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Make sure to check yourself for ticks when coming in from the great outdoors.

Undetected ticks can bite and infect you with one of three different types of disease, however they must already been carrying the disease.

Dr. Amy Frykoda, Medical Officer of Health, notes the one tick in Manitoba spreads disease.

“In Manitoba there are several species of ticks, but there is only one species of tick that is actually responsible for spreading tick-borne diseases, and that tick is commonly known as the Deer Tick or the Black-Legged Tick.”

The worst areas for Deer Ticks are forests or farm shelter belts. They like to be near wildlife in order to feed off of and the sustain shelter from the elements.

To minimize the risk, you can use a spray to repellent, wear long light coloured clothing and tuck your pant into your socks.

Currently there’s no vaccination for any tick-borne diseases.

An 87-year old man died as a result of an ATV accident in Roblin, yesterday.

At 7:40 p.m., RCMP were called out  to a report of an ATV collision.

They found him deceased underneath a tipped ATV on his property, where he had been checking cattle and riding alone when the accident occured.

He wasn’t wearing a helmet and alcohol isn’t considered a factor.

The RCMP is continuing their investigation.

Manitoba Hydro is scheduling a power outage in Rossburn.

On Monday it’ll be off from 6:00 in the evening till probably around 9:00.

Hydro is making repairs to the transformer at the Rossburn Distribution Supply Centre.


Last night, the Dauphin Fire Department responded to a call of a house fire on 5th Avenue S.W.

Upon arrival, the fire crew found the two-story home completely engulfed in flames.

It took firefighters approximately an hour to bring the fire under control, but due to the age of the home and magnitude of the fire, the house was a total loss.

No one was in the home at the time of the blaze, therefore there were no injuries and initially neighbours reported the incident to 911.

After an investigation, it’s been determined that the fire started in the basement and was electrical in nature.

The community of Grandview is dedicated to keeping their hospital operating at full capacity.

Thanks to the Grandview Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch #14, the Grandview Hospital received a brand new Cardiac Monitor Defibrillator for the Emergency Room.

The cost of the machine was approximately $14,000.

“This new device will improve the capacity and reliability of emergency room treatment in Grandview and augment our existing machines.   It also increases our ability to monitor CO2 levels within the facility’s Emergency Department,” stated Richard Kunicki, Grandview Health Centre Care Team Manager with Prairie Mountain Health.

The Grandview Legion Ladies Auxiliary was able to raise money for the new equipment through a variety of fundraisers, catering lunches and collecting donations.

In an effort to limit shoplifting in Dauphin, Riehl Securities is hosting an open meeting for businesses on Tuesday.

Many local businesses have approached Riehl Securities to assist them with loss prevention services.

Kerri Riehl, Owner/operator of the company, tells 730 CKDM some details of the meeting

“It’s going to be Tuesday, May 12 from12:00 noon until 1:00 at the Lions’ Den. So if anybody is interested in coming is to contact me either through my email, through my website or my phone number is 204-647-5942 and just collaboratively get together as businesses and put some ideas together.”

Riehl is working on a database to help identify repeat shoplifters for businesses to use.

All bargain hunters should head down to Grandview this Saturday.

The Grandview & District Recreation’s Annual Rummage Sale will have tons of treasures to choose from and opens  its doors at 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Grandview Agricultural Community Centre.

Jill Wiebe, Grandview Rec Director, tells 730 CKDM what kind of items are up for sale.

“This year we are hosting our annual rummage sale May 12 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. We have an arena full of items.  There are clothes, to baby items, Christmas decorations, cookware, furniture and you name it, and I’m sure we’ll have it in there.”

Donated items for the sale can still be dropped off from Wednesday to Thursday from 9:00 in the morning until 8:00 in the evening and all day Friday at the back of the GACC.

All proceeds from the sale go towards recreation programming for the community.

60 percent of cell phones in Manitoba didn’t receive the emergency alert test yesterday.

Telus was one of the carriers that reported issues transmitting the message.

Minister of Infrastructure, Ron Schuler is pleased how the system worked.

“I’m very pleased to say, from everything I understand, that through Emergency Measures, our system worked 100 per cent. So the issue was not with the system that we provided, it had to do with the providers themselves.”

The province is giving wireless carriers a year to get their technology compatible for the system and will test again in May 2019.

The test warning was also issued over radio and television to compensate for those areas with no or poor cell service.

Emergency crews are responding to a house fire on 5th Ave SW.

CKDM is working on the story for tomorrow.



A fire broke out in Swan River this morning at the Mushroom Patch on Main Street.

With the help of the Minitonas Fire Department, the Swan River Fire Department was able to put the fire out within 90 minutes.

An unconfirmed report stated the fire came from an upstairs apartment in the business’ store and that four people had to be rescued, but no one was injured.

It’s undetermined what caused the fire, and CKDM will continue to provide updates as they become available.

25-year-old William Pelletier made another court appearance In Dauphin today.

Back in December of last year, he was involved in a shooting incident on the Pine Creek First nation Reserve.

He was arrested earlier this year when RCMP executed a search warrant and found a firearm related to the incident.

Pelletier has pleaded not guilty to numerous charges and appears in court on May 22 in Dauphin.