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The Government of Manitoba has named a list of winners for the 2018 Sustainability Awards.

After claiming the Sustainable Community of Manitoba award in 2017, the City of Dauphin was listed as an honourable mention for the 2018 awards.

The honourable mention was for the City’s effort in implementing new technologies and techniques to make the city greener.

Some of those initiatives include a large-scale rainwater catchment system to help reduce the amount of treated water used to water flower baskets and community baskets, the implementation of a way to recycle old mattresses, a way to recycle household appliances, and making repairs to reduce the amount of infiltration and inflow into the city’s sanitary system.

 Another thing the city has done to help make the city more environmentally friendly is the building of bike lanes, and starting an active transportation plan.

“We’re on the right track, we’ve been working really hard at growing our community around green initiatives, and making our contribution to a clean environment,” said Dauphin’s community energy manager Steve Sobering. “It’s pretty satisfying to be recognized outside of the community.

Sobering adds that the city isn’t done when it comes to making Dauphin greener and more efficient. Part of the plan going forward is to slowly make the city’s fleet electric, by buying electric garbage trucks, street sweepers, and Zambonis, as well as replacing the city’s old HVAC systems with more energy-efficient ones.

The city is also installing Level 3 rapid chargers for electric vehicles.

Sobering is hoping that by seeing what a small city like Dauphin can do for sustainability, bigger cities will catch on and make their communities more sustainable.

The winner of the Sustainable Community for 2018 was the Fisher River Cree Nation.

The Royal Canadian Mint has issued a new coin featuring an important figure in Manitoba’s history.

In honour of his 175th birthday, the new coin will feature a portrait of Metis leader, Louis Riel.

The coin is also the first coin to be engraved with Michif, the language of the Metis Nation.

Louis Riel led the Red River Rebellion to help assert Indigenous rights, and stop the Canadian takeover of Metis land.

After several fierce battles, including the Northwest Rebellion, Riel was arrested and charged with high treason. He was later hanged in Regina.

The portrait on the coin features Riel wearing a fur-trimmed buckskin jacket covered with floral beadwork. He is also encircled by a traditional Coventry sash in the shape of an infinity sign, which is the symbol of the Metis Nation.

Manitoba Metis Federation President David Chartrand, said the Mint collaborated with the Metis Federation to help commemorate Riel’s birthday.

Metis artist David Garneau designed the coin that also features an engraving of Riel’s signature.

Only 15,000 coins will be produced, and the coin will cost $59.95, and it will be available in November.

The results are in from the Federal Election.

Dan Mazier has been elected MP of the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding and the Liberal Party won a minority government. 

Mazier is satisfied with the win.

"It's overwhelming and quite humbling to have that much support out there."

One of Mazier's priorities, when he gets to Ottawa, is connectivity.

Mazier was pleased with how the other candidates ran their campaigns, saying they were very respectful and talked about their own policies.

In the polls, Mazier finished with 24,942 votes (64.5%), Laverne Lewycky, from the NDP, finished with 5,404 votes (14%), Cathy Scofield Singh, with the Liberal Party, finished with 5,103 votes (13.2 %), Kate Storey, with the Green Party, finished with 2,090 votes (5.4%), Frank Godon, with the PPC, finished with 700 votes (1.8%), and Jenni Johnson, with the Christian Heritage Party, finished with 447 votes (1.2%).

Federally, the Liberals finished with 156 seats, the Conservatives have 121, Bloc Quebecois has 32, the NDP has 25, the Greens have 3 and there's 1 independent MP.

9:00 Update:

The Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding has been called, Dan Mazier has been elected MP.

He has 63.9 per cent of the vote, which is 1164 votes. Scofield-Singh sits second, followed by Lewycky, Storey, Godon, and Johnson.

8:45 Update:

Dan Mazier and the Conservatives have jumped out to an early lead in the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding.

Mazier has 119 votes in first, Storey is in second with 21, Lewycky in third with 20 votes, Scofield-Singh is in fourth with 13, Godon is in fifth with 3 and Johnson is last without a single vote.


