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This year's Louis Riel Day is being celebrated with a variety of events in Dauphin and the surrounding areas.

Tomorrow there will be activities at the Kinosota community centre starting at 10am including a pancake breakfast, sleigh rides, and a silent auction.

There will also be live music as well as bannock and stew at the McCreary Community Centre starting at 5pm.

Sunday there is a supper and entertainment at the Ste. Rose Community Centre starting at 4:30.

Monday is the Fort Dauphin Museum’s celebration with live music, bannock, wagon rides, snow taffy, and more.

Vice President of the Dauphin Northwest Metis Office and the MMF Frances Chartrand says the events that are held allow the Metis to share their history and their culture.

“It teaches people about our history and our rich Metis culture and our traditions and our language. So now we will be able to embrace our culture and our history and be able to share it with everyone throughout the province of Manitoba and the region.”

MMF president David Chartrand encourages all people who live in the province to celebrate.

“On behalf of the Metis government and the Metis families and the Metis citizens we want to express a day of celebration for all citizens, not just Metis people from all nationalities. From our perspective we want everyone to have the chance to reflect and one of the pivotal that we’ve always stood for as a Metis nation is family.”

The province has announced that all weekend long, including Monday’s Louis Riel Day, anglers won’t need a licence to fish.

The free fishing will apply everywhere except in national parks where a federal licence is still required.

Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Blaine Pedersen says the province encourages all Manitobans and visiting anglers to take advantage of our amazing fisheries free of charge.

Conservation limits still apply to those fishing without a licence.

The province wants anglers to be sure conditions are safe before venturing onto the ice, adding that it’s important to let someone know where you are fishing and to wear appropriate clothing so the ice-fishing experience will be enjoyable.

As well as the free fishing this weekend, there is free park entry for the month of February in provincial parks.

A 25-year-old man from the RM of Swan River is wanted on four arrest warrants.

Caylib Cote faces more than 20 charges including uttering threats, assault with a weapon, assault, possession of a weapon, obstructing a peace officer and failure to comply.

RCMP say he could have trouble walking or needs assistance and it’s possible he’s in the Winnipeg or Swan River areas.

If you think you’ve seen him or have information on his whereabouts, please call the Swan River RCMP at 204-734-4686.

Ashern and Lundar RCMP responded to a fatal two-vehicle collision last night around 10:15, just north of Eriksdale on Highway 6 at the intersection of Highway 68.

The preliminary investigation suggests a car, carrying five people was travelling east on Highway 68 and failed to stop at the stop sign, before colliding with a northbound SUV in the intersection.

All five occupants of the car were transported to a hospital, where a 21-year-old female from Dauphin, who was a passenger in the car, was pronounced dead.

The two occupants of the SUV were also taken to a hospital.

The Ashern RCMP along with a forensic collision reconstructionist is continuing to investigate.

The improvement of police operations in rural areas is on the top of the minds of reeves in Manitoba.

Rising crime rates have caused policing costs to be the fastest-growing part of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities’ budget.

Stats Canada says the crime rate outside of Winnipeg was 42 per cent higher than in the city three years ago.

Rural Manitoba deals with an extremely high rate of disturbing the peace offences.

Manitoba’s rate is just over 1500 incidents per capita, which is 53 times higher than the lowest rate in Canada of 29 incidents per capita.

Tomorrow is the annual Heritage Days Fair at the Dauphin Marketplace Mall.

The fair will have a wide range of items that showcase the history of the prairies from groups such as the Dauphin Agricultural Heritage Club and the Dauphin Pioneer’s Association.

Some of the attractions include photos and information on Dauphin’s local businesses, old farming tools, Gilbert Plain’s historical sites, and more. 

Don White, committee chairman for the Heritage Days Fair encourages people to come out and have a look at the history of Dauphin and surrounding communities.

“The heritage fair is trying to keep the history of our Dauphin area alive. We have about 14 organizations that are going to bring displays. They’ll be talking about their organizations and their contributions to the community.”

The fair is from 10am to 5pm.

A new program offered by the provincial government will mean municipalities could be reimbursed up to $150,000 for projects aimed at flood protection.

To be considered for funding, municipalities must apply for The 2020 Flood Preparedness Program by Friday, February 28th. Funding of up to $150,000 is available to individual municipalities.

