when we look at the justice system and how that’s been handled in the past, the approach that our government has been taking is more of a restorative justice. Where you have community involvement, a lot more community involvement, and you’re really addressing the issue of crimes and justice by focusing your efforts to prevent it in the first place.”
Be sure to listen to "CKDM's MLA Q&A" during the 7, 8, Noon, 4, and 5 o’clock newscasts.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
An investigator found that Swan River MLA Rick Wowchuk breached the Manitoba Legislative Assembly’s respectful workplace policy a total of 5 times.
The internal investigation against Wowchuk, who is currently running for re-election, found he breached the policy after showing his former assistant a picture of naked women on his cellphone.
The investigation determined there were 4 other breaches including an incident where during a phone call with his assistant, Wowchuk mentioned he was in the bathtub and almost “Facetimed” the call. Another incident occurred when he commented about his assistant wearing a bikini.
In a June 11 letter from the legislative assembly, executive director Judy Wegner mentioned that even though the investigators proved the bikini comment was made, they weren’t certain of its intended “tone or meaning.”
Another incident was a text where Wowchuk used the term “sex code” to answer a question from his assistant about messages from a malfunctioning phone.
The former assistant has not been named. She worked for Wowchuk for two years.
She told the story of the picture incident, where, in 2016, her and Wowchuk were in his office when he asked her if he wanted to see a picture. By his description of the picture, she thought it would be a wildlife picture, only to realize that it was a picture of naked women.
She immediately told Wowchuk to never show her anything like that ever again.
In a statement made by Wowchuk, he acknowledges that the comments and the photo he showed his assistant “caused offence” and apologized.
“I am sincerely sorry this occurred and any offence it caused,” said Wowchuk. “I deeply regret doing so and I have taken full responsibility for my actions”
He also said he is confident in the government’s actions to strengthen the respectful workplace policies and that he will continue to work hard to represent his constituents in Swan River.
Following the actions of former NDP cabinet minister Stan Struthers, PC Leader Brian Pallister announced a “no wrong door” policy. The policy was intended to make reporting harassment easier, and would include political staff and employees of Crown corporations
In 2018-19, the civil service commission initiated 22 investigations involving sexual harassment, 116 involving harassment/bullying and 302 investigations that involved other forms of misconduct — including attempted fraud, conflict of interest or other inappropriate conduct.
Since Wowchuk’s assistant was a constituency assistant, and not a Manitoba government employee her complaint was not included in those numbers.
This is the second instance of sexual harassment made public in the PC’s first term. The first one included Emerson MLA Cliff Graydon, who had allegations against him, after he had asked staff members to sit on his lap.
Graydon was kicked out of the PC Caucus a few months later.
The investigation into Wowchuk’s actions took over 9 months to be completed.
Wowchuk’s former assistant, who resigned earlier this year, is asking for an apology from the PC Caucus and for Wowchuk to be expelled
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Wednesday was the start of a new daily feature leading up to the election called 730 CKDM’s MLA Q&A. Every day, we’ll feature the three MLA Candidates’ answers to issues facing Parkland residents. The question asked was, what work still needs to be done in the area of healthcare?
PC candidate Brad Michaleski gave us his answer.
“The biggest thing I noticed over the last 3 years is the amount of people that are leaving the region, having to go to Brandon or Winnipeg for services that are non-emergency. That process, mental health, people that are dealing with disabilities, people that are needing healthcare treatment that are non-emergency. There’s a lot of that, that’s going on that could be done in this region. That’s probably the biggest, I know when it comes down to it, there’s lots of non-emergency care that people in the region have to leave the region for. Again, we have a great healthcare system in this region. We have a lot of good people that are working in the healthcare system. We just need to find ways to keep people from having to travel outside the region.”
NDP candidate Darcy Scheller had this to say.
“Investments, definitely investments. The healthcare system in Manitoba is very perforated with all the healthcare cuts, and the callbacks in funding over the last 3 and a half years. I’ve talked with many nurses, support workers, and doctors and they are definitely feeling stretched. So, investing back in for better healthcare for all Manitobans.”
