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Four men have been charged with sexual assault and forcible confinement in connection to an assault of a woman near Riding Mountain National Park in May.

On May 25th, a woman reported being sexually assaulted in a home in the RM of Harrison Park by five men.

RCMP officers arrested all five suspects within 24 hours of the initial report.

At the time of their arrest, they weren’t formally charged but were ordered to appear in Minnedosa provincial court on August 27th.

Four of the five men have been since formally charged.

A 23- year-old and a 25-year-old man, both from Wawanesa, have been charged with sexual assault and forcible confinement. The same charges have been laid against a 23-year-old man from Winnipeg and a 28-year-old man from Boissevain.

The fifth suspect, also from Boissevain, hasn’t been formally charged.

RCMP say the investigation is still ongoing to determine if charges will be laid against the fifth suspect.

The four men who have been charged will appear in Minnedosa provincial court next week.

This past weekend, Dauphin Fire Chief, Cam Abrey was in Calgary for the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs Annual Conference.

While there, Abrey was named the Canadian Career Fire Chief of the Year.

“Kind of an overwhelming experience, very humbling to say the least, to be nominated by my supervisors, the city of Dauphin, the RM of Dauphin, and be awarded this in front of all of my peers from across Canada.”

The award is sponsored by the Fire Underwriters Survey of Canada. At the conference, there are two awards, the Canadian Career Fire Chief of the Year and Canadian Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year. Abrey won the career award which is in the same categories as the large cities in Canada.

This was the 5th time Abrey has attended the conference.

“I have to say, it’s been the best one I’ve attended. Not just for the award, but, the quality of speakers we had, the topics that were presented to everybody, and then the networking opportunities that we have in connecting with our peers from across Canada, typically only happens once per year.”

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind for Abrey.

“Coming back from Ottawa and being involved in the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation Annual Memorial Service, taking part in the honour guard there, that was an experience I’ll never ever forget. Then back home for two days and off here to Calgary for the conference and ending it off last night with receiving this award. It’ll be good to get home and get back into the regular routine, that’s for sure. But it’s definitely been a past few weeks I’ll never forget.”

This time of the year presents many changes as we transition from Summer to the Autumn and Winter months.

One of the most notable changes is with the climate as the weather gets cooler and we start to see the sun less and less during the day.

This can lead to some of us experiencing symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.), which is a type of depression, according to Eleanor Snitka who's the Outreach Manager and Support Worker for the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba in the Parkland Region. "Symptoms can be very much the same as regular depression... our internal clock is sort of programmed that when the sun comes up, when the lights go on, we wake up. When the sun goes down, we go to sleep, but if the sun doesn't come up, we can stay asleep for a long time", explained Snitka.

This extra sleep and fatigue can lead to negative moods and withdrawal from society, which becomes part of a cycle of sadness and loneliness, among other negative feelings. "It's kind of a vicious circle, but those are often the signs we have", Snitka commented.

According to Snitka, four times as many women experience Seasonal Affective Disorder than men, and usually between the ages of 20 and 50. This could be because of the different hormones in men and women, or the tendency of men to speak less about what's bothering them. 

If you know or live with someone who experiences S.A.D, Snitka says one of the best things to do is be someone who is empathic, understanding, and there for them. The Mood Disorders Association of Mantioba also has some support groups that run in Dauphin and Ste. Rose. You can also rent or buy S.A.D. lamps which are designed to replicate sunlight, and you only need to use one for about 30 minutes a day. The Dauphin Friendship Centre and the Dauphin Senior Centre both have lamps available for individuals to try out.  

For more information and resources, head over to the Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba's website.

As we head into fall, more and more farmers will be busy trying to get their harvest in on time, which means more farm machinery will be on the road than normal.

In a press release, Manitoba Public Insurance said that, on average, there are 40 collisions involving vehicles and agricultural equipment every year.

One of the factors that lead to an increased risk of these rare accidents is the shortening amount of daylight hours.

Required safety equipment for farm machinery includes a slow-moving vehicle emblem that is clearly visible at the rear, and rear left and right side red reflectors.

At night, headlights, red tail lights, and flashing amber warning lamps must be in use.

Motorists are asked to give farm machinery room, move carefully around them, be patient, and only pass when safe to do so.

The third annual Community Recycling Event in Ethelbert is going on tomorrow.

This year, it’ll be at the skating rink for better traffic flow.

From 10 till 2, bring whatever you can recycle, but doesn’t normally go in curbside recycling bins.

Some things that they'll accept to recycle are, paint, flammables, fluorescent bulbs, toxic materials, hazardous materials, used oil, e-waste, used and unused medications, pens, mechanical pencils, highlighters, markers, old prescription or reading glasses, tires, plastic.

If the organizers can’t recycle anything that is brought they will find a way to responsibly dispose of the item.

There’ll be a couple draws to enter and there’ll be an opportunity to get a household blue bin.

