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This weekend's forecasted colder temperatures have led the Roblin Recreation Department to push back an outdoor event slated for this Sunday.

Their Frost and Fire community event will now take on January 28th from 2-5 pm at Currey Park.

It includes horse and sleigh rides, snowshoeing, curling, and skating, as well as hot dogs and hot chocolate.

It is also an opportunity for Roblin area residents to dispose of their live Christmas trees. 

The shelter at the Parkland Humane Society continues to operate at capacity.

Office Manager Jenn Langlois says they currently have a waiting list of people looking to surrender animals, adding they get on average about 2-3 calls a day for new animal surrenders.

"As soon as that space is available, it fills right back up.  Right now, we have nine dogs in the shelter - three pairs are doubled up in the cages, and we have an additional seven currently in foster care. And then taking a look at cats, we have 34 cats and kittens.  And our fosters and volunteers are just not getting a  break here. "

Langlois says they can't even send animals to any other shelters in the province, as they are also facing capacity issues as well.

She adds they continue to need more foster homes and volunteers to help care for these animals. 

"Just to take in the volume that we need to, and to give our fosters that we do have a break, or at least let them have just one animal, as opposed to two, three or four animals.  We provide everything, from bowls, food, leashes, litter boxes, litter... everything you could possibly need to take care of this animal.  For the foster, there is no expense on their part.  They just need to have the home filled with love that they can provide for this animal."

Anyone interested in either adopting a cat or dog, or taking one in as a foster, is asked to contact the Parkland Humane Society office. 

The massive dump of snow will have a lot of people suiting up, getting outside, and shoveling.

Manitoba's Heart and Stroke Foundation is sending out reminders about heart health and shoveling.

According to the foundation, rates of heart attacks and strokes drastically spike in the winter time, as colder weather increases blood pressure for warmth and the strenuous activity of shoveling makes it worse on top of that.

 Kaitlyn Archibald a Specialist in Health Policy & Engagement with the Foundation says it's important to know the signs of a heart attack, and how they differ in men and women.

"it might look like pressure in your chest or upper abdomen, it could be dizziness or lightheadedness, upper back pressure. Something to note, these symptoms might look different in women as well. It might look like extreme fatigue, dizziness, or pressure in your lower abdomen."



Archibald recommends a list of "Do's and Don'ts" of shoveling.

"warming up your muscles before you start, and not necessarily jumping right into it out of the house. giving your body a chance to warm up can be a really great step. you can also break your shoveling up into sessions, 10 or 15 minutes in the morning and then 10 - 15 minutes in the after noon so it doesn't overwhelm you all at once."

Community support is also crucial in these times, so if you are at risk, ask a neighbor for some help. If you have a neighbor that needs it, offering help is crucial as well.

And when it comes down to it, if you notice symptoms, Archibald has some very important instructions.

"If you know something's off, call 911 right away. get yourself checked out. if you've got that nagging feeling that something is not right, stop shoveling, and immediately call 911."

So when the snow really starts to pile up, know the signs, and shovel safe this winter season.

Prairie Mountain Health will host an information night on menopause for women in the Swan River area.

"Dancing with menopause" will take place January 23rd beginning at 7 pm at the Westwood Inn, and will include presentations from a nurse practitioner, as well as a local mental health worker. 

A question and answer session will follow.

Anyone interested in attending is asked to pre-register by contacting Jess at 204-734-6618, or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

511 Manitoba says several highways closed earlier today (Thursday) due to the recent snowfall have started to reopen.

That includes Highway 16 from Neepawa to past Gladstone, as well as the Perimeter Highway around Winnipeg.

Highways in the Parkland region are listed as being partly covered to snow-covered, with visibility varying from good in some areas to poor in others. 

Travel is not recommended today, but if you do have to go somewhere today, you should check out

If you have yet to receive your seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccines, today is another opportunity for you to do so.

Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy is hosting a one-day clinic from 10 am to 5 pm at the clinic.

No need to book an appointment beforehand, as only walk-ins are being accepted. 

After a busy holiday season, the results of the RCMP's Annual Holiday Checkstop program are in.

This program runs through December and has officers posted to help deter people from driving under the influence.

Across the province, the RCMP made over 5000 stops, and nearly 3500 alcohol screenings.

Over 50 separate charges were laid, ranging from alcohol impairment, drug impairment, and failure to comply.

 In total, the RCMP saw a lot of activity:
• 5223 vehicles checked
• 853 Provincial Offences Act notices issued
• 3436 Mandatory Alcohol Screenings administered
• 46 Criminal Code alcohol-impaired charges
• 2 Criminal Code drug-impaired charges
• 4 Criminal Code failure or refusal to comply with impaired charges
• 88 alcohol immediate roadside prohibitions
• 12 drug immediate roadside prohibitions
• 290mg% was the highest blood alcohol content reported

Winnipeg Police Service Patrol Sergeant Stephane Fontaine had a simple message for drivers, “If you’re under the influence of alcohol or drugs, don't drive.

School districts across the Parkland area are cancelling bus routes today due to the extreme build-up of snow.

Mountain View School Division has put out a notice of bus cancellations due to the snow-covered roads.

All MVSD busses are cancelled due to the poor road conditions, but schools will remain open.

Learning will occur for the students who can safely attend, while the students at home are expected to check into their classes via the online school platform.

Turtle River School division has no bus routes running today, but schools remain open.

Park West School Division also has some cancelled bus routes. There will be no buses for Binscarth, Inglis, Major Pratt, and Rossburn. Those schools are open. All other schools in the area will be open with buses running.

The Rolling River School Division reports that all busses are cancelled today, and the colony schools are closed. All other schools are still open in the division.

We'll keep you updated if delays are expected tomorrow on these bus routes.

The City of Dauphin will have crews out overnight to clear crucial routes after the full day of heavy snow.

‼️🚨Beginning at midnight tonight, City crews will begin clearing the downtown area, Manitoba Transportation &...

Posted by City of Dauphin on Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Up to 20 cm is expected to fall over Dauphin and area by the end of the night, with more forecast throughout the week.
Road ways around the area are reportedly partially covered and fully covered on highway 20A from Dauphin to Ochre RIver and highway 10 through Riding Mountain National Park.
All of these areas except Riding Mountain have reduced visibilty.
If you have to travel, be sure to check road conditions through before hitting the roads.

The DRCSS has announced contingency plans for grade 12 students who missed out on writing the Provincial ELA exam today (Wednesday) due to school buses being canceled.

Grade 12 bus students who were not able to make it into school today because of the bus cancellations will have arrangements made to have two hours of their day tomorrow freed up in order to write that exam.

Grade 12 town students are still expected to be in attendance to write that exam today. 

The Parkland Chamber of Commerce kicks off its 2024 lunch series next week.

Executive Director Stephen Chychota says next Tuesday's event will include a sneak peek of upcoming announcements regarding immigration and the local labour market.

"We have been working with municipalities in the area on a strategic initiative regarding a proactive approach to bringing in skilled immigrants to our region to fill up vacancies in some of the sectors that we have here.  We are going to be launching that in the next little while, and we have a special guest coming out next weekend to unveil that program to everyone."

Chychota adds they will also share details about their 2023 Chamber International trip to Portugal.

"We are going to bring a little bit of that Portugal culture and talk about the trip.  We really have not had a platform all that well to be able to share with everyone how it went and how it looked and stuff.  So I am going to go into that during the first part of the lunch.  And then we are going to be announcing the 2024 trip, which will be happening later this fall."

Everyone who attends will receive a special gift from that international trip.

The lunch will take place from 11:45 to 1 pm at the Watson Arts Centre. 

Tickets are $20 for chamber members, and $30 for nonmembers, and are available online at