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Yesterday the provincial government announced the school reopening plan.

Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen announced that kindergarten to grade 8 students will be in classroom 5 days per week. He also says remote learning might be required for some high schools depending on their ability to implement public health measures. Those measures being physical distancing and the use of smaller designated groups of students. Schools and school divisions will also have some variation in physical space, equipment availability, and the number of available substitute teachers.

Mountain View School Division superintendent, Dan Ward, is happy for the clarification.

“At the end of June, the province had provided us with three possible scenarios and we spent some time planning for all three and providing some information to the public regarding our planning. So, today essentially firms up some of that planning, we’re able to look back at what we put together for our scenarios, look at the provincial direction, and put together and publish a plan that’s far more concrete than what we’ve had until now.”

School divisions in Manitoba now have until the middle of August to finalize their plans for the school year and share it with students and parents. Ward says the division intends to release some information next week.

“Not only the provincial plan itself but to share some of the work that’s happened in the division. In terms of a divisional plan, that will give parents and students more insight into what September will look like, that is going to be released no later than August the 14th.”

The division will be reviewing the plan with the school board, stakeholders, and key staff members before releasing the plan to the public.

Ward says the government’s guidelines could make things difficult for the DRCSS.

“It’s certainly going to be more challenging for our larger schools and in particular, for our largest school, the DRCSS. Our smaller schools can actually cohort in a much more straight forward fashion. The cohort maximum is 75, our cohorts in our smaller high schools will be smaller than that. But with the D-R, with a student enrollment of more than 600 students, it’s going to present its challenges. I’ve already been in touch with the high school principal at the DRCSS and we’ve communicated.”

Ward and DRCSS Principal Norm Casavant will be meeting early next week to look at the direction from the province and what that means for scheduling and programming at the DRCSS.

If you would like to take a look at the full school reopening plan, click here.

Blazers Mini Mart in Minnedosa has been closed due to a possible COVID-19 exposure.

It’s believed one of the store owners tested positive for the virus and had worked a shift on Saturday, July 25th.

A note posted at the front of the shop reads: “Closed due to possible exposure to COVID-19.”

 A post in a Minnedosa Facebook group says staff closed the doors as soon as they learned the information, and health officials are contacting people who have recently come into contact with this person.

Brandon Police made a drug seizure during a traffic stop this week, and say it could be one of the biggest busts in Manitoba history.

At around 1:30 in the afternoon on July 28th, a Brandon Police Officer conducted a traffic stop on Highway 1 west of the City and got involved in an unlawful transportation of liquor in a motor vehicle investigation.

During the investigation, 76 kilograms of illicit drugs were discovered in the vehicle, valued at over 3 million dollars.

Two men, aged 41 and 43, both from Ontario, were taken into custody for possession for the purpose of trafficking.

After preliminary presumptive testing, the illicit substances are believed to be 50 Kilograms of MDMA, commonly known as Ecstasy, and 26 Kilograms of a variation of substances combined with Fentanyl.  The illicit drugs were packaged in 1 Kilogram quantities.  These seizures are subject to further testing to confirm the identity of the substances.

While the wholesale value of the drugs is in excess of 3 million dollars, police say the street value might be up to 5 times that amount.

The two accused were in court Wednesday for a bail hearing and were subsequently remanded into custody.

Both have been charged with two counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking MDMA and Fentanyl, as well as two counts of trafficking MDMA and Fentanyl.

Wait times for non-urgent diagnostic tests have grown even longer in Manitoba as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The wait time for an ultrasound at the Dauphin Regional Health Centre right now is over a year — while back in January, that wait time was only three months, according to the province's latest wait time reports.

The increased wait times are being noted across all of Manitoba’s health regions — after the province cancelled non-urgent diagnostics for a six-week period to control the spread of the virus.

Prior to the pandemic, the province had been working to reduce wait times in a number of areas, however, the COVID situation appears to set back some of that progress.

