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The creator of many superheroes, Stan Lee, passed away at the age of 95.

Lee created many Marvel Comics' heros as a leading writer, editor, and publisher in the industry.

It's being reported that he died early this morning in Los Angeles.

Producers in the Parkland have the opportunity to learn about Clubroot and what they can do to prevent the spread of the disease in their crops.

Tanis Sirski says it’s important to learn about the disease because it’s showing up in areas surrounding the Parkland like around Swan River and just below the lakes.

Sirski says Dan Orchard, from the Canola Council of Canada, is the guest speaker.

“We’re having Dan Orchard. He’s from the Canola Council of Canada. He works in the central part of Alberta. He has been working with clubroot since it was found in 2003. He’s acutely the gentlemen who found Clubroot in a field when he was working for a retail location there. So he’s been working with clubroot since day one.”

Orchard is the Clubroot specialist with the Canola Council of Canada.

A presentation is taking place tomorrow in Dauphin at the Rec Complex from 3 until 6, and then another one is taking place on Wednesday from 9 until noon.

You'll learn how to reduce the risk of clubroot, rotation and resistance strategies, and much more.

Sirski wants everyone to RSVP by today. Give her a call at 204-572-7350 if you plan to attend.

After some bulls got loose the Gilbert Plains- Grandview Ag Society realized they needed to upgrade their fence.

The society has built a 5 bar continuous rail fence made out of pipe that Jack Bremner says will last for a very long time.

Bremner shares the story of what happened to the old fence.

“Well, what happened was that we had the rodeo stock inside a fence, and it was built as a temporary fence about 20 years ago, and last year the rodeo bulls got into a fight and pretty much wiped out one side of it, and we managed to prop it back up and get them back in. It took a little work, and we used a tractor and a quad to chase them back in. But we did get them back in, so they didn’t go through Gilbert Plains. And our rodeo contractor looked at the fence and said ‘if you guys don’t get a new fence, I'm not coming back.’ Because he’d be liable for any damage that was caused.”

Bremner hopes the bulls will respect the new steel fence, the group has put up, and not try to smash through it.

“It’s a new type of fencing that different welding shops have come out with. It’s a five bar fence made out of pipe, and it’s welded together into 20-foot panels. Each panel slides together into another, so it makes a continuous rail. It’s about five feet high. The panels are four feet, and we put them about a foot off the ground. And they are actually leg bolted to the fence post. And we used some really heavy fence posts to put it up so the bulls won’t be breaking those off.”

The group applied for an Infrastructure grant from the Manitoba government as well as the Gilbert Plains Community Fund to raise enough money to complete this 5 thousand dollar fence.

Dan Mazier will represent the Conservative Party of Canada during the next federal election.

Mazier will replace the retiring Robert Sopuck as the candidate for the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding.

Voting took place last week and ended on Saturday with Mazier being chosen out of the three candidates running.

Ben Fox and Floyd Martens had also put their names forward.

The Dauphin Clippers’ Christmas Tree Fundraiser is still going on.

The fundraiser is going on for one more week. The pickup date is November 29th at the sales barn behind the Rotary Arena.

This fundraiser is the only way to get a real tree for Christmas in Dauphin.

There are four kinds of trees worth 65 to 80 dollars, you can also buy live wreaths.

The money raised will go towards lowering player fees to accommodate for all the costs that happen during the year such as travel, rest, ice time, it also goes towards jerseys or future purchases the team may need to make.

You can call or text McGregor to order at 204 647 2000.

Members of the Dauphin Fire Department will be conducting a live fire training scenario today. It will happen at some point between 8 this morning and noon on the property behind Secord-Crowe Greenhouse off Whitmore Avenue East.

They are advising the public so that 911 does not receive unnecessary calls as smoke and/or flames may be visible from Highway 20, Road 109N, Whitmore Avenue East or other areas surrounding.

They thank you for your cooperation, stay safe all

This morning at 8:42 a CO alarm went off at Mr Mike's.

We talked to Dauphin's Fire Chief, Cam Abrey, he says its just a regular occurrence, they're bringing in their plumber to take a look at things.

Mr Mikes will stay open today.

A pre-budget meeting is taking place on Monday hosted by local MLA Brad Michaleski.

Michaleski says he hopes to hear what the public thinks are the important issues the government should focus on.

“The people want to see an improvement in services, accountability, and transparency in government. So I expect issues like that coming from the floor. I’m there to provide some insight into what’s going on. I’m there to listen to the people and being able to convey their questions and concerns back to the government.”

He shares some of the topics on the agenda.

“It’s not geared specifically to any particular group. We’re going to be doing an overview of the situation that the province is dealing with, in terms of making people aware of the physical situation that we face. We’re going to be going over a number of issues regarding healthcare, regarding education, and going to be doing a little talk about the green plan.”

It’s taking place at the EMS Building in Gilbert Plains from 1 to 2:30 in the afternoon.

Today is Remembrance Day.

There will be a service at Credit Union Place at 10:45 and a service at the cenotaph at noon.

Norma Johnson, poppy chair for the Dauphin Legion Branch, thinks it’s important to go to the ceremony because we need to remember the wars and what our people fought for.

This year’s focus is on WW1 because it’s the 100th anniversary of the end of that war.

The Red Cross honoured the Dauphin Fire Department by giving them an award. 

This happened at the Dauphin Kings game last night at Credit Union Place. 

The fire department has played a key role in supporting and promoting the Red Cross and its work in Dauphin. 

The Dauphin Fire Department helps the Red Cross by providing space for meetings and storage, promoting the Red Cross to other fire departments, and encouraging the community to volunteer. 

By connecting people to the Red Cross after a fire the Dauphin Fire Department shows off how much it cares for the well-being of this community. 

The Red Cross helps those families by providing them with lodging, clothes, food, and other necessities for the first 72 hours following the incident. 

Adopt a Family is a part of the Christmas Hamper program for the Dauphin area.

Hampers get filled with items from a basic grocery list, Christmas gifts for as many kids as there are in the family, and whatever else you feel should go in the hamper.

Adopt a Family works with the Friendship Centre’s angel tree and the food bank.

They try to adopt half of the people that apply for hampers, so the food bank and angel tree only have to fill the other half of the hampers.

Laverne Hudson, Coordinator of Adopt a Family, says you won’t know who you are buying for, just the number of people and ages of the kids for gifts.

If you would like to get involved