Manitoba's Deputy Chief Provincial Public Health Officer, Dr. Jazz Atwal and head of the vaccination task force, Dr. Joss Reimer, addressed the province today regarding vaccines and their safety.
Reimer said that the Delta variant is much more deadly:
"There was a new study that came out of the U.K. that looked at all people who were infected with either Alpha or Delta variants of COVID over several months this spring, and when Delta was spreading rapidly amongst their population, and it showed what we've been hearing fro a lot of other jurisdictions as well, that Delta is more likely to result in more severe outcomes, including hospitalization, emergency care and death."
Reimer also noted that the COVID-19 vaccine is proven safe:
"We also have some good new data coming out of the United States surrounding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. The Journal of the American Medical Association released a new study earlier this month and it conducted an analysis of 6.2 million people who received 11.8 million doses of an mRNA vaccine, and they found no significant difference in many different types of potential outcomes that we were worrying about."
82.9% of people in Manitoba are at least partially vaccinated.
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On Friday at 5:45 p.m., officers responded to a disturbance in downtown Dauphin; they attempted to speak with a 22-year-old male on the scene.
When the man was advised that he was being placed under arrest for breaching several court-imposed conditions, he ran back into his apartment complex and barricaded himself inside the apartment.
Officers did not pursue the 22-year-old as it was believed he was armed with a knife.
The suspect was believed to be alone in the apartment.
After several hours of communication with the suspect, he exited the apartment and was arrested without incident.
The 22-year-old male was taken back to the Dauphin Detachment and may face charges of Resisting Arrest, Failing to Comply with Release Order, Mischief, and Failing to Comply with an Undertaking.
The investigation in this case continues.
There was a heavy police presence at 213 Main Street North in Dauphin Friday evening.
Officers could be heard shouting to an individual inside the apartment building.
Residents of the apartment couldn’t leave or enter the building as police barricaded both the front and back doors.
Witnesses say officers left the area at about 9:15 pm after being on the scene for several hours.
We continue to wait for more details, and once they become available, you will find out about them here first.
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
Dauphin Rec Services are hosting their annual Health and Leisure Mart from 5 to 7:30 p.m. today at the Parkland Recreation Complex.
This is your opportunity to learn about, and pre-register for various fall and winter activities in our community.
As Programs & Promotions Coordinator with Dauphin Rec Services, Tamara Kolida says there are more than a handful of activities people can register for:
"Some of the sport and community groups you can find at the event include, PARKFIT, Northwest Metis Council, Skate Dauphin, YAK Drama, Zirka Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, Dauphin Kin Club, Dauphin Friendship Centre, Dauphin Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, Parkland Paddling Club, Grand Plains Gym Cats, Bratstva Studios Ukrainian Dance and the Kin Aquatic Center."
All ages are welcome to attend this event.
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New public health orders regarding gathering sizes come into effect today.
On Thursday, Chief Provincial Public Health Officer, Dr. Brent Roussin announced that outdoor gatherings are now limited to 500, down from 1,500.
"The summer fairs and festivals previously approved by Public Health are not impacted by this change."
Roussin also said that weddings will have to follow the same rules as restaurants.
"So guests will have to show proof of vaccination, if a wedding party takes place at an unlicensed venue and has applied for a license, proof of vaccination will still apply. There will be a grace period on this until September 7th so people can adjust their plan."
Also happening today, museums and galleries will now be required to ask for proof of vaccination for indoor areas.
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Prairie Mountain Health is advising that the Dauphin Community Health Services Building will be closed tomorrow, as the power outage continues.
Those with appointments scheduled for tomorrow are encouraged to call 204-638-2118 if they haven't already been contacted to reschedule.
Prairie Mountain Health advises that the Dauphin Community Health Services Building will be closed today due to electrical issues within the building. Clients that had appointments scheduled for today will be contacted to reschedule them.
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- Contributed by 730 CKDM
According to the Manitoba Crop Pest Update, there has been a drastic decrease in all of the major diseases found in crops.
Field Crop Pathologist, David Kaminski says this is because of this year’s dry conditions.
