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A 4.2 magnitude earthquake happened last night about an hour and a half north northwest of Virden, near Binscarth, Manitoba.


The earthquake struck at around 11:34 p.m. and lasted around 5 to 15 seconds.

The quake was strong enough to be felt over 40 kilometres away.  

Although this isn't the first time earthquakes had been felt in the area, it is definitely an unusual occurrence.

On average, there are 48 collisions yearly in the province involving agricultural equipment and passenger vehicles, according to Manitoba Public Insurance data.

Satvir Jatana, MPI’s Chief Customer Officer, stressed roadway safety for Manitobans:

“Observance of road safety is key to keeping our roadways safe during harvest season. While some areas of the province are experiencing severe drought, many other producers are on the roadways moving their machinery. Crops are coming off the fields, and large agriculture machinery will be travelling on roadways. It’s crucial motorists be aware and drive responsibly."

Motorists can do their part by keeping a safe distance from agricultural machinery, added Jatana.

Farm equipment has a maximum speed of 40 km/h, so it’s easy for passenger vehicles to misjudge their speed of approach.

MPI reports that five people are killed or injured yearly in crashes between agricultural machinery and passenger vehicles.

On Wednesday, the Manitoba Wildfire Service, along with Manitoba Conservation and Climate, will be welcoming over 100 South African firefighters and their support staff to help battle Manitoba wildfires.

The South African contingent joins over 400 Manitoba firefighters and resources from across Canada deployed to aid firefighting efforts.
Manitoba’s six water bombers have been supplemented with two aircraft from Quebec, four from the Northwest Territories, and over two dozen helicopters to assist fire suppression efforts.

The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre has arranged the South African contingent of firefighters.

Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization has worked collaboratively with the Manitoba Wildfire Services to ensure COVID-19 protocols are met. Following federal regulations, the contingent was tested for COVID-19 before they departed from South Africa. Upon arrival in Winnipeg by charter flight, they will be tested again.

Recent rainfalls across the province will help ground crews in ongoing fire suppression efforts. Manitoba currently has 143 active wildfires burning across the province. To date, Manitoba has had 431 wildfires this year; the average for this time is 370 wildfires.

On Tuesday, the Manitoba government announced that they would invest $62 million in programs under the AgriRecovery framework designed to support livestock producers affected by this year’s drought conditions.

Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Ralph Eichler announced that producers would have options to keep and care for their animals while supporting the longer-term sustainability of the livestock sector:

“This extremely dry weather has affected producers’ ability to find suitable pastures and feed for their animals which means that, without additional investment, producers are in the very difficult position of having to consider reducing their herds or leaving the industry altogether. There is no harder decision for a livestock producer. Our government is making this significant investment to ensure there are other options available when they are needed most. This builds on our existing programs and will help maintain livestock herds, ensure good animal care, and support Manitoba livestock producers to stay in their industry over the longer term.”

Eichler mentioned that programs are being developed, including funding for feed assistance, feed transportation, cattle transportation, and a herd rebuilding program.

Tyler Fulton, president, Manitoba Beef Producers, spoke of the relief:

“Today’s announcement is very important as it recognizes both the immediate needs related to the feed situation, as well as looks ahead to a time when producers will consider rebuilding their herds. We appreciate the government’s commitment to the future of our sector and look forward to seeing more program details.”

Since dry conditions are affecting much of the Prairies, there are limited options to source feed. This is resulting in very high feed prices. The province is already seeing repercussions to the drought, with Manitoba auction markets reporting large-volume sales of all classes of cattle. Last week, total sales through auction markets were up 17 percent as compared to last year.

Eichler noted that the livestock industry is vital to Manitoba’s agriculture sector and the provincial economy. Livestock receipts in 2020 totalled $2.36 billion, representing about one-third of the province’s $7.02 billion in total farm cash receipts.

For more information about managing dry conditions and other resources for producers, click here.

Manitoba Conservation has ended the advisory they issued last week for the Ste. Rose public water system.

Residents in the area can go back to regular tasks involving tap water.


Manitoba Conservation has issued a boil advisory for the Ste. Rose public water system.

Test results of routine water samples taken on August 3rd, 2021, have shown the presence of coliform bacteria in the treated water supply at the Ste. Rose du Lac water system.

As a result, a boil water advisory has been issued to ensure public health protection.

Until further notice, all water used for consumption should be brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute before it is used for:

Drinking and ice-making
Preparing beverages, such as infant formula.
Preparing food, including washing fruits and vegetables.
Brushing teeth

Manitoba Conservation notes that it is unnecessary to boil tap water used for other household purposes like laundry or washing dishes.

Adults and older children that can avoid swallowing the water can wash, bathe or shower. Young children should be sponge bathed. If boiling is not practical, an alternate like bottled water should be used for consumption purposes.

On August 7th, at 3:15 a.m., Cross Lake RCMP received reports of shots fired in the north end of Cross Lake, Manitoba.

