The province is planning to give Manitobans more freedom to visit loved ones in personal care homes.
Health Minister Cameron Friesen announced the changes on Monday, which will allow a limited number of visitors to go inside nursing homes after they are screened. Visitors will be required to wear a mask.
The new rules are set to take effect Tuesday, June 23.
The rules in Manitoba had previously only allowed limited outdoor visits.
The Health Minister remarked that relaxing visitor policies will help support the physical and mental health of those living care homes — and that virtual and window-visits can only do so much.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel
Dauphin City Council convened on Monday evening for a physically distanced meeting.
The meeting started off with a public hearing on the possibility of a new funeral home at 506 Main Street South.
Council also heard a presentation from the Citizens’ Climate Lobby – Dauphin chapter. Co-chairs Virginia Cail and Rebecca Van Otterloo brought forward some suggestions on how the city could monitor & reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and “respond to the need for climate mitigation and adaptation.”
In the City Manager’s report, Sharla Griffiths reiterated that property taxes were mailed out on June 8 and — for this year — are due September 30.
Griffiths says questions about tax bills can be directed to the tax clerk at City Hall, at 204-622-3204.
The City Manager also commented on Phase Three of Manitoba’s reopening plan, saying she doesn’t think this wave of relaxing restrictions will have too much of an impact on city operations.
Griffiths says there will be a regularly scheduled management meeting on Wednesday, where it will be discussed further whether Restoring Safe Services Together: Phase 3 will have any impact on the City’s operations.
The City of Dauphin is also looking at revamping their website, which was originally designed back in 2012. Council say it may take a few months before a new site launched.
You can view the meeting agenda for Monday, June 22 here.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel
On Monday, the provincial government confirmed the school year will begin on September 8 for students.
Manitoba's Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen revealed the news in a series of tweets.
He says school divisions have been advised that classes will begin at the traditional start time.
Schools will reopen for teachers and staff on September 2 to provide time to prepare spaces and inform staff about health protocols.
Having heard this feedback, school divisions have been advised that schools will reopen for students on September 8th after Labour Day. This is the traditional start time for students. /3 #MBPoli
— Hon. Kelvin Goertzen (@mingoertzen) June 22, 2020
Going forward, we’re still waiting on the government to provide more information on how classrooms will actually look in the new school year.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel
Roblin RCMP are looking for a missing girl, who was last seen on Friday, June 19 in Valley River First Nation around 1 p.m.
16-year-old Shyla Catagas, from Valley River First Nation, was reported missing on Saturday night.
She is described as approximately 5’1” in height, 120 lbs, with long black hair and brown eyes.
Her whereabouts are unknown, but police say she may be in the area of Brandon, or Regina.
Anyone with information is asked to call Roblin RCMP at 204-937-2164 or call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477, or secure tip online here.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel
It was a busy morning at Dauphin Recreation Services, with the expanded reopening of the Kinsmen Aquatic Centre.
Tamara Kolida, Programs & Promotions Coordinator with Dauphin Rec, says there’s been a good deal of excitement in the air.
“Our pool opens today, and I think everyone is excited, and we’re excited to see the parking lot have some cars in there. It’s a good day.”
From June 22 to July 3rd, the pool will be operating on a limited schedule, as staff are testing the waters to see if the current set up allows enough time between programs properly clean and sanitize.
On July 6th, the schedule will open up to things like public swimming, but will be limited to a maximum of 40 people.
“Right now it’s limited, so there’s no public swimming right now because that’s really hard to monitor and clean in between. All of the programs running for the next two weeks are limited.”
Kolida says the hot tub at the Kinsmen Aquatic Centre must remain closed at this time.
At this time, the south entrance is the only way into the building — where members have to sign in at the front desk and sanitize before entering the pool.
Swimming Lessons
Over 100 people had lessons cancelled in the spring due to COVID. Those people had first access to signing up for lessons last week. As of Monday, June 22, swimming lesson registration opened up to the public.
Kolida says there are still lots of July swim lessons available for the public, and encourages you to go online to register children.
Splash Park
Due to a mechanical failure, the splash park is closed at Vermillion Park for the foreseeable future.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel
After two cases of COVID-19 were identified over the weekend in Manitoba, one new case has been announced this afternoon.
This brings the total number of confirmed and probable cases since early March to 314.
There are 14 active cases in the province, and no Manitobans in hospital because of the virus.
The number of deaths due to COVID-19 remains at seven.
The total number of people tested at the three Prairie Mountain Health (PMH) region designated COVID testing sites is 3,297. There have been 26 confirmed cases in the PMH region.
Dauphin's designated site has tested a total of 489 people while Swan River's has tested 164. The Brandon site has tested 2,644.
Dauphin's site is located at the Community Health Services Building Parking Lot. It is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. You do not need an appointment or need to call Health Links to go get tested. It is advised to take the online self-assessment test before visiting a testing location.
More information about the PMH COVID Designated Testing sites can be found on the PMH website.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel
Over the weekend and on Friday a number of Mountain View School Division schools held parades to congratulate their graduates.
MVSD Superintendent Dan Ward thinks they went well and was even in attendance at the Roblin parade on Saturday.
“It was a great event. I have to say, that for the most part, all of these events are community initiatives put on by the grads and the parents. The schools have been very supportive, but these are really events that originated in the community, by community members, by parents, trying to find a way to recognize the grads during this, obviously difficult time.”
Ward says the great turnouts of the parades recognize the hard work and resilience of the grads. He adds that the community support has been overwhelming and thinks the grads feel it.
“I think it was really, a meaningful event and from the folks that I’ve talked to, really appreciate it.”
