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The Hoof 'N' Holler Weekend kicks off this Friday in Ste. Rose.

Hoof 'N' Holler Committee member Ashley Vandepoele says she’s really excited to go forward with this year’s events.

“We’re really excited to be able to bring something to our community. We know that it’s a lot smaller than we’ve done in past years, but we’re just looking forward to seeing the community together, and out and doing some events.”

The annual parade has been cancelled this year, but Ashley says there are still many events happening.

“We’re kicking off Friday with our Diamond Disk Dog Show, we actually had them booked in 2018 but there was a snowstorm and they weren’t able to make their way here. After the dog show is the drive-in movie followed by fireworks. Saturday Charlie Brown Daycare is partnering with us for a craft sale, queen bed races down Main Street, and a scavenger hunt. Then to wrap up our weekend on Sunday we’re having a pancake breakfast where the proceeds are going towards the Ste. Amelie Ridge Riders, which is our local snowmobiling group.”

Events start Friday at 4:30 at the Ste. Rose Arena. Attendees must show proof of vaccination.

Assiniboine Community College is currently accepting nominations for the 2022 Parkland Alumni Awards.
Nominees can be graduates of any Assiniboine campus but must be residents of the Parkland region.

People can nominate Parkland alumni for one of three categories:

1) Distinguished Alumni Award (up to two recipients): Awarded to college alumni who have distinguished themselves in both their chosen professions and their communities.

2) One to Watch Award: Awarded to college alumni, 35 years or younger, who have demonstrated exceptional achievement and significant contribution to their professions or communities.

3) Excellence in Education Award: Presented to a current staff or faculty member who has made an extraordinary contribution to teaching and the student experience.

Director of the ACC Parkland campus, Valerie McInnes, says she anticipates some top-notch alumni being nominated,

“I know Parkland campus offers an exceptional college experience for those in the region and has an impressive community of alumni. I look forward to hearing about the challenges and successes of those who will be nominated.”

While getting through the COVID-19 pandemic, the college could not present these awards over the past two years.

The deadline for the 2022 Parkland alumni award nominations is Friday, December 17th, 2021.

For nomination forms and more information, click here, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Justice Minister Cameron Friesen issued a press release on Tuesday regarding changes to legislation about the public consumption of cannabis.

The amendment to this law now prevents the public consumption of cannabis by ways other than smoking or vaping.

An example of these changes would be consuming cannabis in edible form.

The Manitoba government says that these changes are being made to keep our communities, children and public safe from intoxication and impairment.

These regulations will come into effect on October 15th. 

Today the Government of Canada released its mandatory vaccine policy.

It was announced that it will be mandatory for all federal public servants to be vaccinated.

Starting on October 30th, the government will require federal employers to establish vaccination policies for their employees.

Federal contractors, like cleaning staff, must also be fully vaccinated to enter government buildings.

The estimated 267 thousand employees covered by this policy must report their vaccination status by October 29th.

If employees haven't had their vaccine or received an accommodation under the Canadian Human Rights Act two weeks after that date, they could lose their job.

The employees who are affected by this mandate won’t have to produce their proof of vaccination documents.

Instead, they will have to sign a form, that will be audited by their managers, certifying that they've had the necessary shots.

If an employee submits a false statement it could result in termination.

Also effective on the 30th, travellers departing from Canadian airports, and travellers on VIA Rail and Rocky Mountaineer trains will be required to be fully vaccinated in order to travel.

There will be a short transition period for travellers who are in the process of being vaccinated.

These travellers will be able to travel if they can show a valid COVID-19 molecular test within 72 hours of travel.

The transition period ends on November 30th.

The government of Canada is advising any Canadians planning to travel by plane or train this Holiday season to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

A standardized, pan-Canadian proof of vaccination document for international travel is being developed.

The province has extended the Healthy Hire Program to November 15th, and the application deadline to October 30th.

This program allows employers to apply for up to $50 thousand to help cover the wages of new employees who are or are planning to get vaccinated.

Eligible employers will receive a grant equal to 50 percent of wages for a maximum of 10 employees, with a maximum of $5 thousand per employee.

More information can be found here

This is Mental Health Awareness Week, and there are several ongoing mental health events in the Parkland with Peer Connections Manitoba.

Eleanor Snitka who’s a community support worker with Peer Connections Manitoba says it’s been a long time, but she can finally start her peer support groups again.

“It’s on the third Monday of every month at the dauphin Senior Centre at 7 o’clock. There’s no diagnosis required. Anybody who’s experiencing some sort of mental health distress can come and share it, and get support.”

Eleanor says that she also has a grief and loss group that runs on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m., that’s also taking place at the Senior Centre.

“By grief and loss it doesn’t mean that people who’ve only experienced death in their families or with their loved ones can come. Loss can mean anything. Loss can mean the loss of a job, it can mean the loss of innocence if people have been abused.”

Peer to Peer support is available to those who live in Ste. Rose and area on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. People can show up from 4:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Another option for people who need support, but don’t want to participate in a group setting is individual peer support.

“So if people are struggling, and they’re not ready for groups and they need some individual support I’m available to do it.”

Eleanor Snitka can be reached at 431-345-0353.

A 16-year-old was issued tickets and a Serious Offence Notice after a speeding incident south of Roblin.

After midnight on September 26th, RCMP caught the driver going 170 km/hr in a 100 km/hr zone.

The teenager, who had a Class 5I licence, was issued tickets for speeding and driving with more than one person after midnight on a 5I licence, and given a Serious Offence Notice for a licence review with MPI.

UPDATE---Manitoba Hydro shut off the natural gas flow into the Parkland region Tuesday.

Damage occurred to the Minell Pipeline, just west of McAuley, causing the shut-off.

The damage is reportedly due to an excavator coming into contact with a natural gas pipeline on the site.

Russell, Inglis, Roblin, Riding Mountain West, Grandview, Gilbert Plains and Dauphin are served by gas from the Minell Pipeline. 

Manitoba Hydro reports no injuries and that this incident poses no threat to nearby communities. 

Natural gas is venting safely, and local staff are on the scene with emergency personnel to ensure the site remains safe.

Specialized gas crews will begin repair work tomorrow morning.

Because of the warm weather we are experiencing and low natural gas usage, it's anticipated that residential customers will not experience a disruption to their service.

Manitoba Hydro has sent a compressed natural gas trailer to Dauphin from Winnipeg to help supplement gas service. 

An early estimate indicates the damage will take two to three days to repair.

parkland gasse

Manitoba Hydro said in a press release that they would update the situation further once staff performed a more thorough examination.

Manitoba Hydro released news tonight via Twitter regarding disruption to a natural gas pipeline that serves the communities of Roblin, Inglis, Gilbert Plains and Dauphin.

Manitoba Hydro tweeted the following information,

“We are aware of a service disruption on a natural gas pipeline serving the communities of Russell, Inglis, Roblin, Gilbert Plains, Dauphin and rural service in between those communities. Local staff are responding, and we are getting in touch with communities impacted by the disruption along with local media outlets. More information to follow as it becomes available.“

CKDM will provide more information on this matter as it becomes available.

17 more winners were announced today in the province's Vax to Win Lottery.

Adult winners won $100 thousand, and youth won $25 thousand scholarships.

James Hopfner is the winner in the Prairie Mountain Health region.

To be eligible for the lottery Manitobans had to have had their 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on or before September 6th.

Manitoba currently sits at 85.2 percent with one shot and 81.1 percent with both doses.

A resolution was passed at last night's City of Dauphin Council Meeting, not to hold a by-election after the passing of Mayor Allen Dowhan, due to public health concerns.

This was done for public health concerns.

The resolution is subject to approval by the Minister of Municipal Relations.

The council meeting was open to members of the public and was well attended.

Four councilors voted in favor of the resolution, while two voted against it.

Councilor Kathy Bellemare, who was in favor of this order, says that a big concern of hers is keeping people safe.

“We just moved back up to code orange again in the province. Leaders are obviously concerned with what’s happening with Manitoba’s data, and with other provinces close to us.”

Councilor Patti Eilers said that having a by-election would be the democratic thing to do.

“There’s no reason we can’t have a safe by-election. We just had a federal election, and I don’t think this is a concern of our citizens.”

According to the Municipal Act, if there’s no by-election, a current councilor would be appointed by the current members of the council. This would happen once the resolution is approved by the Minister.