“Things like grasshoppers build up in drier years, but diseases generally depend on a wetter environment, especially bacterial diseases - we see them when there are frequent rains.”
David says one of the most notable things is the near-total absence of sclerotinia in canola and fusarium head blight in wheat. In soybeans, septoria brown spot was more prevalent than Bacterial blight, but all of the three main foliar diseases were minimal.
“Disease was one less thing to worry about in most cases for producers this year, but they did have a really tough battle against insects.”
The grasshopper issue is not over for growers yet, as newly emerging winter cereals can be very attractive to grasshoppers. For winter wheat and other late-summer seeded crops, seeding near the end of the optimum planting window is recommended to reduce the risk and severity of grasshopper damage.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
In 2020 the RM and City of Dauphin began work with Travel Manitoba to establish a place brand.
“Adventure from here on out.” Was launched in June of this year, and now the City and RM are looking for Place Brand Committee members to help shape Dauphin and Parkland tourism marketing strategy.
Nicole Chychota, the CAO for the RM of Dauphin, explains how the concept for this committee came to be;
“During the process of developing the brand, we worked with stakeholders in the community to make sure we got their input on what they felt the brand should include, and we really found that was a valuable exercise.”
Chychota noted that the help of community stakeholders in the branding process initiated the idea for this committee.
“When Sharla and I spoke about how we should move forward, we really felt we should keep that communication going and felt that the establishment of a committee where we could bring in stakeholders was the best way for us to do that.”
Nicole added that those interested must submit a letter explaining their qualifications and background as well as why they want to be involved with this project.
“It’s a great opportunity for people to really help shape what our marketing strategy is going to be, and I think it’s a great chance for us to get some alternative perspectives on what makes Dauphin and area such a great area to visit. We’re really excited to work with everybody.”
Meetings are expected to occur once a month, and the committee will hold an advisory role while staff from the City and RM will be tasked with executing the projects.'
September 13th at noon is the deadline to apply.
Applications can be sent by email toThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or dropped off at the RM of Dauphin office.
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- Contributed by Noah Fuchs
The Parkland Humane Society’s Garage Sale and BBQ was successful, bringing in a total of $5,171.
Shelter Manager, Kelsey Bates says the money from the fundraiser is going towards general operating costs of the shelter, like vet bills, utility bills, and food costs.
This is something that the Humane Society does yearly but wasn’t able to last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
For those wanting to get vaccinated agaisnt COVID-19, there are many walk-ins throughout the Parkland this week.
Walk-ins are taking place in Dauphin at the Ukrainian Orthodox Hall, at 304 Whitmore Avenue east on Saturday, September 11th from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Vaccines are being offered on a walk-in basis in Roblin on Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Life & Art Centre, at 106 3rd Avenue east.
You can get the jab in Brandon on Wednesday or Thursday at the Keystone Centre from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Walk-ins are taking place in Swan River on Thursday from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Albert Chartrand Friendship Centre, located at 1413 Main Street east.
In Russel vaccine walk-ins are taking place on Friday from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at 447 Main Street North.
It is now required to be fully vaccinated to be able to participate in certain activities.
Manitobans who are fully vaccinated can request their immunization cards here.
Those without a Manitoba Health card can now call 1-844-626-8222 to request a client identification number to obtain their immunization card.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
Leader of the People’s Party of Canada, Maxime Bernier will be making two campaign stops in Dauphin Swan River Neepawa tomorrow as his election campaign continues.
The first is a Public meet and greet in Neepawa at Riverbend park from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m., followed by a Public rally at 12:30 p.m. at Vermillion Park in Dauphin.
Local PPC Candidate Donnan McKenna will also be in attendance.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson
The latest national polls show that the Liberals have fallen behind the Conservatives, and have been trending downwards since the election was called.
The Conservative Party of Canada is at 34.5 percent, the Liberal Party of Canada is at 31.3 percent, and the NDP is at 20 percent.
Be listening to 730 CKDM News Now next week for more coverage on the candidates in the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding.
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- Contributed by Trillian Reynoldson