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Sharla Griffiths is excited to take over the role of City Manager.

She’s taking over when Brad Collett, the current manager retires.

Griffiths gives us her thoughts about what she will bring to the role of city manager.

“I like to work with people and I find that our staff is excellent to work with, in terms of the administrative side. I really, really, like Dauphin and like the things that are going on here. So it’s very easy to support all of the initiatives here."

Griffiths expects a smooth transition in September.

One person has died in a house fire in Winnipeg.

Fire officials say they received a report of an explosion and the home was engulfed in flames when they arrived yesterday afternoon.

The house was nearly burnt to the ground before crews were able to put it out.

There's been no word yet on the cause of the blaze

There were two fatal rollovers over the weekend where the people who died weren't wearing seatbelts, and were ejected from their vehicles.

On Saturday afternoon, police say a 42-year-old man died when the vehicle he was driving rolled several times on Highway 83, about 10 kilometres south of Virden.

A 31-year-old man who was a passenger -- and was wearing his seatbelt -- wasn't injured.

Early yesterday a 28-year-old man who was the driver and lone occupant of a vehicle that rolled in the R-M of St. Francois Xavier was ejected, and was pronounced dead in hospital.

Leeches have been banned as fishing bait in Riding Mountain National Park.

Parks Canada put the ban in place on May 11th.

Tim Sallows, a resource conservation officer with Parks Canada, spoke with us about what is banned and why officials don’t want them used.

“Leeches have been restricted in all bodies of water in Riding Mountain National Park due to the concern of aquatic invasive species coming in with them, mostly zebra mussels.”

“But live and parts of fish are restricted as well. So minnows are not allowed as well.”

Sallows says earthworm, ground crawlers, and metal lures are all allowed as bait in RMNP.

You could win 1000 dollars just by taking a selfie at Fort Dauphin.

The museum is entered into National Trust for Canada’s contest celebrating Historic Places Day.

All you have to do is take a photo at the fort and post it on social media with the hashtag #historicPlacesDay.

To enter you just have to follow these easy steps:
1. Take a selfie!
2. Post it on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
3. Use the hashtag #HISTORICPLACESDAY.
4. Tag the historic place you are visiting.
5. Tag and follow the National Trust for Canada on whichever social media channel you are using.

They will take all eligible entries and draw for the prize on Monday.

The Ste. Rose Travel Club is planning an adults only trip to Dublin, Edinburgh, and London.

It’s a 10-day trip taking place on March 21 to the 28th next year and features tours of the three historic cities.

The trip, usually organized for high schools, included 8 nights in handpicked hotels and expert tours by local guides.

Some of the highlights of the trip include St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Trafalgar Square.

Patty O'Rourke, the organizer, shares with us why she decided to organize this specific trip.

“This destination is one of the most popular. A lot of people wanted to go to London. I had asked some of my friends and see what their preference was. A lot of people requested to go to Ireland and Scotland.”

“So, the company already has this tour set, which is these three destinations and I thought this would be a very good opportunity to go and see three countries in one trip.”

Anyone interested in signing up or if you just want more information can give Patty a call at 204-447-3182.

You can view the Itinerary and price for the tour by going here.

Early booking is ending on the 13th and gets you a 150 dollar discount with a 300 deposit.

It’s an exciting weekend in Carberry during the communities’ fair and races.

Alex Christison, a director with the Carberry Ag Society, shares with us one of the highlights for the weekend.

“It’s teams of men and women, and it’s a timed event. Who can pull an empty potato truck 150 feet the fastest."

"Some of these teams come from all over Manitoba and they train all year for this potato truck pull. So it’s become a very large event of our fair.”

“It started three years ago with a young family that had a young fella who had juvenile cancer. The community got behind it to raise money for cancer care.”

They raised over 100,000 dollars in 2017 which Christison calls their best year. Christison says they know for sure they will pass that this year.

Some of the other attractions include wagon rides, horse shows, beef shows, barrel racing, and so much more.

It’s 12 dollars for the weekend or 7 dollars per day, students are only 5 dollars a day or 8 for the weekend.

The heat warning issued by Environment Canada is continuing today.

Temperatures are expected to hit or exceed 30 degrees Celsius today and humidex values will approach or exceed 40 this afternoon.

Temperatures will remain above normal tomorrow but with significantly less humidity.

People are advised to take the precautions to protect themselves, their families and their neighbours from possible health problems including heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

Keystone Ag Producers president Dan Mazier intends to seek the Conservative Party of Canada’s nomination for MP in the Dauphin—Swan River— Neepawa riding.

He made the announcement yesterday when he resigned his position of president of the farmer group.

Mazier farms near Justice which is about a 24 minute drive north of Brandon.

Mazier is in his fourth and last year as KAP’s president.

On May 7th current MP Sopuck announced he wouldn’t run in the next federal election, which is set for Oct. 21, next year. 

The truck driver involved in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash that took place on April 6th has been charged.

Jaskirat Singh Sidhu, from Calgary, is facing 29 charges in relation to the crash, including 16 counts of dangerous operation of a motor vehicle causing death and 13 counts of dangerous operation of motor vehicle causing bodily injury.

The crash involved a semi northeast of Saskatoon and killed 16 people and injured 13 others.

He was arrested in Calgary this morning and remanded into custody. Sidhu is set to appear in court in Saskatchewan next week, but no date has been set.

The Broncos were on their way to a Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League playoff game in Nipawin when the crash occurred at a highway intersection. 

Heat Warning in effect for:

  • Gilbert Plains Mun. incl. Ashville
  • Grandview Mun. incl. Valley River Res.
  • Mossey River Mun. incl. Winnipegosis and Fork River
  • Mun. of Ethelbert incl. Garland
  • Mun. of Roblin incl. Makaroff Shortdale and Bield
  • Mun. of Russell-Binscarth incl. Gambler Res.
  • R.M. of Dauphin incl. Sifton and Valley River
  • R.M. of Lakeshore incl. Ochre River and Makinak
  • R.M. of Lakeshore incl. Rorketon and Toutes Aides
  • R.M. of Riding Mountain West incl. Asessippi Prov. Park

A period with maximum daily temperatures reaching near 32C or above and minimum overnight temperatures near 16C is expected today and Saturday.

Residents of and visitors to the above warned regions are advised to take the following precautions to protect themselves, their families and their neighbours:
- Consider rescheduling outdoor activities to cooler hours of the day.
- Take frequent breaks from the heat, spending time indoors at cooled buildings (including malls or indoor pools).
- Drink plenty of water and other non-alcoholic, non-caffeinated beverages to stay hydrated.
- Do not leave any person or pet inside a closed vehicle, for any length of time.
Monitor for symptoms of heat stroke or heat exhaustion, such as high body temperature, lack of sweat, confusion, fainting, and unconsciousness. Particular vigilance is urged for vulnerable individuals, including children, seniors, individuals with pre-existing lung, heart, kidney, nervous system, mental health or diabetic conditions, outdoor workers, as well as those who are socially isolated.
Heat Warnings are issued when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.