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Manitoba has proclaimed the Watershed District Act and added two regulations to form a watershed-based approach to watershed management.

The act will modernize the Conservation District Program by changing districts to watershed-based boundaries and adding some flexibility for local watershed districts.

The flexibility is for board appointments and terms, calculating municipal contributions, handling board contracts and agreements related to water and soil projects that build watershed resiliency in a changing climate.

The changes made are renaming conservation districts to watershed districts with watershed-based boundaries, allowing partnerships with non-municipal entities to improve watershed management plan implementation, identifying a consistent approach to the transition into watershed districts, and clarifying watershed district board policies and procedures.

Manitoba has also announced more than $150 million in funding to the GROW Trust and the Conservation Trust. 

The Conservation Trust is intended in part to help support the work of the now Watershed Districts including for watershed planning and projects.

Starting on Wednesday, Manitobans will no longer have to pay PST on the preparation of wills.

Finance Minister Scott Fielding said that the move is part of the government’s 2020 Tax Rollback Guarantee. 

“Many Manitobans do not have wills and reducing the cost may encourage more people to get one,” said Fielding. “Our government remains committed to making Manitoba’s tax environment more fair and affordable.”

The move will remove PST from the preparation of wills, health-care directives, and powers of attorney when created in conjunction with a will or a health-care directive.

The government predicts the move will save people nearly $1 million a year.

Fielding added that the 2020 Tax Rollback Guarantee, which was part of the government’s 100-action plan, and throne speech, will include the removal of probate fees starting July 1st.

“By removing probate fees and the provincial sales tax to prepare a will, we will save the average family estate more than $2,600 in unnecessary death taxes,” said Fielding.

The province promises to fully implement the 2020 Tax Rollback Guarantee over the next four years.

The Dauphin RCMP received a report of a missing man on Boxing Day at 11:45 at night. 

41-year-old Robert Gilbert Genaille was last seen that morning at 9. 

It was believed he was heading to the grocery store, he may be in Dauphin or Brandon.

Genaille is described as 5'10", 220 pounds, with hazel eyes, and brown hair. He was last seen wearing a greyish-green bulky winter jacket, black winter boots, and possibly a touque and mitts.

The RCMP are asking anyone with information to call the Dauphin RCMP at 204-622-5050, or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477. 

Residents of the Eclipse District, east of Road 108, are under a boil water advisory.

The precaution comes after a water main break was repaired yesterday.

Stay tuned to CKDM for updates.

The Canadian Automobile Association has released a study that suggests more needs to done to raise awareness of driving while high.

A CAA poll found that over one-fifth of people said that they had either driven after consuming cannabis or got into a car with some who had.

When it came to driving ability while high, 15 percent of respondents said that a driver who had used cannabis was the same or better behind the wheel.

The recent results echo those of a federal poll conducted just before cannabis was legalized. Around that same time, the federal government launched public-awareness campaigns on the dangers of driving while high.

If you or someone you’re with is high this New Year’s Eve, call the Dauphin RIDE program for a ride home at 204-638-3315

The body found on Christmas Eve, near Neepawa has been identified as 32-year-old Cody Mousseau, from Sandy Bay First Nation.

Mousseau was reported missing to the Manitoba First Nations Police Service on December 8th. It is believed he was last in Sandy Bay between November 27th and December 1st.

Mousseau’s death is being investigated as a homicide.

Anyone with information about the death and disappearance of Cody Mousseau, is asked to call the Portage RCMP at 204-857-4445, the MFNPS Sandy Bay Detachment at 204-843-7700, or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

A man wanted for his role in a home invasion in Russell, has turned himself in to police yesterday.

The 32-year-old was at large after the RCMP arrested two other men responsible for a home invasion and assault that landed a woman in the hospital.

All three men face the same charges of aggravated assault, robbery, and breaking and entering.

The incident occurred in Russell early Sunday morning.

One of the men arrested is from the Birdtail Sioux First Nation, and the other two are from Waywayseecappo.

A study done at the University of Manitoba found that Manitoban students are incredibly unprepared for calculus classes, resulting in half of them failing or quitting long before their final exams.

It was also found that regardless of how well the student performed in high school pre-calculus, it did not matter when it came to university calculus.