8:30 Update:

Polls in the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa and the rest of Manitoba have closed.

Darnell Duff is down at the Dauphin Returning Office so we'll have up to date results here and live on 730 CKDM.


730 CKDM is live with up to the minute election coverage of the federal election with James Blake and Alec Woolston. Check back to this story for updates as they happen throughout the evening.

The candidates in the Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa riding are,

Frank Godon - People's Party of Canada

Jenni Johnson - Christian Heritage Party of Canada

Laverne Lewycky - New Democratic Party of Canada

Dan Mazier - Conservative Party of Canada

Cathy Scofield-Singh - Liberal Party of Canada

Kate Storey - Green Party of Canada

Due to an act of vandalism over the weekend, the Dauphin Multi-Purpose Senior Centre is without phone or Internet service.

Sometime over the weekend, someone went and pried the conduit pipe at the back of the building open and proceeded to cut the phone line.

There are no estimates as to how long the Senior Centre will be without service or the cost of the damage.

In the meantime, unfortunately, anyone who needs the services of the Senior Centre will have to stop by and see the staff in person.

Anyone who has any information on the act of vandalism over the weekend is asked to call the Dauphin RCMP.

Senior centre vandalism

No one can escape Ceto, the Manitoba First Nations Police Service dog.

Ceto helped police make arrests in connections to robberies, a gas theft, and a stolen truck.

On Friday morning, MFNPS noticed a suspect vehicle near Sandy Bay First Nation, going through Amaranth. They notified local RCMP, who tried to stop the truck, but were unsuccessful.

After leading police on a chase through back roads, the driver of the truck lost control and got stuck in a ditch, which made both people in the vehicle make a run for it.

Police set up a perimeter around the area and sent Ceto and the RCMP’s K-9 into the area.

Ceto located the driver in a ditch 6 km away, and the RCMP K-9 found the other suspect.

Both suspects were arrested and taken to Portage, where they await charges for various offences.

The results of Manitoba Public Insurance's first-half fiscal year have been released.

MPI has reported a greater net income in the first half of the 2019/20 fiscal year, compared to the 2018/19 fiscal year.

The current net income from the first six months this year is 164.2 million dollars, which is a 91.4 million dollar increase from the same period last year.

Mark Giesbrecht, Vice-president, Finance and Chief Financial Officer for MPI is expecting some of the income to be offset in the winter.

“Historically, there is an increase in claims in the winter months, which offsets the positive financial results typically posted during the first two quarters of the Corporation’s fiscal year. As such, we will continue to closely monitor revenues, claims and claims costs over the remaining two quarters.”

The revenue MPI has earned this year so far is 35.7 million dollars more than the same period last year.

Higher motor vehicle premium revenue because of an increase in the number of motor vehicles insured is what’s raising the revenue, along with the 1.8 per cent increase in Basic insurance rates ordered by the Public Utilities Board that became in effect March 1, 2019.

In June, MPI applied for an increase in Basic insurance premiums for the 2020/21 insurance year by 0.1 per cent, but earlier this month changed the application to a 0.6 per cent decrease due to the favourable year-to-date-results they have.

The 2019 federal election campaign has been fast-paced and hectic, leaving a lot of Canadians still undecided.

Many people are deciding whether they should vote for the federal party leader or their local candidate.

When you head to the polls today, your ballot will count towards electing a Member of Parliament to represent your constituency in Ottawa, not the federal leader.

If you like a local candidate and not that party’s federal leader, vote for the local candidate, because, if elected, that’s who will be bringing the riding’s concerns to Ottawa.

If you like a federal party leader and not the local candidate, vote for the local candidate that best represents your values and opinions.

A Prime Minister is elected based on the number of seats their party wins. In Canada, a party needs a 170 of 338 seats to form a majority government.

If a party doesn’t reach the required limit of 170 for a majority, a minority government will be formed

Whoever you decide to vote for, make sure you vote for the party that best aligns with your values and priorities.

For information on where to vote, go to the Elections Canada website.

With the election campaign just about done, the candidates are sharing their reasons for why you should vote for them.

PPC candidate, Frank Godon says he can get things done in the riding.

