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After a winter where many beekeepers experienced large losses in their beehives, producers are once again talking about opening the Canada US border to replacement packages. Manitoba Beekeepers Association held an emergency meeting last week to see how producers feel about the issue.

Right now, Canadian beekeepers have to get replacement hives from Australia, New Zealand, and Chile because of the border closure. According to Bob Podolsky, owner of Podolski Honey Farms in Ethelbert, packages from the US are much less expensive, and the bees are younger and healthier.

It's not just the honey loss that we will suffer in Canada, but how about the pollination? For instance, the pollination in Ontario alone is worth 6.3 billion dollars.

According to Podolsky, the majority of beekeepers at the meeting were in favor of opening the border.

Municipal elections are taking place across Manitoba on October 26th, and Dauphin will have a new Mayor as incumbent Christian Laughland has announced he won't be running again.

The plan was just to bridge the gap between the passing of our former Mayor Al Dowhan and the municipal election. With a new son that was born about two years ago, I want to have more time for him, so I don't plan on running for Mayor in 2022.

Registration to run for Mayor and Reeve officially opened yesterday, and as of today, you can pick up a package from City Hall or the Municipality Office with information on how to register. Registration to run for council opens on June 30th.

The City of Dauphin is hosting its 2022 Financial Plan Public Hearing coming up on Monday, May 2nd.

The hearing will take place at Dauphin City Hall at 5 pm and all residents are invited to attend in person.

City of Dauphin Deputy City Manager Lisa Gaudet said the event will also be live-streamed for those who can’t make it in person.

People can attend in person and we welcome that. In the last couple years we’ve had problems with that kind of format because of covid but we’re happy to welcome our residents to attend in person or they can also view it online on the City of Dauphin YouTube channel. It will be live-streamed to the YouTube channel so they can watch from home as well.

The hearing will feature all the info about this year's budget that residents need to know.

The City Manager will have a PowerPoint presentation and will be presenting the financial plan. This is the budget of the expenditures and the revenues budgeted for the year and the capital expenditures planned.

Gaudet said this is the beginning stage of the year's budget being approved for the City.

The City of Dauphin is required to present the financial plan to the public before it's approved by council. Once it's reviewed on Monday night and we receive any comments or input by the public it will then go to Council on May 9th for formal approval. The budget has to be submitted to the Province by May 15th.

If you’d like to take a look at the draft of the financial plan you can head to the City of Dauphin website here.   

The Dauphin Curling Club will be hosting their Super Bingo tonight at the Parkland Rec Complex in the Curling Rink.

This will be the first super bingo in Dauphin since 2020 due to the pandemic.

The doors for the event will open at 4:30 pm with the share the wealth bingo at 5:30 pm and the regular games starting at 7:30 pm

The Dauphin Curling Club Treasurer Greg Thompson said players can win up to $3,000 at the event.

In the regular games that start at 7:30, there’s a variety of different games but the minimum prize for any of the games is $200 but there is a $600 game, there are 4 $1,000 games and there’s also a $3,000 blackout at the end of the evening.

Greg also said that all the funds raised will go right back to the Curling Club.

We use it as a fundraiser for the curling club to do things like supporting junior curling, supporting membership recruitment and capital projects for the club. It’s basically a fundraiser for the curling club that we do once a year.

Cards for the bingo will go on sale at the door at 4:30 pm on Saturday and will be $5 for 3 to view, $10 for 6 to view and $15 for 9 to view and players can purchase any combination of cards that they wish to play.

The province of Manitoba has announced that it's investing $1.3 Million to support the Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Planning Pilot Project to develop local CSWB Plans and implement local safety priorities in 12 Manitoba communities.

Dauphin MLA Brad Michaleski said that the City of Dauphin will be one of the 12 communities receiving funding.

This funding is being directed towards the City of Dauphin. This will be a community collaborative approach and hopefully in this pilot they're going to be able to find out the local priority risks to safety and well being. 

The community of Dauphin will receive a total of $110,000 for their community as part of this funding with $50,000 of the funding going to support the planning process here in Dauphin.

The remaining funding will be available for community safety actions and initiatives that the planning process identifies as local priorities.

The CSWB Planning Pilot Project aligns with The Manitoba Policing and Public Safety Strategy announced in May 2019, which identified the need to focus on communities with high rates of violence, alleviate extraneous demands on police, and enhance Community Mobilization. The Pilot will focus on twelve Manitoba communities which will include the cities of Portage la Prairie, Dauphin and Swan River.

As part of today's announcement, the Manitoba government also announced it's providing $100,000 to expand Community Mobilization to the Waywayseecappo First Nation which will connect at-risk youth and families to social services to ensure they are receiving appropriate supports and interventions.

Manitoba Beef Producers is looking for feedback from their members so they can assess the losses caused by the winter storms the province has seen the last two weekends. Carson Callum, the General Manager of Manitoba Beef Producers, says they want to make sure producers are protected.

Really what we're trying to do is assess the situation and see how severe it's been for producers across the province, and then take that feedback to the department to see what kind of potential there would be for support programming.

You can call MBP at (204) 772-4542, or email them at with the needed information. Let them know where you're from, the name of your farm, how many losses you incurred, and the cattle type. All information given will be confidential.

The Watson Arts Centre is hosting the Musical Comedy Ranchers and Rustlers this weekend.

The show will be performed by the Second Story Players and is a fun light-hearted western musical comedy that will feature three acts with music from over the past 75 years.

Watson Arts Centre Coordinator Peter Nadolny said there are 3 shows this weekend.

Friday and Saturday the shows will have 7 o’clock doors for the 7:30 shows then on Sunday we’re having our matinee with 2:30 doors for our 3 o’clock show.

Tickets are still available but Peter said they are very close to being sold out for all shows.

There are tickets available for all nights. We’re inching close to selling out the whole weekend so call me at 638-6231 and I’ll make sure that you have a ticket.

The remaining tickets will be up in the balcony after the table seating went pretty quickly.

The Mountain View School Division has been participating in the provinces Elders and Knowledge Keepers in Schools Initiative since December. Today, the provincial government announced an additional $1.6 Million investment to expand and continue the program.

Students at MacKenzie Middle School, the DRCSS, and Whitmore School have been participating in the program. Carole Shankaruk, the Indigenous Education Facilitator for MVSD is so excited to see the program continue.

Elder Bev Harvey is Mountain View School Divisions, Divisional Elder, and she's in our buildings every week, so just knowing that we're going to have funding to continue to have that support is huge for all our communities.

This year's program wraps up on May 10th, with a closing feast and round dance at Whitmore school.

Manitoba Hydro has given a final storm update, saying that everyone in the Dauphin area's power was restored as of 10 pm last night. They also want to give special thanks to the kids at Henderson Elementary, and Barker School for providing them with a little extra encouragement at their Dauphin office.

Henderson Hydro Thanks

When 13-year-old Blake Symchych saw what was happening in Ukraine on the news, he knew he wanted to help. Blake goes to MacKenzie middle school, and he went around to all the classes and asked students for donations.

In four days, from tuesday to friday, we made 672 dollars.

Blake donated the money to the Parkland Ukrainian Family Fund earlier this week, and he hopes that his story encourages kids across the country to do the same.

I encourage all the kids in schools across Canada to raise money for Ukrainian families. The last thing I'd like to say is it's better to be kind and do what's right, than to act rude to impress your friends.

Wild pigs are an invasive problem that cause widespread destruction when they get into an area. According to Manitoba Pork General Manager Cam Dahl, they reproduce extremely quickly, and that's why the province is trying to stay ahead of the issue.

They destroy crops, they destroy pastures, they just cause enormous damage, and we've got a chance to stop them, but that's not going to last very long, so we need to go through that work now.

The province of Manitoba has set up a website called where people can report any sightings or signs of wild pigs. You can also find out more information about how to spot the signs of a wild pig infestation.