Darja Barr, a math professor at the U of M, conducted the study by analyzing 15 years of marks of students who took pre-calculus at a Manitoba high school and introductory calculus at the U of M.

Barr saw that high school grades did not represent future success, which she says is concerning because pre-calculus is supposed to prepare students for university calculus.

Barr blames the education system in the province for the dismal results. Recent nationwide test scores ranked Manitoba last in math and science skills.

“I want to figure out why the disconnect is happening,” said Barr. “I would have students come to me after a midterm and say ‘I don’t understand what’s happening, I got 90’s in high school.”

In light of her research, Barr has asked the commission reviewing the province’s Kindergarten to Grade 12 system, to look at improving the pre-calculus curriculum to better prepare students for continuing their education.

Barr says that changes to the curriculum have made high school math worse, adding that more standardized tests are needed to gauge where students’ skills are coming out of high school.

Even after the recent PISA scores show how dismal math scores are in the province, the government has said they aren’t considering changing the current math curriculum.

The Municipality of Ste. Rose has unveiled a new logo, after a months-long contest.

Last year, Ste. Rose council had the idea of updating and modernizing its website. That idea also spurred the thought of “re-branding” the newly-merged Municipality.

The RM of Ste. Rose and the Town of Ste. Rose du Lac joined in 2014, to become the Municipality of Ste. Rose.

The council decided to launch a Logo Contest as a way to try and showcase local talent. The deadline for submissions was March 1st, 2019, and the council received two dozen submissions from local artists, with a wide variety of ideas.

The winner of the Logo Contest was The Dreamweaver’s Art Group from Ste. Rose, who designed the logo below.

ste. rose logo 1

They said the circular logo depicts the life within Ste. Rose. The long-stemmed red rose with a bud represents new life, love, and growth. The wheat stock represents the agriculture community. The open circle signifies the welcoming quality of the community.

The winning design was sent to Repromap to be formatted, where they made a few alterations to end up with the logo you see at the top of the article.

The Municipality says they are very happy with the logo and are excited to be launching a new, modernized website in the New Year.

In Winnipeg, an app called Pulse Point was launched in September.

What Pulse Point does is when the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service believes someone is having a cardiac arrest, the app sends a notification to those within 500 metres of the individual.

Rob Grierson, Medical Director for the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service, says the notification will tell those with the app where the individual is so CPR can be done, and it will notify them where the nearest defibrillator is.

The app could allow help to find the individual before the paramedics arrive, and the importance of that time is when someone is having a cardiac arrest, their chance of survival falls by 10 per cent every minute.

So, a response with CPR and defibrillation 2 or 3 minutes before the arrival of paramedics could be the difference between surviving and not.

Grierson says the app was launched in the US and they’re trying to get the app up and running in Canada.

The app is running in 3300 communities in the US, and in Canada along with Winnipeg, it’s running in Kingston, Ontario and the province of BC.

At the time of interviewing Grierson, the 13 notifications had been sent out and there weren’t any responses to the first 9 and they were still reviewing the last four.

Grierson says they plan to launch the app in the Parkland area, but there are some limitations.

The first limitation is that the app uses cell reception to send out the notifications and the second limitation is from the nature of response times will someone be within 500 metres of the incident.

Grierson says that they could look at increasing the distance of the notification because in rural areas 500 metres might not be enough.

Since BC has the app throughout their province, their rural areas could be used as an example to figure out what to do.

While out at stores for Black Friday sales, the provinces’ Consumer Protection Office is reminding shoppers to mindful of the stores holiday return an exchange policies.

These policies range from store to store, as they are not regulated by law.

When shopping, its important to ask about a store’s refund and exchange policies before making a purchase and keep your receipts, as some stores require proof of purchase to refund or exchange.

If returning an item, it should be done as soon as possible and in good condition.

Be aware that some stores may keep a portion of the refund as a service fee.

In the case of faulty merchandise, it is up to the store whether to repair it, replace it, or give a refund.

If you do get a refund, it could be in cash, credit, gift cards, or credit notes.

Be sure to ask about a product’s warranty or guarantee, especially if the sale of the item is final.

The best way to shop for Boxing Day deals is locally.