Finally, this was Liberal candidate Cathy Scofield-Singh’s answer.
“Right now, everything is being shifted to the bigger hubs. Dauphin definitely is one of the hubs, but we’re moving everything away from the rural areas. My concern is, if we move everything away from the rural areas, it makes it very difficult for seniors or people who don’t have access to vehicles to get to those areas. They live in those small towns, they want to be able to receive services in those towns, we need to keep our nurses and doctors in our small towns. When someone is ill and sick, they don’t want to be recovering in Winnipeg or Brandon. If your family lives in Alonsa or in Skownan, that’s a long drive to get to. We want people to be closer to their homes, to be able to access healthcare in their communities.”
Be sure to listen during the 7, 8, Noon, 4, and 5 o’clock newscasts for the candidates' answers leading up to election day.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Keystone Agricultural Producers is welcoming the announcement by the PC Party of Manitoba, saying they will remove education tax from property taxes.
President Bill Campbell says it’s a positive step for Manitoba farmers, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of quality education training or unforeseen market variabilities.
KAP has outlined equitable education funding a key priority in lobbying effort for the provincial election campaign.
The PC Party of Manitoba has committed to removing the education tax from property taxes over ten years starting in 2022.
While KAP says this a positive step for producers, they pointed out that means farmers will continue to pay more than their fair share of education funding for up to 12 years. KAP adds that a ten-year shift in education funding could mean that a future provincial government could kibosh the decision, given the lengthy timeline and an unforeseen number of financial pressures that could be in play.
KAP argues that the current education funding rate in the province isn’t equitable. Local school boards are allowed to set the mill rate, which makes per-student funding vary due to differences in divisional property taxes. Campbell says that means students in divisions with higher property values have access to more funding and more opportunities than students in divisions with lower property values.
Manitoba is the last province to allow local school boards to set the local education tax rate.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
The third annual Pride Celebration is happening this weekend at Riding Mountain National Park.
Richard Dupuis says they're holding the celebration because Parks Canada belongs to all Canadians.
New to the celebration this year is a drag queen happy hour, as well as queer bingo, pride karaoke, live music, and the Riding Mountain Dance Party.
The point of the celebration is to create a welcoming space so everyone can enjoy Riding Mountain National Park.
Dupuis hopes everyone has fun during the Pride Celebration and is thankful many of the businesses are on board, supporting the event.
For the full schedule this weekend, click here.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
The RM of Mossey River has joined the growing number of municipalities declaring a State of Agricultural Disaster.
The declaration comes after a hot and dry summer has left beef producers struggling to find enough feed for their herds.
Mossey River joins 12 other RM's in the Parkland and Interlake regions who have declared states of disaster.
The collection of RMs hope that both the federal and provincial governments will act quickly to enact AgriRecovery protocol.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Today is the start of the 2019-20 school year.
New Superintendent CEO, Dan Ward says they have a similar number of teachers compared to last year.
“For this upcoming school year, we hired 22 new teachers. A good number of them are new graduates from university. A number of teachers have been hired both from local communities and from outside the school division.”
They had 9 teachers, including Donna Davidson, retire at the last school year, as well as teachers resigning or going on maternity leave.
Ward says they have a projected number of 3167 students.
“Compared to last year, if those numbers stay firm, and all indications are that it will or be close to, we will be up over 60 students from last year.”
Every year the amount of funding the school division receives is impacted by the number of students.
Ward says there’s a sense of optimism and positivity heading into the school year, he’s also looking forward to a couple of things.
“Learning from the schools, visiting the schools. Of course, I’m coming into this role having spent 4 years as assistant superintendent where I learned a great deal about each school’s culture and programming. I hope to learn more from each of our schools and support our principals in the programs and initiatives that are being delivered.”
Ward would also like to wish all staff and students a great school year.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak