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Dauphin’s Tim Hortons made $27,174 this Smile Cookie Week, ranking in the top 10 in Canada.

All the money made is going to the Dauphin Friendship Centre and the Parkland Humane Society.

Stacey Penner, who’s the Campaign Organizer for both charities, says Dauphin’s Tim Hortons raised more than twice as much as last year.

“We were thrilled with the cookie capital last year at $12,000, and I thought with two good charities and with them sharing the profits, I wanted to make it bigger and better than ever.”

Stacey says that Dauphin really stepped up this year.

“I’m just not surprised, Dauphin never ceases to amaze me. We are truly an incredible community."

She adds that the staff at Tim Hortons and all the volunteers deserve to be commended for their work throughout this last week.

This Saturday, the 25th, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the Dauphin Rail Museum celebrates the first train's arrival through the city 125 years ago.

The Rail Museum will honour this anniversary by hosting festivities, including live music, free cake, giveaways, and more.

President of the Museum, Jason Gilmore, spoke with CKDM about the historical significance of this anniversary,

"We are looking at September weather as an opportunity to potentially do something outside, so that's why we chose the date. In historical context, the true dates are in November and December; December 15th, 1896 is when the actual first train arrived."

Mr. Gilmore went through the day of commemoration,

"We are going to have live music; we are also going to have C&D snack shack right beside the building that offers food for purchase. We are going to have some giveaways, some birthday cake, and there's also items for purchase as well."

Dauphin Rails president touched on public health guidelines for this mainly outdoor event,

"You don't necessarily have to come into the building or museum itself, and if people do choose to, we are still adhering by Manitoba health protocols. You have to have proof of vaccination, and we do have a limited capacity inside of anywhere to 6-8 people at one time."

The museum recommends you wear a mask while outside, but they understand that it's up to individual people's digression when outside.

Funds raised from this event will be going towards future projects for the museum,

"We are in the midst of a project right now, there's two sets of rail wheels that have been set up they are going to be turned into benches that face both CN park and the rail, and they are going to be dedicated to the 125 anniversary, I just don't know an exact date of when they are going to be completed, they might be finished by September 25th, or it might be a little bit later in the year."

Bring your lawn chairs, sit and relax while enjoying free entertainment, giveaways and more when Dauphin Rail celebrates 125 years.

Dauphin Mayor Allen Dowhan has passed away at the age of 74.

He passed away Tuesday afternoon at the Dauphin Hospital after battling several illnesses for the past few years.

The City of Dauphin extends their sincere condolences to the Dowhan family and appreciates his dedication to the community for his near 23 years on Council.

Allen grew up in Winnipegosis and graduated from Winnipegosis Collegiate. After High School, he attended the University of Manitoba and he was the director of the Assiniboine Community College. He first became a councillor in Dauphin in 1998. He served as Deputy Mayor from 2001 to 2002, and again from 2010 to 2017. He then became mayor in 2017.

Deputy Mayor Christian Laughland had this to say about the passing of Mayor Dowhan:

"It's a significant loss to the community. Al put in a ton of time, over 23 years, as councillor, deputy mayor and mayor of the city of Dauphin. I actually believe that today is National Tree Day and one of the big things with Al was he donated a lot of money to help the growth of trees in the community so, it's just a significant loss and Al will be sorrowly missed by a lot of people in the community and beyond. Our thoughts and prayers from a council perspective and I'm sure people across the city are with his family and friends right now."

A moment of silence will take place prior to Friday's Kings game.

Information is wanted about recent arson attacks against homes and businesses in Pine Creek First Nation.

A $5,000 reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

Anyone with information can contact Councillor Don J. Chartrand at 204-524-2179 or Councillor Harley Chartrand at 431-345-0840.

Starting today close contact identification and management protocols in schools are changing.

In the school setting, public health officials will consider vaccination status and consistent medical or non-medical mask use when assessing risk and determining isolation requirements for close contacts.

Self-isolation requirements for close contacts are being reduced to 10 days from 14 days, and testing is recommended at day seven.

Chief Provincial Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin says that COVID-19 school outbreaks are being redefined.

“An outbreak will include at least three school-associated cases identified within a 14 day period in students teachers or staff within a specified cohort. The cases will have to be assessed as potentially acquired in school, and linked to a known case in the school setting or a school-sanctioned extracurricular activity.”

These changes are meant to keep students in school as much as possible while implementing measures to reduce COVID-19 transmission.

The state of emergency that was first declared in March of 2020, has been extended in Manitoba.

The extension goes into effect tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. for 30 days.

Manitoba’s Emergency Measures Organization provincial response team works with industry partners to roll out programs and services to assist in Manitoba’s COVID-19 response strategy.

McDonald’s restaurants across Canada will host McHappy Day 2021 on Wednesday.

Since its founding in 1977, McHappy Day, along with the everyday support of Canadians at McDonald’s, has helped Ronald McDonald House Charities support more than 425,000 families across Canada, giving them a place to stay together when they have to travel for their sick child’s treatment. 