This week you may need to detour in Dauphin.

4th Avenue SW between Main St South and 2nd St SW will be closed to all traffic until Friday

Crews will be doing some road reconstruction, including re-asphalting. 

The intersection of 4th Avenue SW & 1st Street SW will also be closed.

The federal election campaign has begun, to prepare for the October 21st election. This isn’t the first time Kate Storey has run in an election.

“I’m feeling excited to start this campaign as the Green Party candidate. The Green Party’s been really coming up in the polls, we’re being noticed by more and more Canadians. It feels different this time around.”

Storey is a local farmer who runs a cow-calf operation and produces organic grain. She adds that she’s a grandma and a researcher.

She focuses in on a few issues she’d like to address.

“Here in Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa, I’m committed to the wellbeing of rural families, rural communities, and the advancement of agriculture. I take a balanced approach and think about economic, environmental, and social consideration. I’m a good listener, and I want to work towards represent people’s views and improve things here in this riding.”

Storey says the greens have an innovative platform to support small and medium businesses, support municipalities, students, and farm families, improve healthcare, end the oppression of the indigenous communities, reduce poverty and protect our water and health.

The Christian Heritage Party of Canada has a candidate in the Dauphin-Swan River Neepawa riding.

Jenni Johnson is a first time runner in politics.

“It felt like it was something that I couldn’t not do. So, I’m going for it, I’m looking forward particularly to the times when I can speak and speak about the issues that I think are important and not just important to me but I think they’re important to other people too.”

Johnson believes that principals are sometimes more important than policies.

“When I talk about issues, I’m not talking about specific legislation or necessarily specific policies, but, principals of freedom of speech, principals of the value and sanctity of life. I don’t think those are non-issues anymore in Canada, I don’t think those are things that have necessarily been put to rest. So, I want to talk about them and be someone who gives a voice to those issues.”

Since this is her first time, Johnson ’s looking forward to the opportunities to speak.

“Not everyone gets a chance to speak about what they believe in, what they’re passionate about, in a public way. That is one of the beautiful things about Canada, that I, as just a regular housewife in Roblin, Manitoba, that I can put my name on a ballot, stand on a stage, and speak about things I think are important.”

Johnson is running because in the last few elections she’s had trouble choosing which name to put a checkmark next to.

Dan Mazier has been quietly campaigning since he was named the Conservative candidate for the Dauphin-Swan River- Neepawa riding last fall.

Now that the writ has dropped and the official campaign is underway for the October 21st federal election, Mazier is excited to kick the campaign into high gear.

“I’m pretty excited about the whole process and what we’re gonna go through here in the next 40 days,” Mazier said. “Now that we have a time table and we know exactly the date of the election, we are definitely kicking into high gear.”

Mazier had served as the President of Keystone Ag Producers since 2015, after being vice president for four years. Mazier shifted into politics after the incumbent MP for Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa, Robert Sopuck, announced his retirement from federal politics.

Due to his background with KAP, Mazier feels he can be a perfect candidate to bring the concerns of Parkland producers to the nation’s capital.

“Provided the honour to represent Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa, to really be that conduit from Ottawa, not only the conduit and inform everybody, keep everybody up to date, but also stand up for the riding,” said Mazier. “There’s things that need to happen here in the riding, and I am going to go take that message to Ottawa, and represent the area well.”

Mazier is hoping the relationships he had at KAP, and the connections he makes during the campaign will help him if he is elected.

The Chamber of Commerce Executives of Canada is a group that shares resources and information, has training elements, and has an accreditation process.

Stephen Chychota has been nominated for the board and says being on the board will help the Dauphin Chamber a lot.

“Where I’m more connected to other chambers across the country, more integrated into the whole program of CCEC, find better resources, strengthen my ability as an executive for the chamber. So, what I’m able to do in-house here for the chamber becomes better quality and I can gain more insight from other professionals. The members benefit from that, the board for the chamber here also benefits from that, and myself too.”

He isn't quite sure who nominated him, but he figures it was someone from the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce.

Chychota will be recognized at the AGM for being an executive for 5 years. Being a member has helped Chychota a bunch, with the massive online resource the CCEC has. Being a member also makes the Dauphin Chamber more valuable and look better. Chychota looks forward to developing that further, bringing more ideas to the board, and being connected with other chambers.

The vote is this upcoming Friday, September 20th.

There are some new voting rules for the federal election that apply to those living out of the country.

In the past, Canadians who’d been living outside of Canada for more than 5 years couldn’t vote, now, any eligible Canadian elector that lives abroad can vote, regardless of when they las lived in Canada.

In order to vote, those living out of Canada have to be registered on the International Register of Electors and to be on that list, they have to provide documents that establish their citizenship.

Those who aren’t registered can apply online or print off an application form and send it to Elections Canada by mail or fax.

Votes cast by Canadians living abroad count in the electoral district where they last lived before leaving Canada.