A Shared Health spokesperson explains the effort to ramp up services in May has still not been able to return operations to 100% capacity.

The spokesperson added that the Prairie Mountain Health region experienced some staff turnover in recent months, which impacted ultrasound wait times at several locations, including Dauphin.

Manitoba’s Education Minister has confirmed that in-classroom learning will resume on September 8th for K—12 students across Manitoba.

In-classroom learning will be full time for students in kindergarten to grade 8 — and for special needs students of all grades — with five days of instruction per week.

For high school students in the province, some remote learning may be required, based on the ability of high schools to implement the necessary public health measures, such as physical distancing, and the use of smaller designated groups of students.

The Education Minister says the goal for high schools is to achieve 5 days a week school schedule if those schools can ensure health protocols, related to physical distancing and cohorting.

Goertzen says we can expect some variation between schools, with differences in physical space, equipment availability, and depth of substitute teaching rosters.

Going forward, Manitoba school divisions will digest these provincial guidelines, and are expected to finalize and share plans with students and parents by mid-August.

At this time, the province is not requiring students wear masks.

Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen says “Manitoba Education and Public Health are working with divisions and individual schools to ensure that as many students as possible return to classroom learning full-time.”

This announcement comes shortly after the province of Ontario also revealed their elementary students will be in the classroom five days a week — with the majority of high school students in class at least 50% of the time in the new school year.

Two new cases have been announced by Public Health officials today.

Manitoba now has a total of 409 cases – of those cases, 76 are active and 325 people have recovered.

Today’s new cases are two 30-year-old men in the Prairie Mountain Health region.  There has been a total of 41 cases in the Prairie Mountain Health region.


Right now there are 6 people in the hospital with 4 in intensive care.

Manitoba’s number of COVID-related deaths remains at 8.

For more information, you can go to

If you've had a push style lawnmower go missing on you, RCMP may have recovered it.

Dauphin RCMP recovered a mower near 4th Ave. SE on Thursday.

RCMP are asking the public to check their property for a missing lawnmower, and call the Dauphin RCMP Detachment at 204-622-5020 to provide a description.

UPDATE | 10:32 a.m. RCMP have safely located the two men.


RCMP are searching for two missing men in the Duck Bay area of Lake Winnipegosis.

At 6 a.m. Thursday morning, Winnipegosis RCMP received a report of overdue boaters, who set out around 2:50 p.m. Wednesday afternoon.

It was believed the boaters would be returning in a couple of hours, but they failed to return.

RCMP deployed a Hercules aircraft to assist in the search.

The investigation is ongoing.

The Dauphin RCMP are increasing the number of officers on the road in and around the Dauphin area this August long weekend.

The increased patrols are focusing on drivers who don’t stop at stop signs, those not wearing seatbelts, and distracted drivers.

Corporal Kalvin Kristjanson with the Dauphin RCMP says the additional officers are to increase road safety in the area.

"We want everyone to get to their destinations safely, but we need the public to do their part. Make sure everyone is wearing seatbelts, stop at all stop signs, and never drive while impaired or distracted."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to testify before the House of Commons finance committee tomorrow.

He’ll be asked about the events that led to his cabinet asking the WE Charity to oversee a $900 million student-volunteer program.

The federal Conservatives have called for the ethics watchdog to broaden their investigation into the We Charity scandal.

Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau are already being investigated by the ethics commissioner, for possible violations of the Conflict of Interest Act.

Members of Trudeau’s family were paid more than $500,000 in speaking fees at various WE Charity events.

Manitoba RCMP is investigating a fatal vehicle collision, just outside of Brandon.

The initial investigation suggests that a vehicle going west on Highway 1 collided with a woman that was lying in the middle of the westbound lane of traffic.

Emergency services were called but the pedestrian, a 30-year-old woman from Brandon, was pronounced dead at the scene.

The 44-year-old male driver from Brandon was not injured.

RCMP continues to investigate.