As local McDonald's owner, Mihir Patel explains, McDonald's restaurants across Canada will donate a portion of every dollar spent to Ronald McDonald House Charities:

"Every dollar that you spend at the restaurant, 10 percent of that will go to RMHC, and that money will be used towards Ronald McDonald Houses that we have across Canada, which will help a lot of families who are not able to afford the work and who are staying away from their kids are in the hospital."

Patel added that Dauphin's McDonald's is planning to give back to the community:

"As a part of the RMHC, 50 percent of the collection will go to the fundraising event locally in Dauphin to build a toddler park in Meadowlark Park and the other 50 percent will go to the Ronald McDonald House that we have in Winnipeg."

He also noted that when you visit McDonald's, round up to the nearest dollar to help support sick kids and their families.  

McDonald’s Canada has contributed nearly $66 million to Ronald McDonald Houses and local Canadian children’s charities.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will remain in office for a third term after last night’s election, with the Liberals held to a second consecutive Minority government.

The election failed to result in any significant changes in seats for any of the parties with the current results closely resembling the 2019 election.

While some ridings are still too close to call and waiting for the tallies of mail-in ballots this week, the Liberals have won or are leading 158 seats, the Conservatives 119, the NDP 25, the Bloc Quebecois 34 and the Green Party 2.

September 21st each year is honoured as a day where Alzheimer’s organizations worldwide direct their efforts towards raising awareness about Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

In tribute to spreading awareness, the Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba is asking people to wear blue jeans today and post pictures of their outfits with the hashtag "#goblueforalz."

Liz McLeod, Senior Manager for the Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba, goes into detail about Dementia and Alzheimer's,

"Dementia is an umbrella diagnosis, its sort of like cancer is an umbrella diagnosis as well, but there is many different specific kinds of cancer, and with dementia, there's different kinds as well, there's the more well-known Alzheimer's disease and many other sub kinds, but most of the public knows dementia and knows Alzheimer's and they are sort of the same thing. Dementia kind of covers a broad range of illnesses." 

McLeod breaks down where we are and where we are heading,

"More than 23,000 Manitobans have a diagnosis of dementia, and this number is rapidly growing, and by 2038 it's expected to reach over 40,700 Manitobans, and the main reason for that is because of the baby boomer population all ageing at the same time."

She carried on to talk about one of the reasons why there have been more diagnoses in the past few years,

"The medical system is getting better at diagnosing dementia earlier, whether that's because of specific tests, like cats scans, MRI's more specialist possibly, but they are getting better at diagnosing dementia, so you are going to see high numbers from that."

The Senior Manager for the Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba lists some symptoms associated with the disease,

 "Your short term in particular memory fades, and your unable to remember things that you could remember before, there's also changes in confusion, becoming disoriented, so sometimes people, as they progress through the disease, get lost, and there can be changes in mood in behaviour."

62% of Manitobans are impacted by dementia, whether that be with a family member or friend.

For more information on stats, symptoms and more, go to the Alzheimer's Society of Manitoba website by clicking here.

Dan Mazier will serve another term as the Member of Parliament for Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa.

Dan wants to thank his constituents for re-electing him.

“I’m very grateful and I’ll make sure that your voice is carried to Ottawa on your behalf.”

Dan says his main focus will continue to be connectivity.

“I’m going to keep on making sure that the internet service providers are held to account, and also the cellphone providers, I know that’s really important. We need to get connected, COVID has really taught us that there’s a need to get all communities connected.”

He adds that he would also like to focus on agri-recovery and business risk management programs.

Dauphin City Council had their regular council meeting last night.

One item on the agenda was Manitoba Honour 150 and local recipient of the award, Bill Hart. 

Deputy Mayor, Christian Laughland talked about Hart and gave him a certificate, as well as a medal:

"Bill's impact is felt everywhere in our community and his long-standing career in volunteerism and his 'we can do it' mindset have driven goal-getting, collaboration, and achievement in many organizations over the years. In recognition of this prestigious award, I'm honoured to present Bill with a framed honour certificate, a commemorative medal and ribbon, a $40 gift card from Manitoba 150 sponsored by Canad Inns, and a USB with a video that depicts the creation of the commemorative medal."


Another topic of discussion was the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Deputy Mayor Laughland said that the City of Dauphin will now officially recognize September 30th as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation:

"The City of Dauphin and its employees will be observing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, previously known as Orange Shirt Day on September 30th, 2021, as a statutory holiday to provide time to reflect on the legacy of the residential school system and its impact on Indigenous communities, and will be flying its flags at half-mast. Now, therefore we the council of Dauphin, do hereby proclaim September 30th, 2021, as National Day for Truth and Reconciliation."

The last topic was regarding fire prevention week, which will take place from October 3rd to October 9th. Deputy Mayor Laughland said that it's important that people practice fire safety everywhere, including your own home:

"All the people of Dauphin are urged to be aware of their surroundings, look for available points of escape in the event of a fire or other emergency, respond when the smoke alarms sound by exiting the building immediately, and support public safety activities and efforts of the Dauphin Fire Department during Fire Prevention Week 2021." 

The next Dauphin City Council meeting will take place on Monday, October 4th.