Joint funding is also available if municipalities feel like teaming up for a project. If approved, all involved could get up to $150,000 each in funding.

Applicants can also be reimbursed for eligible expenses made between November 25th, 2019, and March 31st, 2020.

Proposals will be evaluated and considered based on criteria such as flood risk, the proposal's ability to enhance emergency preparedness, resiliency for future flood events, and more. You can find all the details here.

Proposals are due no later than Friday, February 28th, and must be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

February may be considered the month of love, but MPI’s TIPS Line suggests otherwise with an increased number of calls.

MPI Chief Operating Officer Curtis Wennberg says February was the busiest month for tip calls last year.

He adds that all the calls to the TIPS Line are anonymous.

“Some callers will admit to being an ex-spouse or ex-partner of a person allegedly defrauding the Corporation. We can only speculate that emotions of past romantic relationships are triggered by increased talk about Valentine’s Day. Regardless of the reason, MPI is very appreciative of their help.”

From 2015-2019, on average, there has been an increase in calls to the TIPS Line during the month of February. 2019 saw a record high 594 calls, compared to 439 in February 2018.

MPI says the information received from calls to the TIPS Line is carefully reviewed in order to determine legitimate calls from frivolous calls, in order to make sure innocent customers aren’t impacted.

MPI estimates that fraud costs ratepayers 50 dollars per year.

No matter the month or special occasion, anyone with information about auto insurance fraud is encouraged to call the Manitoba Public Insurance TIPS Line: 204-985-8477 or toll-free 1-877-985-8477.

Every year the Red Cross recognizes two Manitobans for their contributions to the community.

Spokesperson with the Canadian Red Cross, Jason Small encourages people to nominate others.

“We want to recognize Manitobans who make a difference in the world, in our province through their charitable, philanthropic, and volunteer work. We are asking the general public to nominate people who they feel are deserving of this award, who are really making a difference through their work and their volunteered time.”

To nominate someone you feel is deserving of the award, visit the Red Cross website.

Nominations close on February 29th.

The 100th anniversary of Kin Canada was celebrated last Saturday.

The Kinnettes Club also held their annual wine and mickey draw afterward which saw a great turnout.

Treasurer for the Dauphin Kinnette Club Nicole Gulenchin was happy with the support the event received.

“It was awesome. We had a fantastic turnout. We raised lots of money. We had over 20 sponsors for the event. We received almost 30 prize donations. We had huge support from the community, it was great to see. Becoming a member of Kinsmen or Kinnettes is a great way to give back to your community and it’s a great way to get out and meet people, and a fantastic way to support your community.”

At the draw, 50 year Kinnette member Iona Tarrant got recognized for her service.

She said that it's the people that she loves that has made her stay.

“The people, the community service,  the comradery and the helping make your community a better place. Every community needs volunteers and we’ve got lots of wonderful ones.”

Anyone that wants to join the Kinsmen or Kinnettes club is encouraged to reach out to a local member, or contact them on their Facebook page.   

The DRCSS has met with the Mountain View School Division to trial a new timetable for the 2020-21 school year. Stephen Jaddock, assistant superintendent, says the proposed change would be to a system with five 65 minute periods.

“So, three in the morning and two in the afternoon. That’s similar to a timetable that they had at one point in time in the past. Right now, there are two periods in the morning, then a shorter 35 minute period just prior to the noon hour from 11:25 to 12 noon. So those 35 minutes would essentially disappear. So, to go from a four and a half period day to a full 5 period day.”

Jaddock says the change is still a proposal but is likely to be tried next year.

The change will increase how many courses the students can have.

“So to moving from four and a half to five in a single day, it just increases the potential to take a full course in that slot and then it would work on the semester timetable as well, so across first and second semester, so increasing the availability of course selections is one of the benefits.”

Jaddock adds that having more course credits is a reason for the proposed change.

“One of the other reasons is that, as you can probably imagine, sometimes in a 35 minute period, it’s just difficult to, by the time the students have arrived, get settled, and start into the subject matter, before you know it, it’s time to wrap things up and close things down, so that’s another concern.”

The change will also affect the number of videoconference courses the DRCSS offers, however videoconferencing courses are more commonly used between the smaller high schools.