You may have noticed at night you can see some shooting stars.
The Perseid Meteor Shower happens because the earth is travelling through a giant cloud of dust in space, and the pieces of dust burn up in the atmosphere and that’s what you see in the sky.
Scott Young, planetarium manager at the Manitoba Museum, says the best time to see the meteor shower is just before dawn on the 13th because that’s the peak of the meteor shower and the almost full moon will have set by then.
The best place to see the meteor shower is outside of cities and towns.
Young says the northern lights have been on the increase and there’s more to see in the night sky. If you look towards the south and the west, the two brightest things you can see is Jupiter and Saturn and if you stay up late there’s a chance you could see other planets too.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Family Fun Day is tomorrow at Vermillion Park.
Colette Carefoot says it starts at noon and goes until 4.
There’ll be games, food, prizes, rainbow auction, grand prize draw, free bouncy castles, free face painting and music.
Carefoot says it’s a fun, affordable day designed for local families.
All proceeds from the event go to the Children’s Wish Foundation of Manitoba.
Family Fun Day has been going on for about 20 years but this is just the second year Re/Max Parkland Realty has put it on.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
One of the films to be shown at the Neepawa Film Festival is "Revolving Doors - A Rockumentary," by Tanner Bennet, from Dauphin.
"This documentary I put together about two and a half years ago, I co-worked on it with Steve Langston of Dirty T-Shirt Productions about my Father's rock n' roll band. I thought this would be a good story to tell, because who doesn't love rock n' roll, and it's local... it's something that I'm passionate about, I've played with my Dad before, I watched him growing up."
Bennet graduated this year from the Interactive Media Arts program at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon. "I'm just excited to continue my career... becoming a filmmaker and making documentaries is always a dream of mine... I'm really excited to see how my next project turns out."
The next step for Bennet is to head to Winnipeg in September to look for work in his field, or take more schooling.
"Revolving Doors - A Rockumentary" premiered at Dauphin's Yard Fringe in 2017, and it'll be shown in the second half of screenings at the Neepawa Film Festival which starts at 1.
Admission to the festival is $8 for adults, and $4 for anyone under 18. For more information, head over to
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- Contributed by Alec Woolston
Google Earth users can now hear over 50 Indigenous language speakers from around the world saying simple phrases and even singing traditional songs.
The “Celebrating Indigenous Languages” project is designed to honour the UN International Year of Indigenous Languages.
When people use Google Earth, they will be able to select locations chosen by the speakers who lent their language to the program.
The seven Canadian Indigenous languages are Hul’q’umi’num, Mohawk, Inuktitut, Northern Plains Cree, Woodlands Cree, and Swampy Cree.
The project can be in the Voyageur part of Google Earth, which is an educational storytelling platform.
\The project only features 50 of the nearly 7,000 Indigenous languages worldwide so far, but Google is hoping the project will if more people are interested in adding their own languages
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Filmmakers from the Parkland, and some of their work, will be on full display today (August 10th) at the inaugural Neepawa Film Festival.
The screenings take place at the Roxy Theatre, at 291 Hamilton Street in Neepawa, starting at 1 pm.
"Anything with a local connection does really well for attendance, so I thought it'd be really neat if we could get some locally-made movies that people will come out and watch their neighbours or their friends... or the place they grew up in, whatever the case may be," said Kate Jackman-Atkinson, who's on the Roxy Theatre Board.
Tickets to the festival are just $8 for adults, and $4 for anyone 18 and under. The ticket will allow you to see all the films to be screened, of which there are several different genres. "We've got some historical ones, we've got a comedy one, a documentary, and a few dramas," according to Festival Chair, James Willis.
There are 3 prize categories which the audience can vote on: People's Choice, Best Youth Entry, and Nod to Neepawa. There will also be an intermission halfway through the screenings, and a Q&A session with the filmmakers afterward.
Included in the showings is Tanner Bennet, who submitted a rockumentary about his Father's band The Revolving Doors.
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- Contributed by Alec Woolston
The Fusion Credit Union Manitoba Mudrun takes place tomorrow at the Selo site.
Participants can either run the 5k course or the 10k course with obstacles like Baba’s Bath Tub, the Tombstone Trudge and the Parkland Source for Sports Zip Line.
