A new mobile training trailer has been bought by the provincial government to support year-round fire rescue training for over 5,000 firefighters across the province.
This initiative aims to enhance the skills and safety of firefighters while providing accessible training to municipalities.
Until now, Manitoba lacked its own training trailer and had to rely on borrowing from the Ontario Professional Fire Fighters Association.
The new trailer marks a significant step in prioritizing firefighter safety within the province.
Fire rescue training trailers are presently available only in British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario.
The mobile trailer will facilitate training for critical emergency scenarios such as disentanglement, low-profile operations, and upper-floor rescues.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The provincial government is hoping to make winter travel safer for everyone with the release of a snowplow tracking system.
Transportation Minister Lisa Naylor has announced the launch of "Track My Plow", which will provide real-time plowing updates on Manitoba 511.
Users will be able to track active snowplows with this new feature, along with identifying where they have been over the previous two hours.
The province said that when combined with road conditions and closures, the tracking system will help Manitobans make informed decisions regarding travel.
Naylor said Track My Plow, which is available on Manitoba 511's website and smartphone app, with save drivers time while also improving the safety of Manitoba roads during the winter.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The Manitoba Métis Federation has signed a self-governing treaty with Ottawa, becoming the first Métis group to do so in the country’s history.
In a signing ceremony Saturday afternoon, the MMF was recognized as the official government of the Red River Métis.
MMF President David Chartrand said the agreement is a turning point in Canada’s history adding they are correcting a historic wrong done to the Red River Métis, and showing the true character of our country.
While the treaty doesn’t lay out specific rights around health care, harvesting or land, Chartrand said those aspects will likely be negotiated with the federal government down the road.
Chartrand also said he looks forward to the treaty receiving Royal Assent soon.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The province says it’s expanding its electronic monitoring program to several rural communities - including Dauphin - after a successful launch in Winnipeg this summer.
Justice Minister Matt Wiebe said the program tracks offenders through a GPS-enabled ankle monitor and notifies survivors of intimate partner violence if their alleged abuser has breached conditions.
The GPS technology is also outfitted with audio, voice and vibration commands, meaning law enforcement can communicate with offenders in real-time if a breach in their court-ordered conditions — which could include something as basic as staying a certain distance away from a particular location — takes place.
Besides Dauphin, the program’s expansion across the province is set to cover communities including Brandon, Steinbach, Selkirk, Portage la Prairie, Carman, Winkler, Morden, Souris, and Virden, among many others.
With a price tag of $2.9 million over two years, the province has the option to continue after that point if the program has proven successful.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
Participants in the Parkland Chamber of Commerce's yearly international trip are now back in Dauphin.
This year's destination was Costa Rica and Chamber Executive Director Stephen Chychota says it was lots of fun from start to finish.
"Costa Rica is such a beautiful country. So much wildlife and different types of terrain at the locations we stayed at. It was a great trip. People walked away with some really great memories from that one."
Chychota adds they are now planning for the 2025 trip.
"We are working away at figuring out where the next trip will be for 2025. Like we did last year, the plan is to let the groups that have travelled with us in the past know first, and then we will launch it publically, probably in January at our lunch event."
Chychota says it was very hot during their trip, but also very wet as they were in Costa Rica towards the end of their rain season.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
An RCMP officer who conducted a traffic stop on Highway 5 near Dauphin last year is now facing criminal charges.
Cpl. Kevin Challoner has been charged with one count of assault causing bodily harm and one count of dangerous operation of a vehicle in relation to the stop. On August 29, 2023, Challoner saw a man driving a motorcycle dangerously near Dauphin and while he attempted to pull over the driver, he was unable to do so. After several near collisions, more officers arrived and contained the motorcycle.
During the man's arrest, he suffered three broken ribs, and an investigation into the use of excessive force was launched. On Friday, it was determined that Criminal Code charges should be laid against Challoner, on top of those laid against the driver of the motorcycle.
