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The Mossey River Municipality has declared a state of agricultural disaster and requested assistance from the federal and provincial governments last week.

Reeve Ron Kostyshyn says council had a discussion about the challenges that producers are facing in the municipality.

“On behalf of the ratepayers and council, we felt we needed to inform the provincial and federal government of the drought conditions that we’re experiencing, and basically just notifying them that producers are in need of support or additional programming to help them through these troubling times.”

Kostyshyn says they haven’t heard from the provincial or federal government yet.

“The provincial government is in consultation with the federal government I believe, but I think the sooner the better given the circumstances producers are sitting with.”

Kostyshyn hopes the governments get together soon to make an announcement about a plan for producers.

The US Department of Homeland Security is limiting non-essential travel restrictions for the US-Canada and the US-Mexico borders until August 21st.

The US restrictions don't apply to cross-border trade, US citizens and lawful permanent residents, as well as people travelling for medical purposes or to attend school.

The Canadian Government announced on Monday that it will open its borders to fully vaccinated American travellers on August 9th, and to full vaccinated travellers from other countries on Sept. 7th.

During a news conference on Wednesday afternoon, the government of Manitoba gave a vaccine update. 

In the news conference, Dr. Joss Reimer, the medical lead of Manitoba's vaccine task force, had multiple discussion points.

Reimer says that the longer the virus mutates and spreads among non-vaccinated people, the more likely it is to see more variants of concern. She adds that there could be a variant of COVID-19 where the current vaccines are less effective, meaning we could need another vaccine to better protect against that strain of the virus. 

"Canada's Nation Advisory Committee on Immunization and the American equivalent ACIP are still not recommending a third dose for these variants. I will keep you updated on booster shots and third doses, including if and when we might need them. It is possible that this vaccine could become a regular part of life after COVID for all of us."  

Dr. Reimer went on to speak of back to school plans for parents and caregivers,

"While we are in the midst of summer now, it is never too early to plan for back to school, for your child to be fully vaccinated for back to school, so that's two weeks after their second dose. They need to get their first shot by next Tuesday, July 27th, which allows for the minimum 28 days between doses and the two weeks following the second dose." 

Reimer also mentioned that the province now has enough vaccine supply to meet the demand,

"When we were going through vaccine supply disruptions, and delays and uncertainty, it was important for you to know that having a mixed schedule was safe, effective and recommend at that time. Our priority was ensuring that people were getting protection from the second dose. So the guidance for you is to get the same brand of vaccine for your second dose, whenever possible."

With that said, Dr. Reimer assured that the government doesn't want you to delay your second dose, so it is still a safe and appropriate choice if you have to mix doses for one reason or another.  


There were no serious injuries after a three-vehicle collision this morning just south of Dauphin.

At approximately 8:50, a pickup truck was stopped on Highway 5 waiting to turn onto Provincial Road 109 West when it was struck from behind by an SUV. A second SUV then struck the first SUV from behind.

Three people were transported to Dauphin hospital for treatment.

Charges are not being considered at this time.


There was a two-vehicle collision on Road 109 west and Highway 5, south of Dauphin.

Police and fire crews are on the scene.
Police are directing traffic but the road is not blocked off.

Because of dry conditions, the Rural Municipality of Alonsa is reinstating its burn ban, effective immediately.

Outdoor fires involving the burning of grass, crop residue, bushes, bush piles, old derelict buildings, and burning barrels are not permitted.

Bonfires in backyards or commercial campsites are permitted as long as they’re in enclosed fire pits covered with a fire mesh and attended at all times. Those having a fire must have a source of water or fire extinguisher close by.

The ban will be in effect until conditions improve.

The RM also declared an agricultural state of disaster last week because of the conditions.

Tim Hortons Camp Day has arrived. 

You can buy a coffee to help send close to 14,000 kids on the camping adventure of a lifetime.  Dauphin Tim Hortons owner, Greg Crisanti, says that every penny will go towards sending a kid to camp.

“100 percent of the proceeds from all coffee sales, as well as Take 12 coffee, 100 percent of those proceeds will go to Camp Day as well.”

Greg says that there are many different ways that people can donate.