“It’s gonna be a ton of fun,” says Steve Sobering “It’s always a beautiful weekend and it’s a really empowering thing to participate in, it’s an accomplishment and when you cross that finish line you feel like you’ve conquered the world.”
All the money raised goes towards active living projects here in Dauphin, like skate parks, water parks, and mountain bike parks.
Registration is still available online at the Mudrun website, and there will a limited number of walk-up registrations at the gate.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Tonight at 6 you can check out the Rumble in Roblin.
6 years ago, it started as a show ‘n’ shine event.
People go to show off their classic cars, muscle cars, modern muscle cars, motorcycles, and sometimes tractors on Main Street in Roblin.
Keith Fast, with the Rumble in Roblin committee, says you should check it out because they’ve been growing each year.
“Last year we had over 140 cars, our stores are also open late in the evening, the street market, and it’s fun for everyone.”
If you haven’t signed up to show off your ride, you still have time, registration is open until the event starts. Even if you’re a little late, Fast says they’ll find a way to fit everyone in.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
The Springfield Police Department in Springfield, Missouri have arrested one man after they responded to a report of a man having weapons and ammunition at a Walmart in the community.
The man who appeared to be in his twenties was wearing body armour. He’s also reported to have had loaded weapons and over 100 rounds of ammunition.
Prior to police arriving, a store manager pulled a fire alarm. The male with the weapons and ammunition tried to leave through an emergency exit, but a firefighter held him at gunpoint until the police arrived.
Police are now investigating and we’ll have more as additional information becomes available.
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- Contributed by Darnell Duff
An Ontario farmer who had been found guilty of criminal negligence in the accidental death of his four-year-old son has been given a suspended sentence with three years probation.
Justice Julia Morneau of the Ontario Court of Justice sentenced Emanuel Bauman in a precedent-setting case.
Bauman from Grey Highlands was charged last August with criminal negligence causing death after his son died after falling out of a skid steer bucket. He was found guilty of the charge in May of this year.
The Crown had recommended a sentence of two years less a day, three years probation and a driving prohibition of 10 years. Bauman’s lawyer had argued for a suspended sentence with two or three years probation, along with the condition of speaking to others in the community about farm safety.
On August 30th of 2018, Bauman was building a laneway on his property. Using a skid steer, he pulled a trailer full of wood chips, with the chips landing in the laneway as he moved. His two children, 7-year-old Luke, and 4-year-old Steven were standing in the skid steer’s bucket.
Something diverted Bauman’s attention, causing him to look back. At that point, Steven fell out of the bucket. Bauman found the child on the ground with his head trapped under the bucket.
Steven then died from head injuries and his father was charged. Although he pleaded not guilty, Bauman accepted moral responsibility for the accident.
It's believed to be the only case in Canada where a child's accidental death on a farm led to a criminal charge.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Canada’s job vacancy rate stayed at a record high of 3.2 percent for the fourth quarter in a row.
429,000 private sector jobs - which is 23,000 more than 2018’s high - went unfilled for at least four months in 2019.
In Manitoba, the private sector job vacancy rate rose to 2.6 percent equalling 11,500 unfilled jobs, the fifth-highest percentage in the country.
Quebec and BC have the highest vacancy rates at 3.9 percent and Alberta has the lowest vacancy rate at 1.9 percent.
Employers with at least one vacancy are expected to push average wage levels up by 2.3 percent versus 1.5 percent by businesses without any openings.
The biggest shortages are in the personal services industry (mechanics, lawyers, landscapers, and funeral and daycare services) with a vacancy rate of 4.9 percent. With the information sector (banking, insurance, and computer programming) having the lowest rate at 2.1 percent.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Dry conditions in Riding Mountain National Park has caused the fire danger level to be extreme.
There won’t be a fire ban implemented but the park asks that everyone uses extra caution with campfires and other potential fire sources.
To lower the risk of a fire starting, keep campfires small and in designated pits, completely extinguish campfires by soaking it with water, stirring it, and soaking again, and dispose of cigarettes in proper ways.
Any suspected wildfires should be reported to Parks Canada Dispatch at 1-877-852-3100.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak