Beginning August 17th, registration agents with Elections Manitoba will be spanning out across the province, visiting newly constructed neighbourhoods and areas of high mobility - such as apartment blocks and post-secondary campuses.
Their goal is to register people that might not otherwise be already signed up to vote in the October 3rd provincial election or might have moved from another region in the province.
Targeted registration is used to improve the accuracy and completeness of the Manitoba voter registry.
Agents will be wearing identification when they arrive at your door and will ask for the name, address, phone number, birth date, and gender of all eligible voters in the home.
To be eligible to vote, you must be at least 18 years old, a Canadian citizen, and have lived in Manitoba for at least six months prior to election day.
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- Contributed by Jeff Henson
The ROGerKimLee Festival will take place this weekend from Friday to Sunday.
The festival honours a few friends of festival director Derrick McCandless, who all passed away during the COVID pandemic. They are Roger Young, Tim Russell, and Lee Oreniuk. A trio of Manitobans who were very much involved in music and lots more. Read more about each of them, here.
"So we couldn't do anything for them the first year, because of COVID, but we did have a get together at our place here in Eriksdale. We had about 50 people, it was raining, it was absolutely miserable, but from that weekend we decided you know what? Let's just have a festival."
Upon the success of that festival, McCandless and others involved decided to keep it going as an annual event.
The music lineup for the weekend includes a variety of music from musicians and bands including Frannie Klein, The Solutions, DMac & The Handsome Wanderers, and more. Make sure to take in the annual open jam on Friday night in which musicians will be paired or grouped together and have to come up with a song.
The weekend will also feature beer gardens, a maker's market, a show n' shine, kids activities and more.
You can buy tickets to the festival on their website, You can also camp there if you would like.
Organizers are also already planning for great things for next year's festival as well.
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- Contributed by Alec Woolston
Pet rescue agencies across Manitoba are seeing a significant rise in the number of animals being surrendered, and it is an issue that the Parkland region is not immune to.
Officials with the Parkland Humane Society say they are currently at their maximum capacity for both dogs and cats, adding that they are unable to transfer animals to other shelters in the province due to similar capacity issues.
Pregnant animals, strays, and not being able to care for the animals are just some of the reasons being given for the four-legged creatures being turned in.
They add they have particularly noticed a huge increase in animal surrenders in the past 6-8 months.
The Parkland Humane Society says they are actvely looking for more foster homes and volunteers willing to help care for these animals.
If you can help out, you are asked to visit the shelter on 2nd avenue NW, or check out their website,
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- Contributed by 730 CKDM
The past 8 days brought significant rains to lots of fields in Manitoba and the northwest region saw a good portion of it.
Inglis saw the most at 54mm total. Dauphin had the second-highest total at 48.5mm. Ethelbert, Roblin, and Ruthenia all got at least 40mm. So far this growing season, San Clara has gotten the highest amount of precipitation at 234mm while Rorketon has received the least at 111mm.
Winter wheat and fall rye harvest are both about 90% complete in the northwest region and field pea harvest is underway but is only 5% done. Harvest overall is still in the early stages as total progress in the province sits at 3%.
Spring cereals could also start to be harvested this week on some fields, depending on weather conditions.
The summary for the northwest region, which includes the Parkland, is below. You can view the entire crop report here.
Warm start to the week and then a change to cool, wet weather up until the weekend. Rain set in mid-week and a couple of days of scattered showers brought varied precipitation amounts. Dauphin weather station receiving the most at 49 mm and Swan River the least at 5 mm, with some heavier localized amounts near Roblin. Alonsa had the highest daytime temperature last week at 27.7°C while Rorketon had the coolest over night temperature at 3.4°C. Although the rain was welcome across the region due to recent dry conditions, it also posed a slight delay in pre-harvest applications and some harvest operations.
Fall rye and winter wheat harvest began over the weekend in most of the region. Harvest in the Dauphin and Swan Valley area is approximately 90% complete. Perennial ryegrass harvest also began last week and is mostly complete. Yields are unknown at this time.
Spring cereals are mostly in the hard dough stage, with some later seeded fields in the soft dough stage. Pre-harvest applications have been ongoing as stages are reached. Dependant on weather conditions, harvest may begin this week.