“I have an extensive background in working with industry and helping companies come into certain areas and do work that has to be done. Our riding needs this. I promise that I’ll work for the people, work for those in our riding that need it and that’s everybody. That’s not just First Nations, that’s not just people in Dauphin, or Neepawa, or Russell, or any other towns, and not just the farmers. That’s everybody in the riding. I think that I will be the best person to represent them in Ottawa.”

Conservative candidate, Dan Mazier says he entered the race because he wants to be the voice for the riding.

“My past experience with KAP offered me to gain a lot of experience of how government works. I advocated for farmers all across this province and nationally, right across this country, in Ottawa and in the legislature here in Manitoba. I think I have a skill set that can really enhance our way of living or at least get our voice to Ottawa.”

Liberal candidate, Cathy Scofield-Singh says you should vote for her because she knows how people are feeling.

“I meet people where they’re at physically and emotionally, I know the issues my clients face from day to day and see how they struggle to make ends meet. I see the importance of having a national Pharmacare plan, I see the importance of lowering taxes for low and middle-income Manitobans. I will listen to the constituents of Dauphin, Swan River, and Neepawa and make sure their voice is heard. I have a loud voice.”

Christian Heritage Party candidate Jenni Johnson gives her thoughts.

“I’m appealing to the voter who believes his or her vote is more than just a strategic move or an obligatory casting of the ballot for the lesser of 2 or 5 evils. I’m appealing to the voter who cares about the moral integrity of this country and who sees his or her vote as a moral responsibility to vote for someone in good conscience, who’s promising to stand on Canadian values of life and freedom.”

Green Party candidate Kate Storey, says voting for her is a message.

“It’s a message that the parliament has to start thinking about the wellbeing of people and looking forward to the future. Governments are really famous for thinking about 2 days ahead, but governments really have to start thinking about the future.”

NDP candidate Laverne Lewycky says he’s the most experienced, adding he has parliamentary experience.

“I’ve experienced working in committees, in special committees we wrote the special committee report, equality now, which is a special committee on the participation of visible minorities in Canadian societies. I bring that kind of expertise and experience, parliamentary experience.”

Remember to go vote on Monday.

With hunting season upon us, it’s important for everyone that goes out hunting, to be safe and enjoy themselves.

Hunters should always make sure they have a PAL license and have taken a hunter’s safety course. People who have taken a safety course before don’t have to take one again,

Once out there, you should always act like your gun is loaded, and not point it at anything that you don’t want to shoot. Hunters are also required to wear a hunter orange hat and vest while in the woods.

Hunting is illegal in any National Park but is allowed in a lot of provincial parks. There are some areas in provincial parks where the discharge of a firearm is illegal, so be sure to always check before entering the park.

Hunting on unoccupied crown lands is permitted. If your prey suddenly wanders on to private land, you must ask permission of the owner before continuing to hunt.

After hunting big game, it is required that hunters submit the heads of their prey for testing of Chronic Wasting Disease.

Some big game seasons are already underway, with more to open up soon. For a full list of when seasons open, and for more safety tips and information on CWD testing zones, take a look at this year's hunting guide.

Cigarettes in Canada are about to look a whole lot different.

Starting on November 9th, the Government of Canada’s new Tobacco Product Regulation law will standardize the appearance of all tobacco products. The new packaging will be a drab dark brown colour, deemed the “ugliest colour in the world”.

Retailers will have three months to comply with the changes, but some packages are already starting to show up on store shelves.

Under the new law, text style, colour and size, as well as word placement, are all standardized. Packages will also be covered in health warnings

Health Canada says the changes are designed to curb the number of young people who start smoking.

Health Canada stats say that 86 percent of Canadian smokers had their first cigarette by the age of 18, and in 2017, 91,000 Canadians became daily smokers.

The Manitoba Tobacco Reduction Alliance says it hopes that vaping products will receive the same treatment.

The new plain packaging is all part of Canada’s Tobacco Strategy, which is designed to lower tobacco use in Canada to 5 percent by 2035. Tobacco is the leading cause of premature death in Canada.