“Right now, we’ve got a raffle with prizes that were donated along with one of our Tim Hortons Home Brewers and gift cards, so you’re welcome to purchase a raffle for $2 and get your name in for some of those prizes. On Camp Day, we’re hoping to have a car wash in our drive-thru, so we’ll gladly wash your windows as you come through in hopes of a donation to, again, all proceeds going straight to help send kids in our community to camp.”

Last year, Tim Hortons Camp Day raised nearly $11 million. In its 30 year history, Tim Hortons Camp Day has raised over $212 million.

On July 19th, Provincial NDP leader, Wab Kinew, visited with community members and leadership from Sandy Bay First Nation.

During Kinew's drop-in, the community discussed searching the grounds of the former Sandy Bay Residential School site for potential unmarked graves at a meeting.

Kinew broke down his visit and the discussions that took place,

"The community's Chief and Council hosted a feast, to kind of check-in with in the community members if that's something that they want to do, and if they move ahead, what are some of the things the community would like to see come out of it."

Manitobas NDP leader continued, "They have been talking to researchers from the U of M, and many of those folks came out, and were discussing with the leadership about what a search might look like."

When asked about what he would like to see moving forward with Residential Schools across the province and nation, Kinew said;

"I think it's important that we continue to support the communities to search these sites. But I think it's really important that the community leads it. So, for instance, like with Sandy Bay, I do think it's important for that community to make the call themselves. It shouldn't be folks from the outside making the decision."

Kinew continued, "Overall, I think as long as the community is supportive of it, and their wishes are respected. I think this is an important step in us bringing about some closure for the people directly affected, and then hopefully some education on Canada's history for all the rest of us."

In closing, Mr. Kinew shared his anecdotes from his experience in Sandy Bay.

"All in all, I think the communities chief and council are going about it the right way, and it seems like they have the support of the community wants to help out, where it goes next is just a matter of carrying forward that process. In a good way."

This potential search comes as multiple mass graves across the country have been identified at former Residential School sites, starting with the 215 bodies found in Kamloops, BC, back on May 21st. 

Despite the drought that the province is facing, soybeans are faring better than other crops.

Laura Schmidt, a production specialist with Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers says even though there are some signs of drought stress, there's still a lot of potential for this year's soybean crop.

“The yield is really going to be determined in these next couple of weeks here, depending on what kind of precipitation we get. Over the weekend we did get some scattered showers around Westman so things are looking pretty hopeful.”

Laura adds that it’s important to get sizeable amounts of precipitation during pod formation.

“Soybeans in the Dauphin area are setting in filling pod so that’s around R3 to R4, they’re switching from flower to setting those pods.”

Laura says weed control has been challenging this year because weeds under drought stress develop characteristics to combat the drought, but weed control was still achieved.

There’s a special air quality statement in effect in the Parkland today because of smoke from fires in the province, and northwestern Ontario.

According to Environment Canada, the smoke is expected to persist throughout today, tonight, and Wednesday morning with very poor air quality at times.

130 fires are currently burning according to the province’s latest situation report, including a 206,017-hectare fire near Gypsumville that is being held, an eight-hectare fire near Crane River. There are also two fires northeast of Minitonas being held. 

12 of the 130 fires are considered out of control. 

Last week the Manitoba government issued 59 warnings and six tickets to Manitobans for health order violations.

Four $1,296 tickets were handed out to individuals, one $298 ticket for not wearing a mask in an indoor public place, and one $2,542 to a repeat offender.  

Officials advise that three of the four $1,296 tickets issued to individuals were in relation to gatherings in private residences or outdoors.

Since enforcement efforts began in April 2020, a total of 5,145 warnings and 2,061 tickets have been issued, resulting in more than $2.8 million in fines to businesses and individuals.

Starting this Sunday, you can get the jab at the Band Stand in Clear Lake. 

The pop-up clinic is taking place on July 25th from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. and July 28th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The clinic is offering either Pfizer or Moderna. Those wanting a vaccine can call 1-844-626-8222 to confirm product availability. 

Pop-up vaccine clinics are coming to several other campgrounds and provincial parks in Manitoba, starting on Saturday:

  • Oak Lake Beach – July 24th 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
  • Ninette-Pelican Lake - July 27th 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Rivers Campground - July 27th 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Onanole - July 28th 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • Adam Lake - July 30th 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

All July pop-up clinics are now listed online.