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Doug Kendall of Selkirk was the big winner of $100,000 as the Dauphin Kings Tractor Lotto has come to a close for another year.

Winners included Todd Brinkman, Ted Rea, Mike Gaber, Dustin Rushinka, and Tyson Gillis, to name a few. You can see a full list of winners here

Christian Laughland is the Director of Business Operations for the Kings and he wants to thank everyone who purchased a ticket for their support.

"You circle in on areas in the Parkland and see all of the support," said Laughland. "It's great to give back after all of the support from inside and outside of the community."

The deadline for tickets was this past Saturday at 7:00 p.m. and while the lotto didn't entirely sell out, Laughland was pleased with the turnout.

"This year will be a lot better than last year, an overall solid year," offered Laughland. "The team always budgets for a net profit of $100,000 and I believe we will be a good chunk over that. It was a successful lottery this year and we can't thank the public enough."

Then the volunteers. Dozens of community members came together to help the Kings ensure this year's success and Laughland appreciates every second of your help.

"They give up their time to sort tickets, sell tickets and the vendors as well, we can't thank them enough," ended Laughland. "We can't thank our volunteers and vendors enough, the Tractor Lotto would not be a success without you."

Students interested in registering for the Practical Nursing Diploma program at Assiniboine College's Parkland Campus are encouraged to attend a special information session Tomorrow night.

Parkland Campus Director Carol Stewart says while the course is not slated to start until September, potential students need to start getting prepared for it now.

"A September start may seem like a long time from now but because nursing is one of the most dynamic and impactful professions, those who apply for the practical nursing program need to meet certain requirements.  And so there are a few important steps that people have to take before they are ready to submit their application.  And so we are trying something new to help guide potential students through the application process so that they can submit successfully." 

Stewart adds they will also provide details about the program itself, as well as funding and resources.

The info session begins at 6 pm Tuesday night at Parkland Campus. 

The college is also holding a number of workshops throughout the month of January to help prospective students with the application process and to make sure they have the necessary requirements for the course. 

Canada Post workers are set to resume work on Tuesday, December 17.

Canada Post has reached an agreement with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers to apply a five percent wage increase, retroactive to the day following the expiration of the collective agreements.

On Friday, Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon directed the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to order the 55,000 Canada Post employees back to work if a deal wasn't reached by the end of the year. 

Workers will resume work at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday. Due to the backlog, Canada Post will not receive or pick up any new products until Thursday. Terms of the existing collective agreements will be extended until May 22, 2025, and provisions for striking workers will be paid out before the new year. 

The Watson Arts Centre has reached its fundraising goal in its "Coolest Building in Town" fundraising campaign.

After receiving almost $1,000 in e-transfers over the weekend, as well as a cheque for $1,000, the campaign surpassed the $12,000 mark needed to pay the 12 per cent taxes on a project that will see heat pump technology installed in the building.

That technology will cool the building over the hot summer days, allowing the Watson to remain open 12 months of the year.

Officials with the Watson thank everyone who donated to this cause.

They say donations will continue to be accepted, which will help reduce the amount that they will need to pull from their reserves to pay for this project, which will take place in the summer of 2025. 

UPDATE: December 19 - 9:00 a.m.

The RCMP is pleased to announce that Woodford has been located.

They thank the public for their assistance. 

The Ashern RCMP is looking for a missing 41-year-old female from that community.

Crystal Woodford was last seen on December 13 in Lundar, after being dropped off at a business along Highway 6, and she has not been heard from since. 

Woodford is described as 5’5” tall, 140lbs, with a mostly shaved head with hair about an inch long, brown eyes, and wearing a black winter jacket with black sweat pants.

She may be in Winnipeg, Lundar, Eriksdale or Fairford. If you see her, contact the Ashern RCMP at 768-2311.

A 34-year-old man is dead and a 53-year-old man was arrested for Murder.

On December 15 at 7:45 a.m., Ste. Rose RCMP responded to a shooting on Highway 278, near the Ebb and Flow First Nation. The 34-year-old was spotted lying beside a truck, near the Ebb and Flow First Nation Arena. He was transported to the hospital in Dauphin where he later died.

A 53-year-old man was later arrested at a residence in the community and remains in custody. 

The game was postponed but it was still a great day at Credit Union Place as the Dauphin Kings announced this year's winners of their Tractor Lotto.


$1,000 WINNERS

John Hardman of Ochre River

Rene Roncin of Dauphin

Rocky Hunka of Dauphin

Todd Aitken of Dauphin

Rhonda & BJ Boulbria of Dauphin

Darrel Ballard of Roblin

Ray Podworny of Ashville

Terry Fiarchuk of Sandy Lake

Melissa Landers of Dauphin

Mike Gaber of Gilbert Plains

$2,500 WINNERS

Tyson Gillis of Dauphin

Breault Ranching Ltd of Ste.Rose

$5,000 WINNERS

Wyatt Shemeliuk of Dauphin

Jim & Michelle Assailly of Dauphin

$10,000 WINNER

Dustin Rushinka of Garland


Doug Kendall of Selkirk

50/50 TOTAL

WINNER: Ted Rea of Dauphin


Ernie Engrecht of Gilbert Plains

Todd Brinkman of Gilbert Plains

Sunday's Dauphin Kings game has been postponed due to the weather.

The draws for Tractor Lotto will still be done and when they are, results will be posted online.

The Town of Swan River is letting residents know about several options they have in finding out their water utility bill, as the current postal strike is preventing the town from sending out bills.

Residents can call 204-734-4586, extension 9, to speak to a clerk and find out their bill amount.

They can also email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and provide their own email address in order to have their utility bill emailed to them. 

Utility bills are also available to be picked up at the municipal office on Main Street in Swan River. 

A freezing rain warning is in effect for Dauphin and much of the Parkland.

Periods of light snow are expected to change to freezing rain mixed with light snow as the day goes on before returning to just snow. Another five cms of snow is expected on Sunday night and the snow continues into Monday morning.

If you need to drive, drive to the conditions and be extra cautious as hazardous conditions are expected. 

A shift in Bee trades and a change to a nearly 40-year-old US border Policy might be in order to help the Canadian Honey Industry.

Osee Podolski, local honey producer and chair of inter-provincial movement for the Canadian Honey Council, is dreading the losses that his operation, and many in Canada, could see this winter.

"About 2-3 weeks ago, we were sitting at around 11-15% winter loss in the building, and through the harvesting period, from July 1st to October 31st, we lost 24% of our operation. If we extrapolate the data out, it's looking like a 90% overwinter loss by spring. Somewhere around the market of 1.2 million dollars in bees"

The trade of packaged bees was halted in 1986 to stop a parasite, called the varroa destructor mite, from coming to Canada.

Since then, varroa mites have established themselves here despite these measures.

Osee notes this is because bees do not obey land borders, and the border-based beekeepers could have acted as a point of contamination even without trade. 

We'll have more conversations with Podolski about the state of the Beekeeping industry on Monday's noon-hour edition of Agri View.