Most of the canola across the region is podded and maturing. Approximately 10 to 15% of the canola remains flowering but should wrap up shorlty. Upper pods on plants are small, this may affect yield in some crops. Some sunscald is appearing with recent high temperatures. Aster yellow symptoms are very noticeable in some fields. Flea beetle pressure has been heavy in the last week and tops of plants are found covered in flea beetles. Lygus and some bertha armyworm has been reported in canola.
Field peas are in the R6 to R7 stages. Field pea harvest is continuing as crops reach maturity, with a pause last week due to rain. Desiccation continues in fields that have reached the appropriate stages. Initial reports of yield are lower than normal as first fields harvested are the ones that did not receive adequate moisture. Progress is approximately 5% complete.
Soybeans are mostly at the R6 stage and advancing. Recent precipitation was welcomed last week for soybean fields.
Bertha armworm monitoring is done for the year. Trap counts remain low across the Northwest region. The highest counts are Durban and Minitonas at 146 and The Pas at 277. Both counts remain below threshold levels, however monitoring is always recommended. Grasshopper pressure continues, and is especially heavy in some areas across the region.
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- Contributed by Alec Woolston
Features that increase road safety have been installed at the site where a deadly accident took place this summer.
In response to the June 15th bus crash that took the lives of 17 people from Dauphin and the surrounding area, as well as another crash at the end of July, several measures have been installed, with more being considered.
In order to increase visibility, fresh lines have been applied to the roads, and to increase awareness of the upcoming intersection, rumble strips are also now on the road.
The future will see the addition of advanced warning signs, as well as the replacement of the existing signage for better visibility.
Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure are continuing to analyze the intersection for other methods or infrastructure to improve the safety of the intersection.
A spokesperson from MTI stated, “The preliminary field investigation was completed on July 28, 2023, and MTI’s consultant is currently completing the safety analysis for the intersection. MTI expects a final report in late fall,”.
While RCMP investigations continue around the June 15th bus crash, the hope is that these increased safety features, and the ones to come, will prevent such tragedies from happening again.
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart
Representatives from Western Financial Group out of Gilbert Plains were in Dauphin yesterday to present a donation of $10,000 to the Support Our Seniors fund.
"We decided that this was something that needed to be recognized and made a little bit more special with a donation on part of Western Financial", said Joyce Furkalo, an insurance advisor at the company.
Fellow insurance advisor, Nancy Beatty, was also on hand and mentioned Western Financial Group's support of local communities like Dauphin, Gilbert Plains, and Grandview. The company has supported organizations like the Parkland Humane Society and helped with projects like refurbishing the Gilbert Plains Golf Ball.
If you would like to contribute to the Support Our Seniors fund, you can do so through the Dauphin and District Community Foundation's website. You can also stop in at Dauphin City Hall at 100 Main Street South or phone 204-638-4598.
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- Contributed by 730 CKDM
Smoke from wildfires in the northern prairies and the Northwest Territories has come in droves today.
So much so, a special air quality statement is in effect for pretty much all of Manitoba.
A low pressure system moving in this evening will bring improvement to some areas in the province tomorrow but another plume of smoke is expected to move in tomorrow night.
The following is from the special air quality statement which you can find a link to, above.
Wildfire smoke can be harmful to everyone’s health even at low concentrations. Everyone can take action to reduce their exposure to wildfire smoke. People with lung disease (such as asthma) or heart disease, older adults, children, pregnant people, and people who work outdoors are at higher risk of experiencing health effects caused by wildfire smoke. Speak with your health care provider about developing a management plan for wildfire smoke events and maintaining a supply of necessary medications at home and always carrying these medications with you during wildfire season.
Stop or reduce your activity level if breathing becomes uncomfortable or you or someone in your care feel unwell. Contact your health care provider or local health authority if you develop severe symptoms or need advice. Check the Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) and monitor your symptoms. People respond differently to smoke. Mild irritation and discomfort are common, and usually disappear when the smoke clears.
Drinking lots of water can help your body cope with the smoke. If you have an HVAC system in your home, use the highest rated MERV filter for your system (ideally rated 13 or higher) and set the fan to recirculate air constantly. You can also use a portable High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) air cleaner. Keep your doors and windows closed if the temperature in your home is comfortable.
Take a break from the smoke at a location in your community where you can find clean, cool air. If you must spend time outdoors, a well-fitted respirator type mask (such as a NIOSH certified N95 or equivalent respirator) that does not allow air to pass through small openings between the mask and face, can help reduce your exposure to the fine particles in smoke. These fine particles generally pose the greatest risk to health. However, respirators do not reduce exposure to the gases in wildfire smoke. It is important to listen to your body and reduce or stop activities if you are experiencing symptoms.
Be sure to check on people in your care and those around you who may be more susceptible to smoke. Reduce sources of indoor air pollution. If you can, avoid smoking or vaping indoors, burning incense and candles, frying foods, using wood stoves and vacuuming. Dust on indoor surfaces can be removed by wiping and wet mopping during a pollution episode. If you experience any feelings of stress, anxiety, or depression, contact your mental health care provider for advice or visit Wellness Together Canada. Visit for information on how to reduce your health risk and your personal contribution to pollution levels, as well as for current and forecast AQHI values.
Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada.
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- Contributed by Alec Woolston
Update: 11:14 am August 16th, 2023
An update on the Missing Alberta teenager who was thought to be on his way to Manitoba.
Yesterday evening, Preston Bradstock was safely located in Fisher Branch, MB.
The RCMP would like to thank the public and media for their assistance.
Original Post: 3:11 pm, August 14th, 2023
Sylvan Lake RCMP continue to search for 15-year-old Preston Bradstock who was reported missing on July 23, 2023. He was last seen on this date in Sylvan, Lake.
Preston’s family is concerned for his well-being.
RCMP believes that Preston may have headed to Manitoba. We are asking residents in Saskatchewan and Manitoba for their assistance.
Preston is described as:
• Light complexation
• Brown Hair
• Brown Eyes
• 5'6"
• 180 pounds
• Is believed to be with a Blue 2012 Cadillac Escalade bearing Alberta licence plate BJC3366
If you have any information on the whereabouts of Preston, please contact Sylvan Lake RCMP at 403-887-3333 or your local police. If you want to remain anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), online at
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart
If part of your strategy to stay awake during the day is to consume energy drinks, you should be aware of a recent recall by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
All flavours of Monster brand energy drinks with caffeine and no bilingual english/french labelling have been recalled. This is due to non-compliance issues related to the caffeine content of the drinks as well as labelling requirement issues.
If you have any of these products, you are advised to not consume, serve or distribute them. The CFIA says they should be thrown out or returned to where they were bought.
There have been no reported illnesses associated with the recalled products.
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- Contributed by Alec Woolston
Manitoba's political parties continue to fill out their candidate lists and get geared up for the coming provincial election slated for tuesday, October 3rd.
The incumbent Progressive Conservatives have 48 candidates listed while the NDP have 45 and the Manitoba Liberal Party have 20. The Green Party of Manitoba has 13 and there are 2 candidates running as independents. Manitoba has 57 provincial constituencies in total.
So far, according to, Dauphin has Ron Kostyshyn running for the NDP and Gordon Wood is running for the PCs.
Rick Wowchuk is the sole candidate so far listed for Swan River and is running for the PCs, and Jodie Byram is listed as a PC candidate for Agassiz.
Greg Nesbitt, the current Minister of Natural Resources and Northern Development, is a PC candidate in Riding Mountain. Wayne Chacun will run in that riding for the NDP.
View the prospective candidate list here.
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- Contributed by Alec Woolston
Tires will spin, cyclists will fly, and awards will be won at the Northgate Classic this weekend.
The weather may have laid some complications for some of the routes, but it's not going to stop the racers this weekend from vying for first place, and the prizes that go along with it.
Event coordinator Melisa Stefaniw notes that this race has already drawn a sizeable crowd, even though it's only the second year it's been hosted.
"We're expecting over 100 racers, so let's say 105 racers, plus we have their families and whoever they choose to bring with them. the crowd is about 300 people out there, plus volunteers."
the races are broken up into a few categories:
- 11U - 2.5km loop for kids 11 years of age and under.
- 5km Novice - recommended for first-time or very beginner riders. This loop will be conducted on its own.
- 10km Sport - recommended for confident beginner/intermediate riders.
- 20km Competitive - recommended for intermediate riders familiar with the trails.
- 30km Expert - recommended for riders with ample race experience.
- 40km Elite - recommended for experienced folks who just love to suffer.
- Sunday Mass Time Trial - open for adults 18+ who participated in Saturday's race. One fast loop.
Posted by Northgate Trails Dauphin on Tuesday, July 25, 2023Overall, this is going to be a friendly competition, where people can have some feuds on the trails but still get together for some fun afterward.
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- Contributed by Michael Brossart