Officers attended the area and discovered several people had been injured.

The initial investigation determined that several people were gathering inside an old bus when another group of people came along and were denied entry into the bus. At that point, shots were fired into the bus.

Six males, aged 29, 12, 13, 12, 44, and 39, were inside the bus and received injuries. A 13-year-old male was transported to Winnipeg hospital.

Police located and arrested two males. Marcus North, 24, and Morrison North, 23, have been charged with Aggravated Assault, Assault with Weapon x5, Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose, Using a Firearm in the Commission of an Offence, Careless Use of a Firearm, and Reckless Discharge of a Firearm.

Both have been remanded in custody.

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister announced on Tuesday that he won't be seeking re-election in the next provincial election in 2023.

Pallister made the announcement in Brandon, on the first day of his party's summer caucus retreat.

“After almost 10 years as the leader of our party and over five years as our province's premier, I believe that now is a good time for a new leader and new premier to take our province forward.”

Pallister added that he believes that now is a good time to make this announcement:

“So by stepping aside at the mid-point in our second mandate, I believe this will provide sufficient time, not only for party members to choose a new leader but for Manitobans to get to know that new leader and new premier as well, so that we can keep moving this province forward.”

Pallister finished his press conference by thanking his family, his party, and the Province of Manitoba.

The federal government is committing $321 million in new funding for programs to help Indigenous communities search burial sites at former residential schools and to support survivors and their communities.

Justice Minister David Lametti says he will appoint a translator to work with Indigenous communities and the government to propose changes to federal laws, policies and practices that are related to unmarked graves at residential schools.

Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett says $83 million will be added to an existing $27-million program to fund searches of burial sites and commemorate the children who died at residential schools.

She also says the government will create a national advisory committee, made up of archeology, forensic, pathology, and mental health experts, to advise Indigenous communities and the government about work to find and identify the children.

Since May of this year, several Indigenous communities across the country have announced that hundreds of unmarked graves have been located at the sites of former residential schools.

Minnedosa is getting a new recreation centre, named after a former member of the legislative assembly and cabinet minister, Harold Gilleshammer.

Premier Brian Pallister made the announcement about Minnedosa Recreation and Events Centre yesterday.

“While investments like this support the health and well-being of community members, these kinds of critical infrastructure improvements also make a huge difference to the economic development and continued vitality of the community.”

He added that he’s proud to honour the legacy of Harold Gilleshammer by naming this recreation facility site after him.

Minnedosa’s mayor, Pat Skatch says she’s excited about the funding for the project.

“We look forward to the completion of this project in the near future as it will provide recreation and sporting opportunities in our community for many years to come.”

In addition to the current sport and recreation facilities on site, the new facility will feature:
•    a full-sized ice surface
•    five dressing rooms for athletes
•    a fully-finished kitchen
•    upper and lower viewing areas
•    an elevator for accessibility
•    an interior walking track

In addition to the province’s $1.7 million contribution to the arena and recreation centre project, the Government of Canada will contribute $2 million and The Town of Minnedosa will contribute $3.4 million toward the total $7.2 million cost of the project.

Dauphin City Council met in person on Monday night to discuss a few community topics.

One item on the agenda was COVID-19. Dauphin City Manager, Sharla Griffiths noted that even though masks are no longer mandated, some COVID practices will remain in effect:

“Most of the restrictions are on businesses and gathering sizes, and that has been greatly reduced, or the restrictions have been removed. Also, the wearing of masks in public spaces is no longer mandated by the province, but it is recommended. So with respect to our facilities, we will continue to be open to the public but our signage has changed to indicate that masks are recommended, and that does reflect the current recommendations from the provincial government. We will continue to require physical distancing, good hand hygiene practices, self-assessments regarding personal health status, and staying home when ill. We will continue to hold in-person meetings with virtual option available and our council meetings are once again open to the public.”

Another topic of discussion was the Rural Manitoba Economic Development Corporation or RMED. Griffiths briefly touched on who they are and what they do within the province:

“RMED is a new organization created by the province of Manitoba to improve, support and increase success for economic development in Manitoba. RMED is designed to work with communities, municipalities, economic development organizations, and businesses toward economic growth.”  

The last topic was regarding the Association of Manitoba Municipalities fall cities caucus meeting. Griffiths said that the meeting was originally scheduled back in 2020 following the Manitoba Summer Games however, the games, along with the meeting, were postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. The meeting is now scheduled for September 22 in Dauphin.  

The next Dauphin City Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 7.

The government of Manitoba has introduced a new app that will allow people to request and access their immunization card.

The Manitoba Immunization Card app will allow people to access their digital card when not connected to Wi-Fi or cellular data services.

The app will only show the person’s first and last names and a QR code.

When scanned by the Manitoba Immunization Verifier app, the QR code will confirm that the person is fully vaccinated.