The advance voting period over the weekend saw the most advance votes ever.
4.7 million Canadians lined up on the holiday weekend to cast their votes, making for a 29 percent increase from 2015.
According to Elections Canada numbers, 1.24 million votes were cast on Friday, 977,000 on Saturday, 915,000 on Sunday, and 1.6 million ballots were submitted on Monday.
During the advance voting period for the 2015 election, 3.65 million votes were cast.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
The province of Manitoba is still feeling the aftermath from the snowstorm that hit Thursday to Saturday.
Over 225 thousand people were affected by power outages.
Manitoba Hydro is working to bring power back to the almost 15 thousand customers that still don’t have power.
It could take more than a week to restore power.
Manitoba Hydro says the delay comes from all the trees that have to be removed before they can figure out how damaged a line is.
Over the weekend, Premier Brian Pallister declared a state of emergency to bring in help from Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Minnesota.
Manitoba Hydro has never had to bring in mutual aid before this storm.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Sometime between 8:30 last night and 10 this morning Showdra's Meat in Dauphin was broken into.
About 1000 dollars in damage was done to the property, an additional 500 dollars worth of meat product and money was stolen, and their shovel was taken.
This is the second time in recent memory Showdra's Meat has been broken into.
If you have any information on the incident, contact the Dauphin RCMP.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Along with the provincial government, several Treaty 2 first nations have declared states of emergency because of the snowstorm.
Interlake Reserves Tribal Council Chairman, Cornell McLean says their communities are vulnerable in natural disasters like these.
Dauphin River, Lake St. Martin, Little Saskatchewan, Pinaymootang, Lake Manitoba Nations, and O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi are seeking immediate action from the Province of Manitoba for emergency management.
The Red Cross is helping by opening a warming shelter in Winnipeg for individuals from First Nations that don't have power.
The response is part of an agreement between the Canadian Red Cross and the federal government to provide disaster assistance to First Nations in Manitoba.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Manitoba Hydro made a dent into its 21.6 billion dollar debt in 2018-19.
The utility profited 121 million dollars compared with the year before when they profited 37 million.
They are attributing the improvement to the rate increases, lower restructuring and operating expenses, and favourable weather.
Manitoba Hydro’s export power sales earned them 430 million dollars.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Thanksgiving is a time for family and food, but what are Parklanders most thankful for?
Cheryl, from Dauphin, is thankful for her family and friends and for them all being able to be together.
Ryan, from Dauphin, is thankful for his newborn baby boy.
And Elaine from Dauphin is thankful for her health and the health of her family.
When asked about what their favourite part about Thanksgiving was, this is what they had to say.
Elaine’s favourite part is getting together with family and friends.
Ryan’s favourite part is the long weekend that comes with Thanksgiving.
And Cheryl’s favourite part is the pierogis and the turkey, and the good laughs shared around the table.
And the final question we had for them was what does Thanksgiving mean to them?
All of the people asked had very similar answers, they all said that Thanksgiving means that they should appreciate what they have, their family, and the time they have with their loved ones.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
Manitoba Hydro has requested that Premier Brian Pallister declares a state of emergency.
This is due to the snowstorm that has blown through southern Manitoba.
Manitoba is facing a number of problems because of the storm, one of the major ones being, some areas won’t have power for days.
Manitoba Hydro is working to restore power in the province, saying they are turning their focus to rural Manitoba.
In a press release, the utility reminds everyone to stay away from downed power lines.
“If you see a line on the ground, just assume it is still live. Stay away from it, keep others away from it and call 911 immediately. Also, notify our Contact Centre at 1-888-MBHYDRO or 204-480-5900 so we can get a crew there as quickly as possible to make the area safe. It may take some time to get through, but public safety is our first priority.”
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
All highways leading out of Dauphin are closed.
For those in the city, Dauphin crews are asking for everybody to stay off the streets while they are cleared.
Highway 5 is closed from Dauphin to Grandview, from Dauphin to the Highway 10 junction, from Ste. Rose to the Highway 10 junction, from Ste. Rose to McCreary, and from Neepawa to the Trans-Canada Highway.
Highway 10 is closed from the North entrance of Riding Mountain to Clear Lake, and from the Ashville junction to Ethelbert.
Highway 20 is closed from Dauphin to Fork River, and from Dauphin to Ochre.
Highway 68 is closed from Ste. Rose to The Lake Manitoba Narrows.
Highway 6 is closed from Ashern to Grand Rapids.
You can check current road conditions under the news tab on our website or tune in to 730 CKDM for updates.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
Thousands of people in the Parkland are dealing with power outages.
Manitoba Hydro doesn't have an official time of restoration or cause of the outages.
Currently, there are power outages in Dauphin, Ochre River, McCreary, Ste. Rose, Wasagaming and various spots around RMNP.
Throughout Manitoba, there are over 50 thousand Manitoba Hydro customers dealing with a power outage.
This is the largest power outage in Manitoba history, with about 100 thousand people being affected over the past couple of days.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak
The Government of Manitoba has decided to make a change to the new crown land leasing program, after the initial changes brought backlash from producers.
The province announced Friday that they reversed a decision to make all expired leases go to auction, and will instead give producers the first right of renewal, meaning they could possibly transfer farms from generation to generation.
There are approximately 1,750 forage leaseholders in Manitoba, with the most of that land being in the Parkland.
The changes that came into effect on October 1st, reduced current lease maximums from 50 years to 15 years.
On Friday, the province said farmers who have legacy forage leases that expire before Dec. 31, 2034, will have the first right to renew until that date. After that, the leases go back to auction.
Producers with leases that expire after 2034 will continue under their current terms, and are not affected by the new rules.
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- Contributed by Josh Sigurdson
The provincial government is supplying nine women’s resource centres with free period packs to commemorate International Day of the Girl.
Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires says the province allocated 4500 dollars for period packs that contain tampons, pads, and deodorant.
The packs are going out to Swan Valley Crisis Centre in Swan River, Lakeshore Women’s Resource Centre in Ashern, Interlake Women’s Resource Centre in Gimli, Women’s Safe Haven in Flin Flon, Women’s Resource Centre in Brandon, and Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre, North End Women’s Centre, Pluri-elles Manitoba, and West Central Women’s Resource Centre in Winnipeg.
October 11th has been International Day of the Girl since 2012 when the United Nations declared it.
The day was created to provide an opportunity to recognize young women around the world as important citizens and powerful voices of change.
Celebrations provide an opportunity to highlight the rights of girls, and to advocate for greater action and investment to enable girls to reach their full potential.
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- Contributed by Isaac Wihak