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The town of Neepawa is experiencing a population boom, and another example of the effect of that came in last week's provincial budget, when funding was announced for a new high school for the community.

Beautiful Plains School Division superintendent Jason Young says it was a fantastic announcement for the community and its students.

"It really represents a place where students can explore their passion, whether those be academic, athletic, or in the arts or even in the trades.  We were extremely grateful and excited for the announcement."

The new school will house around 600 grade 9-12 students, with academics, arts and vocational components.

Young gives us an update on where the project currently sits.

"We have acquired the land for the school, we have a development agreement in place with the town of Neepawa, which means services are going in for the school now.  We have also been working in the background over the last few years with the architectural firm that completed the Neepawa Middle school for us."

"We are uncertain about when shovels will go into the ground, but the province has indicated that the hope is to have the building open and operational for September of 2029. 

The school will be located west of the newly constructed Neepawa hospital. 

The emergency department at the Ste. Rose General Hospital is closed today.

No reason was given for the closure, but Prairie Mountain Health says the emergency department will re-open as of 8 am Saturday morning.

Individuals requiring emergency department services in Ste Rose at this time can call the Ste. Rose General Hospital at 204 447 2131 to determine the next closest location, or 911 for emergencies.

Guilty pleas have been entered by two local men, arrested in connection with three armed robberies in Dauphin last March.
25-year-old Lorenzo Ducharme and 31-year-old Desmond Parenteau - both of Duck Bay - were each sentenced to two yars less a day in jail.
Their co-accused, 24-year-old Mallory Catcheway of Brandon, pled guilty back in October to charges of forcible entry and assault and was sentenced to time already served in custody and 18 months of probation. 

With the latest Provincial Budget published, CKDM was joined by Dauphin's MLA and Agriculture Minister Ron Kostyshyn to elaborate on some details.

For agricultural insurance, Kostyshyn highlights some notable changes.

"We've reduced the premium by roughly $2.35 per acre on crop insurance. given the trying times, it feels appropriate."

There will also be more physical locations reopening for MASC.

"We've decided to relocate an office back in virden, Manitoba, and the other will be in shoal lake."

On top of the regularly scheduled budget items, $100 million was earmarked as a contingency fund to assist producers in dealing with Tariff effects.

Dauphin's Tim Hortons restaurant will look to defend its title as the top-selling Canadian location for the Spring Smile Cookie Campaign.

It is set for April 28th to May 4th, with all proceeds from Smile Cookie sales that week going to the Watson Art Centre.

Cam Bennett with the Watson explains how the opportunity came to them to take part in this campaign.

"Tim's has had their Christmas party the last couple of years at the Watson.  The first time I met Greg (local franchisee Greg Crisanti) was the first time he was in the Watson, and he absolutely loved it.  So we had some informal conversations, and it just came up, and we said, "Let's do it!"

Bennett says proceeds from the Smile Cookies will go to their Front of House, Back of House fundraiser, which will see seats in the balcony replaced and repairs done to the stage in the main auditorium.

He says their partner groups will help them with the campaign that week, but other volunteers are needed as well.

You can contact the Watson if you are interested in helping.

Sending a stronger message to people who hunt and kill endangered wildlife in Manitoba is the focus behind a bill introduced in the legislature by Swan River MLA Rick Wowchuk.

The PC Natural Resources Critic says Bill 221 would sharply increase fines for people that illegally poach protected species.

"One of the main reasons is the fines for killing protected species in Manitoba are the lowest in Western Canada.  And they must be significantly increased to send messages to people out there who are poaching and show that Manitoba will not tolerate it.   The new punishments will definitely be a deterrant and it is quite important that we have these fines."

Wowchuk adds he was inspired to create this bill when he learned a hunter in the Hanover area was only fined $1,100 after he shot and killed an eagle late in 2023.

Under Bill 221, fines for first-time offenders would range from $10,000 to $100,000, while repeat offenders could get fines between $20,000 and $200,000.

 They also come with prison sentences of up to one year for first-time offenders and up to 2 years for repeat offenders.

Wowchuk says the bill would bring Manitoba in line with other Western provinces and would make people think twice before killing protected wildlife. 

Parkland residents that put away their snow shovels will need to dig them out of storage for what looks like one more massive dump.

Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning for our region and parts of Western and South Central Manitoba.

10-20 cm of snow is expected to fall, with potentially higher amounts on the Eastern slopes of the Riding and Duck Mountains.

A developing low-pressure system from Alberta has pushed into Saskatchewan and will drop heavy, rapidly accumulating snow to parts of Manitoba beginning this afternoon and lasting through to Friday evening.

Travel conditions are expected to begin to deteriorate Thursday evening and continue throughout the day Friday, as visibility will be reduced in heavy snowfall and localized blowing snow.

Tomorrow holds a day of Inclusion, advocacy, and education, hosted by the West Region tribal Council.

Matt Erlendson, trauma-informed assistant with WRTC, says this day will look to educate on the 2SLGBTQ community.

"It's very important that we get more resources and supports to rural Manitoba. A lot of advocacy and support happen in the big city, so events like this, it's really important to come and gain further knowledge on things."

This event will be taking place at the 11th Avenue hall from 10 to 3

It will be free to attend for anyone interested in learning, and promoting acceptance.

The province has updated its spring flood outlook.

Most Manitoba rivers are at a low to moderate risk of flooding, with the Assiniboine main stem from Russell to Brandon and rivers in the Interlake region all being at moderate risk.

The Swan, Red, Saskatchewan, and Pembina rivers are among those that are at a low risk of flooding.

Manitoba's Hydrologic Forecast Centre also says most lakes in the province are expected to be within their desired operating ranges after spring runoff, with the risk of flooding on them being low. 

The centre adds the spring flood risk will largely be dependent on weather conditions from now until snowmelt is done, adding they are taking into consideration the weather system that is expected to bring 15-20 cm of snow to most parts of central and southern Manitoba later this week. 

Final numbers have started rolling in from the Parkland Rangers' Ukrainian Night held in early February.

Organizer Ryan Rauluik crunches the numbers.

"We hit a mark of $9,133.  That entails the sale of the jerseys.  A lot of it comes from the dance that we had (after the game), where we had a 50/50 draw, and raffle, and the chicken auction, which was new and raised $3,000 alone for us.  There was also proceeds from the dance tickets and the kubasa toss."

Proceeds from the evening are being split between the Zirka Ukrainian Dance Group, Bratsva School of Dance, Sopilka Dance group from Winnipegosis, Canada's National Riding and Dancing Cossacks, and Scheraz, with each group receiving $1,826.60.

The Rangers also got $2,000 from the sale of the jerseys. 

Rauliuk said it was a fun and entertaining evening and that plans for next year's Rangers' Ukrainian Night have already started. 

The Rangers also did some fundraisers of their own that inight, with those numbers expected to be released next week.

Tim Hortons' spring Smile Cookie campaign will take place in late April, and the charities and community groups that will benefit from this year's spring promotion have been announced.

In Dauphin, proceeds from the Smile Cookie sales have been earmarked for the Watson Art Centre, while the Beautiful Plains Community Foundation will receive proceeds from sales in Neepawa.

This year's spring Smile Cookie campaign runs from April 28th to May 4th.

CKDM News Now has reached out to both local Tim Hortons franchisee Greg Crisanti and Cam Bennett of the Watson Art Centre for reaction and will have that for you as we receive it.