Ward says the parades provided a general sense of closure.
“That sense of closure, that’s what I’ve heard from the community, from our teachers, from our school administrators, was something that was truly appreciated and so the division truly appreciates the work of each school, of those groups of parents and those grads that put something together because there’s a process around that obviously that had to ensure that participants were safe, but also appropriately commemorated and celebrated.”
The division will look at potentially making grad parades a yearly tradition.
“This pandemic has obviously been difficult, but we’ve learned from it, we’ve done things differently, and there’s certain things that we’ve done that we might want to hold onto and there’ll certainly be a conversation around some of the celebratory things we did at the end of the year, in terms of hanging onto them.”
Ward has a message for the 2020 grads.
“Just want to pass on my congratulations to all of our graduates, roughly about 220 across the division. Just really humbled by the work of our families and our grads during this difficult time and just wish everyone the best.”
There are still some grad parades coming up throughout the Parkland and you can click here for a full breakdown of when and where you can get out and show your support.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Early yesterday morning around 4:40, Dauphin RCMP responded to a report of a stabbing.
A 36-year-old female was at the hospital with stab wounds.
Officers attended and the investigation led them to a home on 6th Avenue SW in Dauphin.
The RCMP are continuing the investigation and ask that if anyone has information on the incident to call them at 622-5020.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Some national parks across Canada will be partially reopening camping services beginning Monday, June 22.
Riding Mountain National Park (RMNP) has reinstated overnight camping services, but you may have to wait a little while longer to secure a campground reservation.
Reservations for select areas of Wasagaming campground will reopen late June to early July. Other areas of the campground are just about booked solid until September 6.
Camp Kippichewin will also open for reserved camping on June 22.
All oTENTiks, and other roofed accommodations remain closed until July 15, while Parks Canada assesses how these services might resume. Also, all large events are still suspended until further notice.
Park Safety
Park officials are reminding all visitors to keep a safe distance of 2 metres between others, and are also encouraging you to bring hand sanitizer and soap if possible.
You should also be aware of ticks when in the park, and brush up on bear safety before planning your trip. For more tips on how to be “bear smart” when visiting the park, click here.
Boating & Fishing
Recreational boating is allowed at the national park, as long as you have a seasonal permit and have undergone a mandatory watercraft inspection.
Fishing is allowed in Riding Mountain National Park as long as you hold a valid fishing license — which are separate from the provincially issued angling licenses. National park fishing licenses can be purchased at the Mountain View Esso in Dauphin, and also at the park entry gates.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel
A high-speed chase early Friday morning on Sandy Bay First Nation ended in the arrest of a 42-year-old man.
At around 3 a.m. on Friday, June 19th, Manitoba First Nations Police Service (MFNPS) responded to a call of a suspicious car in a driveway at a home on Sandy Bay First Nation.
When police located the vehicle and attempted a traffic stop, the driver sped off and officers lost sight of the suspect.
A few hours later, police located the suspect vehicle — now with two flat tires — and the driver again refused to stop and turned into a field where he got stuck.
Police then made the arrest, and charged the 42-year-old man from Sandy Bay First Nation for Dangerous Operation of a conveyance, and Flight from Police in a Motor Vehicle.
The suspect was held in custody and lodged in a cell.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel
On Sunday, June 21st, Manitoba takes another step forward on the path to recovery with Phase Three of reopening.
That means the province is relaxing some public health orders, and allowing some businesses to operate with fewer restrictions.
Here’s a quick summary of some changes we’ll see in Phase Three:
Public Gatherings
Manitobans can now gather in groups of up to 50 people indoors, and 100 people outdoors — as long as two metres of separation can be maintained (except for brief exchanges).
Even larger gatherings — such weddings, funerals, and church service — are allowed at 30% of a site’s usual capacity, as long as people can be separated into sub-groups of 50 people, that are able to arrive and depart without co-mingling.
Interprovincial Travel
Anyone entering Manitoba from Western Canada, the territories, or Northwestern Ontario (west of Terrace Bay) no longer has to self-isolate for 14 days on arrival.
Child Care & Day Camps
Child care centres are now allowed to return to their regular licensed capacity, as long as measures are taken to comply with public health guidelines.
Day camps can continue to operate, with a maximum capacity of 50 children per group. Camps are encouraged to design activities that allow children and staff to maintain a distance of two metres, except for brief exchanges.
Overnight camping is still not allowed in Phase Three.
K-12 Schools
Regular classroom learning remains suspended for the remainder of this school year. Manitoba Education is developing a reopening strategy, and will work with school divisions on detailed plans.
The province says parents and students will have an opportunity to offer feedback and to inform the back-to-school strategy.
Restaurants, Bars & Retail
Occupancy limits of 50% have now been removed for restaurants and retail businesses. The province will now allow these businesses to fully operate, as long as they take measures to ensure customers maintain two metres of seperation, except for brief exchanges.
Bingo Halls, VLT Lounges
Indoor recreation sites, such as bingo halls, billiard rooms, and VLT lounges are allowed to reopen in Phase Three, but must limit occupancy to 50% of normal business levels.
What’s Been Left Out?
Casinos in Manitoba will not be allowed to reopen in Phase Three.
Movie theatres and live theatre venues must also remain closed in Phase Three, but are being encouraged to provide plans on how they can ensure proper physical distancing, to be considered in future phases of reopening.
Going forward, the province is monitoring COVID-19 case numbers, and progressing to new phases of reopening every 3 to 4 weeks.
To read more about the changes coming into effect with Phase Three, click here.
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- Contributed by Matt Hamel