Now that this case is before the courts, no further comment will be provided.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
Canada's National Ukrainian Festival is turning 60 years old in 2025.
And tickets for the annual three-day festival officially go on sale on Monday.
To mark the launch of ticket sales, weekend passes will be available for a special, limited-time price of $125,
They can be ordered online at, by phone at 204-622-4600, or in person at the CNUF office on 3rd Avenue North East.
The 60th edition of CNUF is set for August 1-3 at the Selo Ukraina site south of Dauphin.
CKDM's Justin Allin will be hosting the moring show live from the CNUF office on Monday morning.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The Association of Manitoba Municipalities' fall meeting shared a wealth of information among those attending.
Mayor Bosiak was in attendance, getting information on Dauphin's new Justice Centre, and discussing the many issues across the many municipalities.
Municipalities share a lot of common issues, from aging infrastructure to increased crime rates, and more.
He notes that in comparison, Dauphin is in strong standings, especially with recently announced projects like the lagoon upgrade.
"All municipalities are facing major infrastructure challenges. I'd like to suggest that the city of Dauphin is in a really good spot. Past councils, and past administrations did a great job being on top of infrastructure, and once we embark on this Lagoon upgrade next year, we'll be in great shape."
The AMM also elected its first Female President, Kathy Valentino, a city councilor from Thompson.
Bosiak notes that she's an excellent fit for the role.
"She's going to be a tremendous asset for the AMM, we have a great relationship with Kathy and the city of Thompson."
The Association of Manitoba Municipalities represents all of Manitoba’s 137 municipalities, and they're set to reconvene in April of next year for their spring session.
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart
Shared Health Emergency Medical Services are touring schools, malls and community halls across Western Manitoba to share info on the many challenging and rewarding roles played by Paramedics in the province.
Their display will make its way to Dauphin next weekend, where it will be set up at the Dauaphin Marketplace Mall.
Anyone wanting more info on a career as a paramedic are encouraged to check out the display on December 6th from 5-9 pm or the 7th from 10 am to 5 pm.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The provincial and federal governments are combining to fund a total of 70 projects over the next four years to support growth and expansion through modernization.
A combined total of $15.4 million is being made available through the Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership.
provincial Agriculture Minister and Dauphin MLA Ron Kostyshyn is excited to see how this will benefit the province.
"let's process it here, let's put it in packaging, and let's sell it to the world and around to our local businesses. It creates more jobs, more revenue in the province of Manitoba, and it creates more employment to enhance the localized area.".
Some of the companies and their funded projects include:
• Burnbrae Farms Limited specializes in egg production and egg-based products. This funding is to modernize and improve efficiency at their Winnipeg plant and allow greater capacity.
• Kimberly Packing Corporation, under Kroeker Farms Limited is a producer and processor of potatoes in southern Manitoba. This funding will allow them to package their product in Manitoba, a process currently done outside the province.
• Roquette Canada Limited is investing in new equipment at its Portage la Prairie pea protein plant, the largest pea protein processing plant in the world. This will double their production and allow local producers to sell more of their products in Manitoba.
• Spenst Bros Premium Meats is a farm family-owned pizza production facility, retail store and meat processing plant located in Winkler. The project involves expanding the market for their popular frozen pizza products across Canada
The funding will allow the organizations to purchase equipment that will bring new and innovative technologies into the production process, allowing for improved productivity and leading to increased employment and scaled-up production.
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart
The numbers are in, as this year's Pack, the Pumper/Cram the Cruiser competition comes to a close.
Constable Marc LeRoux brought in about 400kg of food, and Deputy Fire Chief Conrad Denray reported 825kg.
When it was all stashed away, the two shook hands and Constable LeRoux remarked the real winner was the Dauphin Food Bank
"We're just hoping that we can get as much Christmas tables filled with food for those who need it. I'm hope the whole Dauphin community knows that no one will go hungry because of them and their generous donations"
Accompanying the 1225kg of food, there were also 1165 dollars of cash donations.
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart