The town of Ste. Rose du Lac held an election forum last night.
As in most cases, lowering taxes was a major point which was brought up a few times. Citizens are concerned because taxes were raised in the rural side, but haven't changed much in town.
All candidates want to keep the hospital in Ste. Rose. They believe the hospital is integral to their community.
Recreation is one of the priorities the candidates have, citing there are nice hockey and curling facilities that they want to use to attract more people to the municipality.
The election is next Wednesday the 24th.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
As of midnight; recreational marijuana is legal across the entire country.
Justin Trudeau made the promise to voters during his 2015 federal election run that the Liberal party would legalise weed if elected.
According to a senior government official, anyone with a possession charge of 30 grams or fewer will now be eligible for a pardon if they apply for one. Up until today, the charges for simple possession were a fine of up to $1000, and 6 months in jail.
In Manitoba, 5 stores will open up in Winnipeg, and 1 store will open up in Dauphin, in the Marketplace Mall.
There are still fines for smoking or vaping in public, in provincial parks, as well as a handful of other fines. If you choose to use marijuana, please do so responsibly.
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- Contributed by Alec Woolston
Tweed in Dauphin is the only pot store opening today that isn’t located in Winnipeg.
Dauphin has a store because one of the four companies that have the approval to sell cannabis chose to put a store here in Dauphin.
The LGCA is anticipating more stores to open in the next couple of weeks.
In the coming months, there could be a round two of cannabis stores opening up.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
A Dauphin man won 49 thousand dollars from a scratch ticket back in September.
Jason Thorkelson bought his lucky Instant 649 at the Dauphin co-op on Main Street.
“I think it’s pretty awesome! Came in at the right time,” Thorkelson said.
This isn’t the first time he’s been lucky, he also won back in 2012 playing the same game.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Dauphin is the only place in rural Manitoba that will have a pot store ready to go tomorrow.
The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba has approved only 6 stores to open across the province.
The store in Dauphin is called Tweed, it is located at the Market Place Mall.
Winnipeg has five stores opening right away tomorrow as well.
Stores can open as early as 8 in the morning.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Some business owners are concerned about workers showing up for work after taking cannabis products.
Kirk Nyquist, a host of the Reefer MEDness Podcast, explains his thoughts on the topic.
“Businesses need to learn to accommodate and help employers who are smoking cannabis. Because, are you impaired when you smoke cannabis? That’s the question. If you take a high THC, ya you got some cerebral cognitive issues and happiness happening. You take a high CBD you’re not cerebrally affected. So are you impaired with CBDs. There’s so much we don’t know.”
If you want to find out more about cannabis you can check out the Reefer MEDness Podcast. Go to to find all 13 current episodes.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Parks Canada has announced smoking cannabis will be allowed at campsites.
While the parks themselves are public, they treat campsites as private little homes for campers.
Their approach to cannabis will be very similar to that of alcohol.
Just like with alcohol, Parks Canada may implement specific prohibitions on consumption of pot in specific campgrounds or at specific times of year as operational requirements arise, or in an effort to ensure that all visitors enjoy their stay.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Kate Basford is one of three people running for Head of Council in the RM of Mossey.
She has been the Head of Council for the past four years and is running again because there have been lots of changes made during her term, those changes aren’t finished and she would like to see it through.
One thing she wants to focus on is making Mossey River and Winnipegosis a tourist destination. She also wants to improve municipal services and work on asset management.
Basford has lots of experience, she’s been on council for 8 years, and she’s been on many boards both locally and federally.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Tonight is your chance to hear from candidates running for Dauphin City Council.
The Dauphin and District Chamber of Commerce is holding a councillor forum at the Lion’s Den in the Rec Complex tonight at 7 pm.
Executive Director Stephen Chychota talks about why the public should come out.
“Great opportunity for the candidates to get some questions from the public and the public and the residents can hear from the candidates and get to know them a little bit better. “
“We’re taking submissions only, and we can do that now until the beginning of the forum. So if anybody wants to get their questions in before, they can. Or if they want to wait until the forum itself, when it starts, there will be some ballots out there that people can submit questions that way.
To submit questions you can give the chamber a call or email
There are other election forums taking place tonight including in Ste. Rose and McCreary. All of them start at 7.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
The Dauphin Fire Department is hosting a Red Cross Standard First Aid course later this month.
This is your chance to learn basic skills you can use in emergencies.
Shawn Feely, the vice president for Manitoba and Nunavut Red Cross shares what’s going on at the course.
“The course in Dauphin is a two-day standard aid course, so we’re going to be taking things like CPR, airway management, dealing with sprains, and fractures. A number of things that are common to people’s everyday life whether in the workplace or in or around the home.”
He talks about why people should learn first aid.
“A big factor with any first aid course is the idea of prevention. If you can prevent something from happening, then you don’t have to deal with it in an emergency situation.
It’s taking place on Saturday, October 27 and Sunday, October 28. Email the fire department at to sign up.
The course costs $150 plus GST per participant.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
An election forum took place at the Gilbert Plains Collegiate last night.
All three candidates for Reeve showed up, and ten out of twelve council candidates attended. The most talked about topics were water, better drainage, taxes, and garbage disposal. The candidates want to find better ways to get water to the people in Gilbert Plains while having good places to drain the water.
All candidates seemed to want to work out a way to level out taxes to make them fair for everyone. Garbage disposal was an important point; they all agreed that the garbage dump is necessary but pricey. They'd like to figure out a way to make it viable.
The election takes place on October 24th. Advance voting for Gilbert Plains will be tomorrow from 8am to 8pm at the municipal office on Main street.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak